The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

7/13/2009 Entech: Heroquest 2: what does the system add?
My central thesis is that the system of HQ2 doesn’t provide any additional benefit by using it and in some cases actually subtracts from the overall game fun. The players:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Entech, epweissengruber, Noon, FredGarber, Melinglor, Danny_K.

7/13/2009 chronoplasm: Vito. Art.
Hello there. My name is Kevin Vito, long time lurker of these forums, occasional game designer, and above all, artist. I'm currently in the process of putting together my website…
In Connections
Participants: chronoplasm.

7/13/2009 Brother: PTA New Edition
PTA New Edition What would you like to see? Rules for running a one-one-one type session (solitary horror fest) Rules for running a typical sword & sorcery type session (yup…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Brother, jburneko, Standback, Matt Wilson, Eliarhiman6, morosophe, stefoid, chance.thirteen, higgins.

7/13/2009 lachek: Help me with a one-sheet: Mad Max style post-apoc
I'm finally gearing up for a first-time game and need to develop a few one-sheets to pitch. One potential player suggested a post-apocalyptic Mad Max style situation and I think…
In Adept Press
Participants: lachek, Alan, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

7/13/2009 mogunus: [Mayhem] Resolution System
I am having a particular problem hashing out how my resolution system is going to work. My resolution system should facilitate simulationist play. I would enjoy some non-trivial Exploration of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mogunus, markhaselb, Bill_White.

7/13/2009 mogunus: [Mayhem] Power 19
1. What is your game about? Mayhem is about the fabric of sentient culture, as expressed through mythology. Normative behavior and mythology evolve together, and influence the course of civilization.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mogunus, markhaselb, JoyWriter, Adam Dray, Bill_White, Simon C, Noclue.

7/13/2009 reveal: Presenting the nominees for the 2009 ENnie Awards
Hello once again from the ENnies! :D After going through hundreds of entries, the judges have narrowed the field and selected the nominees for each of the 19 categories. On…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/13/2009 Eldarian: Seeking a new partner for a game design partnership
[NOTE: I am new to the Forge and hope I have posted this to the right board.] I am a member of a newly formed partnership (HyperNova GameWorks) whose goal…
In Connections
Participants: Eldarian, David C.

7/12/2009 PolarisX: [InSpectres] Converting D20 players one Franchise at a time ...
I guess I should probably start with the fact that my gaming group consists of hardcore D20 players who have for the most part never played anything but a D20…
In Actual Play
Participants: PolarisX, Noclue.

7/12/2009 markhaselb: Power 19 for my game and concept discussion
Hello everyone, I am currently in the design phase of a game I want to develop. In the past I tried several settings and ideas for games, but I never…
In First Thoughts
Participants: markhaselb, Jonathan Walton.

7/12/2009 Seamus: Editors, how many do you use for each project
Just curious how many editors others normally hire for their projects. Is it okay to have a single editor take care of big edits and the copy edits?
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Adam Dray.

7/12/2009 James_Nostack: [WGP] Problems with a Plan, questions, and comments
I'm running With Great Power... for the third time (I've been a player twice).  I'm currently doing prep, but I have some questions/comments based on earlier play.  I'd especially like…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, InstrallFer, Ron Edwards, Jumanji83.

7/11/2009 theasylum: A Slight Problem
So... Let me get this straight: A) No good for 'solo' games with just one player and a GM, emulating that type of TV show where there's one major character…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: theasylum, Alan.

7/10/2009 preludetotheend: Making sure I understand the process to lay a book out.
Ok so I have NEVER EVER done layout of a book and want to make 100% sure that I do this correctly so I would appreciate any help from those…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, RabbitHoleGames, Eero Tuovinen, MatrixGamer.

7/10/2009 Nick Pagnucco: Sireap Valley: opinions requested
Hey there. I recently started re-reading all the TSOY stuff, and quite unintentionally, an idea started to form.  Unfortunately, I'm between groups, so I couldn't put it into action, but…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, oliof, Eero Tuovinen.

7/10/2009 reveal: Accepting nominations for the Fan ENnie for Best Publisher
Hello once again from the ENnies! :D GenCon is fast approaching and the ENnies machine is in full swing. Starting today, July 10, fans can nominate their favorite publisher for…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/9/2009 Artanis: [Lacuna] Getting a handle on the pace of the game
Hi reader This is my first time masterizing (btw, is that the verb for "being GM" in English too?) Lacuna. I've just moved (geographically) closer to some friends who I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, agony, Danny_K, Ron Edwards, The Dragon Master, Jared A. Sorensen.

7/9/2009 Eero Tuovinen: [TSoY 2nd] Eyeballs for my text
I'm doing pretty well with my new TSoY book, although I can't quite say if it's going to be finished for Gencon; it'll be tight, certainly. So tight, in fact,…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, JMendes, dindenver, oliof.

7/9/2009 nikola: A History of Play in Rhode Island, Part 1.
[quote author=Ron Edwards link=topic=28249.msg266072#msg266072 date=1247160157] All right folks. I appreciate everyone lots and lots, and Joshua, that's the fuckin' awesome character of the year. You ought to post more about…
In Actual Play
Participants: nikola.

7/8/2009 Ron Edwards: [Showdown] Mayhem and trauma, start your engines
Tim and I continue with the twosies!* Seth sent me a copy of Showdown a bit ago based on the Mars Colony thread. Here's his Showdown development and playtest page…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Tim C Koppang, MacLeod.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

7/14/2009 JadedDemiGod: Setting the Setting
Hi all, Names Ian im a little new (ok first time) but i like the place so ill give it a shot. Im currently working on a Science Fiction P&P…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JadedDemiGod, Eero Tuovinen, Abkajud, Luke, dindenver, Matt Wilson, Adam Dray, lachek, Lance D. Allen, nikola.

