The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/15/2008 apeiron: Monthly Nano-Con of Developers and Testers in the NoVA/DC Area
WHO - People who want help others make games, and get help with their own games. By games i mean RPGs, card games and even board games.  So far i've…
In Connections
Participants: apeiron, Ron Edwards, khelek, iago, Clinton R. Nixon.

1/15/2008 crespowu: active vs passive entertainment (split)
I think RPG is more interactive.
In Publishing
Participants: crespowu, Ron Edwards.

1/15/2008 sdm: [Shadows] Looney Tunes episode
I recently played Shadows, a free game by Zak Arntson, with three of my daughters aged 9, 7, and 5. The rules are very simple and fun for children.…
In Actual Play
Participants: sdm, quozl, Yokiboy.

1/15/2008 Artanis: Forge-sponsored games?
I was reading the Dreamtion 2008 web-page where I read that there would be "DOZENS of Independently Published Role Playing Games Sponsored by The Forge as part of the Indie…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Artanis, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

1/15/2008 GreatWolf: [Grey Ranks] The joy of soul-crushing defeat
We gathered again to play Grey Ranks.  (Our last session is here.)  To kick things off on a cheery note, I played a portion of the Radio Lightning broadcast and…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, jasonm, Reithan, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Paul T.

1/15/2008 Thomas Lawrence: [In A Wicked Age] IIEE A Little Unclear
Vincent, I know you are totally going to hate me for telling you this, since you are totally the guy of clear IIEE. ...I think the IIEE process in In…
In lumpley games
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, lumpley, Jason Newquist, Landon Darkwood, Valvorik.

1/14/2008 TomTitTot: [Shock] Antagonist Story Goals?
Hello! I'm going to be helping to organize a game of Shock on Saturday, and since I have never played a game of Shock and only just got v1.1 for…
In glyphpress
Participants: TomTitTot, nikola, pfischer, TempvsMortis.

1/14/2008 Valvorik: IAWA Q's
Owe list striking for advantage dice (page 19 and then 23) - it is correct that after the first exchange in an action sequence (when awarding of owe list is…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valvorik, lumpley.

1/14/2008 northerain: [Van Dread] Power 19(kind of) / Questions!
This is my Power 19 for my new game, Van Dread. I skipped some questions as I didn't really have an interesting answer for them, nor did I find them…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, jag.

1/14/2008 kallisti_dk: [IAWA] Advantage dice questions
I just finished reading In a Wicked Age, and it looks really great. But I found some aspects of advantage dice unclear. Here are some questions. 1. Suppose A is…
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, Troels, John Harper, lumpley, Valvorik.

1/14/2008 VoidDragon: Pawning NPCs to Crunch up Social Conflict
Greetings, all. Lately I've been working on a game where players: i. Choose what drives their character into conflict ii. Contribute to the conflict of other players by hitting these…
In First Thoughts
Participants: VoidDragon, Noon, Vulpinoid.

1/14/2008 MKAdams: Conflicted About Multiplayer Conflicts
I'm in the process of designing a "story-telling game."  The game is set in a generic European low fantasy setting that recalls Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MKAdams, VoidDragon, sirelfinjedi.

1/14/2008 Willem: [PTA] Storms of Hokkaido
Hey. Played my first PTA game this evening. I've just started experimenting with indie role playing games after not having played one of any kind for about 15+ years. I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willem.

1/14/2008 Noon: [No name yet] Dance of death
This is kind of an extension of this playtest, except I've added two player rules which add a very distinct dynamic. My son set up the area again, getting some…
In Playtesting
Participants: Noon, Marshall Burns, davidberg, Ron Edwards, Vulpinoid.

1/14/2008 Sonja: Adapt to TMNT?
How easy would it be to play a TMNT game using the Capes system? Any ideas on how to implement?
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sonja, TheCzech.

1/13/2008 algi: Please play 'Mighty Ones'
[url=http://""]This is my first "complete" RPG[/url], but it is not yet fully developed. The last playtest left the notion in me that the game is already very enjoyable and highly…
In Playtesting
Participants: algi, greyorm, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, Kevin Smit.

1/13/2008 Thomas Lawrence: [In A Wicked Age] IRC Play
[url=][/url] (At the above link, find the in-character logs, plus a list of character ideas an the oracles used, for the first session of the game.) So, I play a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thomas Lawrence.

1/13/2008 devonapple: [Afraid] Cthulhu Live conversion - feedback appreciated
I am converting a Cthulhu Live plot into the Afraid system, and I wanted any feedback: I'm having trouble assigning traits and bonds.  Here's what I have so far:…
In lumpley games
Participants: devonapple.

1/13/2008 guildofblades: Any Linux Server Experts?
Hi Everyone, Anyone here know the ins and outs of setting up a linux server? We've been setting up a linux (ubuntu) server that we're hoping to migrate our online…
In Connections
Participants: guildofblades.

1/12/2008 Capulet: First Con as Publisher, Looking for Advice
Hello all. Well, I've sprung for my first table at my first con (Con of the North). I'm seeking general advice as to make the most of the experience. My…
In Conventions
Participants: Capulet, M. J. Young, JustinB, GreatWolf.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

1/15/2008 StrongBadMun: [Ember] Character Creation and System
Ok so I'm finishing up the first draft of Ember and I think I've gotten things where I mainly want them, I'm just struggling over how I want character creation…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Capulet, dindenver.

