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2/25/2007 Paul Strack: [PTA] PTA House Rules Play-Test
I ran a PTA game based on the following house rules: I am still editing the above rules, so it may not reflect the rules used in this play-test.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Strack.

4/3/2006 Paul Strack: Story-Weaver: A "pure" narrativist game?
Story-Weaver: A "pure" narrativist game? Hi folks, I have been posting here and there for about 2 months on these forums, but this is my first serious offering in terms…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Paul Strack, Graham Walmsley, MatrixGamer, Ron Edwards.

4/2/2006 Paul Strack: [With Great Power...] Endgame MiniCon, April 1
I ran my third game of WGP at EndGame's in-store Mini-Con in Oakland CA. It was the first time I ran the game where I actually finished the story. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Strack, Michael S. Miller, John Kim, Thor Olavsrud.

3/8/2006 Paul Strack: [WGP] Second playtest
I ran my second game of "With Great Power..." last night, and now have a much better grasp on the structure of the game. I stuck closer to the rules…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Strack, Michael S. Miller.

2/19/2006 Paul Strack: [WGP] Alternate Card Mechanics
I've had a chance to run the game now. I posted the Actual Play in the appropriate forum. One thing I tried out in the game was a modified conflict…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Paul Strack.

2/19/2006 Paul Strack: [WGP] Hero game filler at DundraCon, CA
I ran a quick game of "With Great Power..." at DrudraCon in California for a couple friends of mine. It was a great success. I'd prepped some rules sheets and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Strack, Michael S. Miller.

2/15/2006 Paul Strack: GM Assessment in Conflict Scenes
More questions as I try to puzzle through the game. On p. 74 it says that a GM gets once opportunity to assess and increase/decrease suffering per "round" of panels.…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Paul Strack, Michael S. Miller.

2/14/2006 Paul Strack: Game-mechanic questions
First off, let me congratulate Michael on a brilliant game. I have been surveying a lot of indie GM-less or GM-light alternative RPGs lately, and so far I like WGP…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Paul Strack, Thor Olavsrud, Michael S. Miller, Kat Miller, Zamiel.

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