7/14/2009 sockmonkey: Presenting New Game Ideas
Hello, all. Longtime lurker, first time poster. :D I know a lot of people present their game ideas in the form of the Power 19, but I've seen others just…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sockmonkey, JadedDemiGod, dindenver, Mike Sugarbaker, JoyWriter, Luke, Patrice, Brimshack, ShallowThoughts, Ben Lehman, Catelf, Ron Edwards.

7/14/2009 JoyWriter: [Rustbelt] Lory Plaza
[i]Lory Plaza, Glory plaza it used to be called, but only Reverend Peters calls it that now. You can hear him sometimes on his PA speakers, mixed in with his…
In Playtesting
Participants: JoyWriter, Marshall Burns.

7/3/2009 mogunus: Compiling Forge texts (split)
Hello all. I am a huge forge neophyte. I started reading literally two days ago and was instantly hooked. There is a really wonderful resource and community here. Anyway. I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: mogunus, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

7/14/2009 cra2: Mountain Witch question
[sorry if this is the wrong place to post a question.  don't see a right place.] Just played Mountain Witch. Have a question or two. Early in the game, I…
In Actual Play
Participants: cra2, Eero Tuovinen, timfire.

7/14/2009 ShallowThoughts: Suggestion for addition to lexicon for table-top game design
Nothing big. It comes out of my work on my own RPG. Come to think of it, I can't imagine why it has not been suggested earlier what with the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, trick, Vulpinoid, Lance D. Allen.

7/15/2009 sockmonkey: [Chronoplex] Handling Languages In A Time Travel Setting
The working title of the game I'm writing is Chronoplex. It is a time travel game that emphasizes the 'travel' element. I'm happy to share more details of the game,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sockmonkey, Vulpinoid, Luke, HeTeleports, MacLeod, chance.thirteen, David Artman, billvolk, Castlin, 7VII7.

7/16/2009 SAW: [DitV] A few questions from a new GM.
Hi there! My name is Scott and I'm completely new to the game, but I'm planning on GMing it, so, naturally, I've got a couple of questions even after reading…
In lumpley games
Participants: SAW, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, cra2.

7/16/2009 Eliarhiman6: [Serial Homicide Unit] Who cares for the victim's goal?
Hi! This post is late, very late. I should have written it at least a couple of weeks ago, with the convention game still fresh in my mind, but I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eliarhiman6, jburneko, FredGarber, Noon.

7/16/2009 lachek: Problems with
This may not be the right place to report such issues, so please feel free to delete this post. The website seems to be having a problem - it…
In Adept Press
Participants: lachek, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

7/16/2009 greyorm: Towards a Standard Price Guide for Illustration
Some time back, a couple folks mentioned it would be a great thing if there were a standard price guide for contracting illustration work. After all, you wouldn't make a…
In Connections
Participants: greyorm, Ron Edwards, Lance D. Allen, David C, RabbitHoleGames, Doplegager, Tazio Bettin.

7/16/2009 lachek: Hammercon: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - October 17th
Those of you native to the Greater Toronto Area will know that there has been a lull in the local convention circuit these last few years. The folks here at…
In Conventions
Participants: lachek.

7/16/2009 Ron Edwards: Buying my games
Here's the place! Un-Store Adept Press page. The buy buttons take you straight to Paypal. You have to purchase them one at a time (no cart), but orders made together,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Arturo G., Finarvyn, Meme.

7/17/2009 preludetotheend: I need your brains!!! SMF forum problem.
  I am in the process of setting my forum up using Smart Machine 2.0 and I am having a problem linking back to my main website. I need to…
In Connections
Participants: preludetotheend, Clay.

7/17/2009 reveal: One Week, Two Reminders!
As usual, hello from the ENnies! :D Next Friday, July 24, is a very important day in the life of the ENnies. First, it's the day the polls open so…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal, Thunder_God.

7/17/2009 Seamus: Lightning Source and Files
Has anyone here sent in files to lightning source. Any advice? I looked at their file creation sheet, and am a little unclear. For example, the sheet makes it look…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, RabbitHoleGames, reason.

7/17/2009 hoefer: Any thoughts on pricing a book?
Well, I'm going to press getting ready for GenCon and all the sudden (especially with the economy in the US) I'm having second thoughts on my price structure.  I've got…
In Publishing
Participants: hoefer, preludetotheend, greyorm, Selene Tan, Lance D. Allen, MatrixGamer, Paul Czege.

7/18/2009 Luke: Kill Power 19
The so-called "Power 19" have been clogging up the design pipes here for too long. I'm here to kill the Power 19. These questions purport to consolidate nine years of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luke, Vulpinoid, Lance D. Allen, Jonathan Walton, ShallowThoughts, mjbauer, anders_larsen, opsneakie, Paul Czege, Andy Kitkowski, sockmonkey, Wordman, Thor Olavsrud, Noclue, Garbados, JoyWriter, Librabys, Troy_Costisick, David C, Patrice, Frank Tarcikowski, brianbloodaxe, Ben Lehman, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.

7/18/2009 xjermx: question: body or no body?
I'm writing a short amnesia style scenario that I intend to run with a tabletop and/or online group.  I'm torn on a certain piece of the setup, and hoping I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: xjermx, Simon C, Bill_White.

7/19/2009 Eric J. Boyd: Committee is sold out - Any suggested revisions?
[i]The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries[/i], my game of pulp/Victorian adventure storytelling, has sold out its third printing. It's also been two years now since it was released. So…
In Eric J. Boyd Designs
Participants: Eric J. Boyd.

more subsequent topics >>