The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

12/28/2008 Justin Nichol - BFG: Looking for co-developers on an Open Content Game system
I have been working for some time on an open content game system to be released under a Creative Commons license. I posted some time ago here about the project…
In Connections
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG.

12/27/2008 rafael: Web designer needed
I need a web site designed! Five hundred dollars, half up front, half on completion. Simple website. Needs to look professional, cleanly laid out, easy to navigate. I'm an easy…
In Connections
Participants: rafael, greyorm.

12/27/2008 Spooky Fanboy: Fastlane: a sword&sorcery setting at Any feedback would be welcome.
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Lxndr.

12/27/2008 Luy22: New guy in town! New idea!
Hey guys, I'm Luy, 18 years old, and have come up with the setting of my RPG world... Alrighty, so, the game is pretty-much based on Earth, but before time,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luy22, whiteknife, Peter Nordstrand, David C, Vulpinoid.

12/25/2008 Henriksson: Hi, I'm planning to create my own web-based RPG game.
Me and my brother have decided to make our own web-based RPG game. We're hoping to make something like The West and/or Travian. We don't have any experience at all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Henriksson, greyorm, Vulpinoid.

12/25/2008 Timespike: Terminator is totally a Sorcerer Setting, isn't it?
Okay, first of all, Hi. My name's Peter. This is my first post to the Forge. I'd ask you to be gentle, but I read the warnings in the sticky…
In Adept Press
Participants: Timespike, Ron Edwards, The Dragon Master, angelfromanotherpin, charlesperez.

12/22/2008 Paul Czege: use My Life with Master to introduce players to the hobby
Christian Lindke, in his December 17th <a href="">review of <i>My Life with Master</i></a> on his pop culture blog Cinerati, suggests there's a difference between games "to use to introduce players"…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

12/21/2008 dimensionex: Seeking artist for rpg cards game
Hello, my name is Cris and we are making a card RPG game based on the Underworld Online MMORPG. The game is fantasy style and it is now in italian…
In Connections
Participants: dimensionex.

12/21/2008 resistor: Thoughts on an early concept
Disclaimer: I'm still learning Forge jargon, so please go easy on my (lack of) use of it. So I'm working on a concept for a game set in a magical…
In First Thoughts
Participants: resistor, Lachlan, Vulpinoid, Erudite, Everspinner.

12/20/2008 Spooky Fanboy: [Fastlane] Shirking favors
For some reason, the text of FASTLANE resists my reading comprehension. What happens, in plain English, when I shirk a favor in game? And what would change in the game…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Lxndr.

12/20/2008 Niedfaru: Sublime Dance
The basic idea for the game is order struggling for survival in a world ruled by chaos. Quick blurb: From Babylonian mythology, Tiamat wasn't properly killed by Marduk, but severely…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Niedfaru, Patrice, Noon, Vulpinoid, Everspinner.

12/20/2008 Andeu: Maths and probability
I was toying with the idea of modifing the Blue Planet rules, when it comes to skills and throwing. In short: You have skills with numbers between 1-10. When you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Andeu, Chris S, Erudite, Patrice, LordNyax, dindenver, Vulpinoid.

12/19/2008 madviking: [Poison'd] First session: The Treachery of Bloody Ben
Actual Play - Poison'd December 18, 2008 We played our first proper session of Poison'd last night. It was very successful, and everyone really enjoyed it. We did not have…
In Actual Play
Participants: madviking.

12/19/2008 guildofblades: GOB Ecom & Your Brand on Custom Poker Decks
Hi All, Well, we are just about finished tweaking the code on our new e-commerce store for GOB Retail and we'll begin promoting it shortly. You can find the store…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, otspiii.

12/19/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [Bliss Stage] Automatic minus and Anchor abilities
Does the automatic minus in a category (resulting from not having enough dice to assign) count as a die that can be rerolled?
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman.

12/18/2008 Peter Nordstrand: While We Were Fighting Video Chat Demo
I am thinking about running a short demo of While We Were Fighting, and am looking for participants. It will be a video chat, and I intend to record the…
In Connections
Participants: Peter Nordstrand.

12/18/2008 ShallowThoughts: Experience Points - what's the point? Alternatives?
Hi all, in the system I'm designing with buddies, we had initially taken it as given that the PCs must adventure to gain experience points in order to facilitate character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Patrice, David C, greyorm, dindenver, Creatures of Destiny, Erudite, jerry.

12/18/2008 greyorm: ORX going OOP
Due various reasons, including personal financial ones, the print version of ORX is going out of print for the indefinite future. There's literally just a couple copies still available at…
In Wild Hunt Studios
Participants: greyorm.

12/18/2008 redwing: Street Kombat......or Mortal Fighter.....Or something.....
I am currently working on a project to simulate fighting games. I know that there have been many other games that have done this, including one based on street fighter…
In First Thoughts
Participants: redwing, otspiii, chronoplasm.

12/18/2008 maldito: Opinions on my system
Hi! I had been a lurker of the Forge from some time and finally I decided to become a member. I've created rpg's since the first time I played. In…
In First Thoughts
Participants: maldito, David C, John Blaz.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

12/29/2008 Michael S. Miller: Serial Homicide Unit--A killer game on the loose!
Serial Homicide Unit is a game about the hunt for a serial killer. You take on the roles of the elite investigators tracking down the murderer, as well as the…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, GreatWolf, pfischer.

