The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

12/6/2008 Trevis Martin: [Sorcerer] Hint questions.
Ron So a ways back someone asked this question As the wording of the sentence gives the demon as the active part on the first roll, “success”  means victory by…
In Adept Press
Participants: Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards.

12/6/2008 dindenver: [TSoY] Is this broken?
All,   Secret of the Unwalked Path for urban setting In other words it counters Secret of Shadowing.   Is this broken? Has anyone tried it? Any caveats?
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, oliof.

12/6/2008 northerain: Dark Days: Conflict Mechanics
Dark Days is my game of horror and supernatural angst. The characters have risen from the dead with ''kewl'' powers to fight crime and monsters. Here's my introduction blurb: You…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, Vulpinoid, tadk, Myrkridia, otspiii, Certified.

12/6/2008 John Blaz: damage in a success level system (Action Dice)
So with all the help from fellow Forgers, I managed to hammer out the basic outline of a system I'm working on (shown below in maroon). The problem I'm having…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, Hereward The Wake, Creatures of Destiny, DWeird, charles.

12/5/2008 sirogit: Phases of Customer Involvement
I've been molling this over in my head for awhile, a model of various phases of customer involvement involved in the purchase of tabletop roleplaying games. If someone wanted to…
In Publishing
Participants: sirogit.

12/5/2008 jburneko: System Transforms Situation... And Situation Informs System?
We talk a lot about how System transforms Situation.  What we don’t talk a lot about is how Situation limits or informs our choices about how to employ the System. …
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards, Noon, Adrian F., Artanis, davidberg, JoyWriter, GreatWolf, masqueradeball, Caldis.

12/5/2008 Paka: The Last Watchdog Over the Faithful
A solo campaign in a wild west that never was and has moved on, starting off in a ghost-town called Bridal Falls, winding through what is left of the Desert…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paka, agony, Brand_Robins, Graham Walmsley, jefgodesky.

12/5/2008 dindenver: [Solar System] Can characters feel their Vigor beign depleted?
All,   Or any other pool for that matter? Part of me thinks that this is a luck/meta stat and the characters can't sense when it is low. And for…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, oliof.

12/5/2008 Neil the Wimp: [Bliss Stage] Single-pilot missions are better for the story
So, we're a few sessions into our Bliss Stage game, and we've noticed something about how missions are structured.  As there are four players and four pilots, we started building…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Ben Lehman.

12/5/2008 ShallowThoughts: From theory to practice - GNS, CA, SIS, etc.
Hello folks, I'm interested in becoming better acquainted with the theories of the Forge, and as such would like to hear about the results of peoples' attempts to incorporate these…
In Actual Play
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, davidberg, Caldis.

12/4/2008 Ron Edwards: [Escape from Tentacle City] Too bad about the Ferrari
Once upon a game night, four guys who usually role-play together didn't have one of their number, so the three remaining playtested Escape from Tentacle City, a game in design…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, Noon, Willow.

12/4/2008 Brimstone: Dice pool system with custom 1-7 range d20.
A d20 with numbers ranging from 1-7 A total of six: 4's A total of four each: 3's & 5's A total of two each: 2's & 6's A total…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimstone, Adam Dray, Lxndr, Noon, Erudite.

12/4/2008 Tasseomancer: Is the Fonz a passer demon?
This following on from a discussion we were having over at snail's pace. On the subject of the 'user' of demon powers. Now I understand that the user can be…
In Adept Press
Participants: Tasseomancer, Ron Edwards, Melinglor, zediekiel.

12/4/2008 DDurand: Need advice for damage dealing rules
Hi all. I just discovered this forum by the RPGnet one. Sorry for my bad english. ---- I work actually on an old rpg project of mine, that existed first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DDurand, David C, Creatures of Destiny.

12/3/2008 First Oni: Recent Events for Third Eye Games
Hello all! I just thought I'd come onto the forums and let everyone know what's going on in my world. We launched Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. live on 11/25/08 and the…
In Publishing
Participants: First Oni, David C.

12/3/2008 David C: Has anybody used the pro fantasy map making software?
Ron, I'm not sure where this is supposed to go, so feel free to move it to . I was thinking about using the Pro Fantasy software to make…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, Dementia Games, MatrixGamer, Pelgrane.

12/3/2008 henricius: Mechanics for the "light" and "dark" side?
In my game I want a dark and light side in magic. Much like it is in Star Wars or in The Lord of The Rings where the ring bearer…
In First Thoughts
Participants: henricius, Marshall Burns, Darcy Burgess, David Artman, dindenver, opsneakie.

12/3/2008 sirogit: First Reactions / Stephen King / 2 Player Secrets Variation
First off, yay! You sold it! I gave you money and I got a vampire book! Secondly, I'm abit perplexed by the line "I wrote this game where the metaphor…
In ndp design
Participants: sirogit, Nathan P..

12/3/2008 David C: Games with Gamist Resolution?
I received this private message from chance.thirteen the other day, and I asked him if we could move it this discussion to the forum itself.  Hi, Sorry to message out…
In Actual Play
Participants: David C, FredGarber, David Artman, chance.thirteen, Ron Edwards.

12/3/2008 themaloryman: Character Arc Development in the PIE System
The play described below was run using the Player Interpretation of Expectation system developed by Altaem. You can read a (lengthy) thread on the subject in the Playtesting Forum (…
In Playtesting
Participants: themaloryman, Noon, JoyWriter, Altaem.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

12/6/2008 [Kei]: First Thoughts about a game (my game :P)
Hi there, I'm writing here because I'm starting to work on a game and I'm curious to see if the idea about this game could be nice to play, then…
In First Thoughts
Participants: [Kei], John Blaz, God_Boy.