1/15/2008 Eero Tuovinen: [Runeslayers] Pirates of Naples
It seems that my friendship with Sami Koponen inspires me to play all kinds of games that my lethargic nature would have me postpone indefinitely. The last time we met…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

1/15/2008 JustinB: Layout
Damn, layout is expensive. I need layout and I need it pretty soon for the first FN supplement. Can anyone point me to a relatively inexpensive layout person? Ron, if…
In Publishing
Participants: JustinB, iago, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

1/16/2008 chronoplasm: Satanic Panic! (Power 19 answered)
This is one of the two games I've been working on off and on. I think I'll take a break from Pathodyne for now to get some feedback on this.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards.

1/16/2008 jmhpfan: Lost/Survivors style game
I have had the idea for a game like this kicking around in my head for a while but it seems to be going nowhere.  So I thought I would…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jmhpfan, chronoplasm, contracycle, Noon, Scro.

1/16/2008 kallisti_dk: [IAWA] More questions
1. After you lose a conflict, can you try to do more or less the same thing, consequences permitting? Say for instance in the first conflict example in the book,…
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.

1/16/2008 solem: best adventure?
hey guys this is a bit off-topic but i hope i can get some nice answers. there's a bunch of mid-20's phd students in biology and economics that are going…
In Actual Play
Participants: solem, FredGarber, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

1/16/2008 zornwil: Dogs wiki collecting nuance and "official rulings"?
Is there a wiki that collects many of Vincent's advice/rulings from here, as well as (ideally) much of the user advice from here?  I ask because last night I was…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil.

1/16/2008 Willow: Embedding Fonts
The Situation:  I'm doing my layout in Open Office.  It's what I know, it's what I have, and it's working for what I'm trying to do.  It also exports documents…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, Eero Tuovinen, Yokiboy, David Artman, OnnoTasler, btrc.

1/17/2008 masterae: [In a Wicked Age] Gushing all over and AP thingy (long)
A couple of weeks ago, Remi mentioned that there was this cool game he played, called "In A Wicked Age", which was now being published.  He told us a little…
In lumpley games
Participants: masterae, kallisti_dk.

1/17/2008 kallisti_dk: [IAWA] I'm considering an alternate rule
It's a bit early perhaps, since I haven't played it yet. But that hasn't stopped me before. The change is to when you get to use an advantage dice (AD),…
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.

1/12/2008 chronoplasm: Double posting rules?
Hi, I don't know if it's been said anywhere already, but since we can't edit posts, I was wondering what the rules in this forum concerning double posting are? Lets…
In Site Discussion
Participants: chronoplasm, Ron Edwards.

1/17/2008 apeiron: Free Grammar Snobbery!
i* would like to offer my services in pedantry and grammar snobbery.  If you send me a link or a file, i'll rip it to shreds and send it back…
In Connections
Participants: apeiron, joepub.

1/17/2008 David Artman: Frequency of "Fast Wrap"?
We had our second session of Tea Creek last night, which generally went quite well, I thought (AP to follow, prolly from GM). There's was, however, one thing that seemed...…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, JamesDJIII, 5niper9, Thomas Lawrence.

1/17/2008 ctone: Player Empowerment
I have another semi-newbish question.  I did pick up FN, and have been reading through it.  I was looking for a section dealing with player empowerment but couldn't really find…
In Green Fairy Games
Participants: ctone, JustinB, Dunefan, Wolfen.

1/17/2008 David Artman: Burning Empires and Missing Man Play?
Our group is pondering running Burning Empires, but we (well, I) have a concern: There is a fair-to-middling chance that one or two folks (in a four- to six-person group)…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: David Artman, pfischer.

1/17/2008 Reithan: Creating a Community
I think I may have created a topic a long time ago about this, but I going to avoid thread necromancy, and, in my mind at least, I know have…
In Actual Play
Participants: Reithan, Charlie Gilb, Caldis, Filip Luszczyk, Ron Edwards, Web_Weaver, TonyLB, Paul Czege, Frank Tarcikowski, Bret Gillan, Balesir, ks13.

1/18/2008 Wrageowrapper: Trade and Bartering in the Pacific
Hello forge members, In between working on my main RPG I have been fiddling about with a new game set in pre-colonial Eastern Australia and Tasmania, New Zealand and the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wrageowrapper, jag, Eero Tuovinen, sirelfinjedi, contracycle, Alfryd.

1/18/2008 GreatWolf: [A Flower for Mara] Playing with the n00bs…and loving it!
I have this theory that people are naturally creative, that those who aren’t “creative” are actually afraid of looking dumb and therefore edit themselves.  This isn’t an original theory, of…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, hix, Artanis, Emily Care, Bret Gillan.

1/18/2008 Matt Snyder: [Forge Midwest 2008] Offical Organization Thread
Thanks to Willow, we are off to the races for Forge Midwest, 2008. She did all the legwork for reservation. I'm just the yes man. Please thank her when you…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder, Willow, Blankshield, Capulet, Matt-M-McElroy, TJ, jswatson, Sir John, nitramwi, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, greyorm, c, buzz, Nev the Deranged, jrs, reaction, Iskander, Jason L Blair, williamhessian, woodelf, jenskot, Malky, GamerChick, Emily Care, Darcy Burgess, Miskatonic, JADettman, jerry, GreatWolf, Tobias Wrigstad, Motorskills, Antimuppet, caityrosey.

more subsequent topics >>