12/29/2008 Paul Czege: Come to STAPLE! The Independent Media Expo in Austin, TX, on March 7, 2009
Half Meme Press will have a table at <a href="">STAPLE!</a> The Independent Media Expo, on Saturday March 7th, at the Monarch Event Center in Austin, Texas. I'll be sharing a…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, Darcy Burgess.

12/29/2008 Erudite: Got Metagame?
It doesn’t look like there is really a good definition of metagame or metagame mechanics. So… Does anyone here have an example of what constitutes a metagame mechanic? Are they…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Erudite, Eero Tuovinen, Will, David C, Vulpinoid.

12/29/2008 Rustin: Post Pre-Play Uncertainty
I could still use some more advice.  Related discussion here. My group met yesterday. We offered examples of play we enjoyed.  I tried my best to facilitate, but it is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rustin, jburneko, Paul T, Melinglor.

12/29/2008 peacenjoy4618: tabletop 3D space combat
My brother and I are in the early stages of developing a 3D space combat heavy game that involves numerous ship upgrades, some lite character advancement, and game events. We…
In First Thoughts
Participants: peacenjoy4618, Luy22, Creatures of Destiny, lumpley, greyorm, chronoplasm.

12/30/2008 davidberg: quoting TV dialogue in your game text: legal?
So, I'm making a game that's inspired by X-Files, and I want to put some Mulder and Scully quotes in it.  Does anyone know what rules I have to follow…
In Publishing
Participants: davidberg, Eero Tuovinen.

12/30/2008 Almathea: Parazoology... So, what's gnu?
Hello, I'm about to kick off my first Fae Noir campaign and I'm puzzled when it comes to parazoology. I was already thinking of adding some paranormal creatures and beings,…
In Green Fairy Games
Participants: Almathea, JustinB.

12/30/2008 HiQKid: The Tie?
Maybe I'm reading into this way too much, but on the contact page of the Misspent Youth website:, there's a picture of a tie tied into a noose. Is…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: HiQKid, RobNJ, Paka, Wolfen.

12/30/2008 Ron Edwards: Color-first character creation project
As moderator, I officially waive the no-images policy for purposes of this post. I’d like to do a little discussion project here. It won’t be any fun unless a bunch…
In Endeavor
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, jasonm, Vulpinoid, Rod Anderson, Peter Nordstrand, tonyd, Paul Czege, Graham Walmsley, Kobayashi, wunderllama, Melinglor, lilomar, Rafu, KCassidy, ghashsnaga, sirogit, greyorm, davidberg, Jared A. Sorensen, Wolfen, Christopher Kubasik, lumpley, Willow, Frank Tarcikowski, Darcy Burgess, jrs, ejh, Ben Lehman, cthulahoops, Meguey, Clinton R. Nixon, Antoine F, bluegargantua.

12/31/2008 Will: Mechanic conundrum, who deals the damage (Surreality Engine)
Hi, I'm back! So in the Surreality Engine I had it written that the loser in any dangerous conflict took damage based on the dice they rolled. This is very…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Will, Vulpinoid, Erudite, Falc.

12/31/2008 guildofblades: One Page RPG Publication
Ok, so I was reading over the 1 page RPGs and I was thinking as a retailer how cool it could be to offer to sell them. Say $.99 for…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, Eero Tuovinen, Jake Richmond.

12/31/2008 ShallowThoughts: Zooming - our Philosophy
To people who are curious about what spawned this post, check out the thread entitled "Experience Points - what's the point?" This can be done mid-game:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Erudite, greyorm.

12/31/2008 ShallowThoughts: The Social Domain - why's it so tough to design?
What's so tough about building social systems? (That social domain is a tough one to deal with.) How so? (I'm imagining in terms of making social…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Vulpinoid, dindenver, Patrice, greyorm, maddman.

12/31/2008 HiQKid: [Misspent Youth] Some small questions
(Disclaimer: I haven't played the game. I have read it cover to cover, and then skimmed through it a second time. I do intend to play as soon as I…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: HiQKid, RobNJ.

12/31/2008 HiQKid: [Misspent Youth] Con Advice?
I'm considering running this game at a con, after I run it for my normal playgroup to get a good feel for it. Has anyone run it at a con…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: HiQKid, RobNJ, wrshamilton, Adam Dray.

12/31/2008 Pdquinn: My Browser based table-top platform
Hi all, I posted this in rpgnet as well so I am going to cut and past to save time. If this is the wrong forum please feel free to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Pdquinn, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, Tomas HVM, phatonin.

12/31/2008 lilomar: Magic System Drop-In for Fudge - "Truth" and Concequences
Hi, I've lurked on these forums on and off for a while now, but this is my first time posting. Let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. I am…
In First Thoughts
Participants: lilomar, David C, JoyWriter.

12/31/2008 Patrice: Setting Design reconsidered
*Takes a deep breath* Okay. I don't really know where I'm threading (yes, threading) but I'll give it a try. As far as I've read, it seems to me that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Patrice, Eero Tuovinen, tonyd, JoyWriter, NN, greyorm, David C, Noon, davidberg, Adam Dray.

12/31/2008 Nathan P.: [Annalise] Actual Play
Here are some really great Actual Play threads, if you're looking for more info on how the game looks in play. When "Rome" meets "The Wire". Thanks to Rachel for…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

1/1/2009 Pdquinn: Need web designers
Hola, in the First Thoughts section I posted this: Hi all! My name is Patrick and I am a 27 year old in Tucson, Az. I live with my wife,…
In Connections
Participants: Pdquinn.

more subsequent topics >>