12/7/2008 Khuxan: Teen Doom
I was thinking about a game about doomed teenagers in a horror film-like environment. Here's what I came up with: Exhausting Luck: The PCs have a seemingly inexhaustible pool…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Khuxan, Paul Czege.

12/7/2008 Eric J. Boyd: [House of Cards] First Playtest of My Heist Game
This last week I got to do the first playtest for House of Cards, a pick-up and play heist game intended for single session play. You can take a look…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eric J. Boyd, Paul T, Ron Edwards, jasonm.

12/7/2008 Eliarhiman6: [Annalise] questions about the pdf text
Hello! I recently played Annalise, and I wanted to ask some questions about some rules. I am using the page numbers from the pdf edition, the only one I own.…
In ndp design
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Nathan P..

12/7/2008 simonjberger: Gender and Setting
I'll get straight to it. If you read the following as a part of the setting description, how would you react? Woman and Man The Kingdom is a clearly patriarchal…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: simonjberger, Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, chance.thirteen, Valamir, Brand_Robins, Graham Walmsley.

12/8/2008 TomTitTot: [Mechaton] Line of Sight?
A short, stupid question, but... Am I right in thinking that a mech has to at least be visible to their attacker slightly, otherwise they can't attack? Because the text…
In lumpley games
Participants: TomTitTot, rafial, lumpley.

12/8/2008 otspiii: Inspiration vs. Theft
I've been working on a system meant to emulate shounen-action style manga in my spare time. I've always been fond of the genre's neurotic method of storytelling, which is typified…
In lumpley games
Participants: otspiii, lumpley.

12/8/2008 Dionysus: [DitV] How many dice?
Howdy.. guess i'm going to succumb and get myself some d4 and d8s (d6 ad d10 i've got plenty of) about how many would i need to play this game?…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, lumpley.

12/8/2008 Myrkridia: 1 monkey writing Shakespear on the first attempt?
This is my first post at these forums. Give me a verbal slap on the wrist if I should have introduced myself somewhere before posting. Like lots of other people…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Myrkridia, Eero Tuovinen, Everspinner, Creatures of Destiny.

12/9/2008 Artanis: [Sorcerer] A Night at the Opera Bizarre
Hey! This is session number three from our on-going Carnival Bizarre game. Last session was about getting involved in the Carnival Bizarre, this session is about taking the bull by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, Ron Edwards.

12/9/2008 KCassidy: Epistolary: The letter writing RPG
So, this is my latest work, an rpg that can be played on the internet over email, simulating a "story told in letters". Questions: 1) Is the play document comprehensible?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: KCassidy, Lachlan, JoyWriter.

12/9/2008 David C: Measuring Success: How good is good enough?
(I'm going to break this into two parts, at first, will be just the "Play", the second part will be a reflection on a few problems.) I've put a lot…
In Playtesting
Participants: David C, JoyWriter, ShallowThoughts, Erudite.

12/9/2008 lokiare: [New Game System] Monstrosities & Strongholds Looking for play testers
A new fantasy pen & paper role playing game called Monstrosities & Strongholds is looking for play testers. All play testers will receive a free copy of the game upon…
In Connections
Participants: lokiare.

12/9/2008 Patrice: Gaming designs without initiative order?
Hi guys. Welcome to my very first message upon The Forge and please accept my apologies if it is misplaced. I'm currently working upon a Gaming-oriented RPG system which I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Patrice, Chronologist, jb.teller4, Marshall Burns, dindenver, VoidDragon, David C, Selene Tan, Lord Skeletor, Noon, SoftNum, JoyWriter, Vulpinoid, ShallowThoughts, Ante, Adam Dray, wheloc, Paul T, contracycle, MatrixGamer.

12/9/2008 Axhead: [DitV] My first town: Gerdenshaw
I would love to get some feed back positive or other wise, so lemme know what you think.  I have some ideas that I will post after the posting the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Axhead, lumpley, Noclue.

12/9/2008 RobNJ: [Misspent Youth] Rule tweak
Right now, I'm running the first (as far as I know) ongoing series of Misspent Youth. This is giving me several ideas for what to do with the final version…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: RobNJ.

12/9/2008 Rustin: Facilitating Coherent Play and the Shared Agenda
My group recently ended its fourth 4e campaign within the last year or so. I suspect incoherent play caused each attempt to fail. (E.g., People "checking-out" when not spotlighted, lots…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rustin, dindenver, Noon, FredGarber, masqueradeball, Ron Edwards, matthijs, Erudite, Leilond.

12/9/2008 thelevitator: Blood, Sweat & Steel Playtest Tomorrow Evening
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new here, and I really enjoy this site.  I've been working on my own game for about 6 months now.  It's called "Blood, Sweat & Steel",…
In Playtesting
Participants: thelevitator.

12/9/2008 GreatWolf: Dirty Cities design journal
I'm working on my next game, which currently has the working title of Dirty Cities. This is the game that will let me play The Wire. If you're interested in…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

12/10/2008 God_Boy: 1st Time poster, my Thoughts and ideas on my static weapon Dmg system.
Hi all, This is my first time posting, i have been lurking around for a little while and i love what i am reading :) Ok, to the point. My…
In First Thoughts
Participants: God_Boy, David C, Noon, JoyWriter, Vulpinoid.

more subsequent topics >>