The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

8/19/2009 Ron Edwards: Introduction to the First Thoughts forum: read here first
You are working on a new game. You're excited about it. You want to share your idea with others, get feedback on it, and make it better. That's why you're…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards.

8/18/2009 Ron Edwards: Forge posting etiquette policy
[b]I. About the forums[/b] The purpose of The Forge forums is to promote the design, development, and publication of independent role-playing games. We do not care if the game's sold…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

7/16/2009 rafial: Re: Buying my games (split - no posting here please)
[quote]Coming soon: Trollbabe[/quote] [i]faints in silent glee[/i] edited to un-sticky - RE
In Adept Press
Participants: rafial, pfischer, James_Nostack, Spooky Fanboy.

8/18/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] Arc Creation
I want to make it easy to make a story arc /  adventure / what have you, so I made it so basically the GM could fill out several of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Adam Dray.

8/18/2009 Gib: Magic Effects
I have been long contemplating the various definitions for various types of magic.  I see overlap in quite a few and want to stop splitting hairs and reduce redundancy.  Here's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gib, Simon C, ShallowThoughts, 7VII7.

8/18/2009 kaevad: [RPG Nation] New rule set being designed, would love feeback
Hi all, I'm so glad i have found this site!, its just what I have been looking for! I'm the owner of a new traditional pencil and paper Role Playing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kaevad, Mike Sugarbaker, Adam Dray, 7VII7.

8/18/2009 Lance D. Allen: [Mage Blade] Let's Play a Game...
So, I'm doing a little exercise here that I would like you Forgeites to help me out with. This is not actually the start to a game. It's a streamlined…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lance D. Allen, 7VII7, DWeird, Ron Edwards, Bret Gillan, MacLeod, telperion, contracycle, Darcy Burgess.

8/18/2009 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe
The book debuted at GenCon, and a copy or two was in fact bought. Copies are now, or very soon will be, in the hands of my fulfiller. When I…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Antoine F, pfischer, skatay, James_Nostack, droog, GreatWolf, jburneko, Arturo G., Paka, Aaron, Gregor Hutton, Finarvyn, kallisti_dk, rafial.

8/18/2009 Adam Dray: Get the most out of First Thoughts
(I have consolidated the ideas in two threads at the request of Ron Edwards, the forum moderator.) You are working on a new game. You're excited about it. You want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Dray, Ron Edwards.

8/18/2009 pipebomb: Secondhand Destinies, a simple playing card game
[b]Secondhand Destinies (working title) [/b] This game was conceived on the walk home from work and hammered out sat on the floor with a deck of playing cards, scrawling in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: pipebomb, Adam Dray.

8/18/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] resolution
I've been thinking on how to handle task / conflict resolutions and have come up with the following; 1) Characters encounter an obstacle (Bob is walking along a mountain path…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Vladius, dindenver.

8/18/2009 Morgan Coldsoul: What's in a name?
Hi there! Morgan with Cat-Powered Raygun Studios, here; new user, first post. Thought I'd get some general input on an idea or two here. The questions are: 1) How important…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Morgan Coldsoul, 7VII7, mjbauer, JoyWriter, Ken, khyron1144.

8/18/2009 Tyler.Tinsley: typical story structure for an rpg session
I'm a little stuck and brain dead, posting here helps sometimes so here we go. so what kind of story structure do you like in an rpg? and what structure…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tyler.Tinsley, Simon C, 7VII7, Noon, Vulpinoid, Klaus Graziade.

8/18/2009 wrshamilton: [Misspent Youth] Culture Jamming the Foundation
This is like my fifth post, and was maybe my second story game, so please feel free to let me know how I could be more helpful with Actual Plays…
In Playtesting
Participants: wrshamilton, RobNJ.

8/17/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] GM vs GMless
I had planned on making TAROT GMless as to common opinion GMing is a thankless, boring task and in my opinion alot of potential RPers are put off by the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Vladius, Mike Sugarbaker, Adam Dray, dindenver.

8/17/2009 noahtrammell: [IAWA] Anthology Engine
  While reading around about In a Wicked Age, I came across mentions of a "Shamed" condition.  I was surprised that the Anthology Engine wasn't exclusive to IAWA.  Are there…
In lumpley games
Participants: noahtrammell, lumpley.

8/17/2009 Gib: Building-Block Magic System
Hi all. I've been tinkering with making a free-form magic system since I've looked at several but none quite do the trick for me. The major factors that can be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gib, Mike Sugarbaker, dindenver, HeTeleports, JoyWriter, Tark, Skull, YEAH.

8/17/2009 Charlie Gilb: [the Waste] Struggling with player agency
Hello, I've been working on my post-apocalyptic RPG titled 'the Waste' since the beginning of summer, and the rules have gone through many different changes. This last Saturday, I decided…
In Playtesting
Participants: Charlie Gilb, Eliarhiman6, Lance D. Allen, Marshall Burns.

8/17/2009 SaintandSinner: (Games on Demand Gencon 09) Feedback
So, I think this was pretty successful. We had from 18 to 38 people playing and running per slot. Everyone involved really threw themselves into it and were great. This…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, wrshamilton, Adam Dray, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess, RobNJ.

8/17/2009 dmkdesigns: New RPG project: Of Legends and Legacies
Hi there! I've been working on an idea for a little while and wanted to discuss it with other game designers to see if I can get some feedback and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dmkdesigns, Mike Sugarbaker.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

8/19/2009 Courage75: [Solar System] Modelling WtF Werewolves - Shapeshifting & Regeneration
Hi All, This post relates to my monthly Werewolf: the Forsaken game, which I converted to Solar System a while back. I am having problems with handling shapeshifting and the…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Courage75, Eero Tuovinen, Klaus_Welten.

8/19/2009 Ben Lehman: Putting Together a One-Sheet
So I'm going to be running a Sorcerer game inspired by the Anime / Novel series <a href="">Spice and Wolf.</a> If you haven't seen it, and you're a Sorcerer fan,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards.

8/20/2009 Jonathan Walton: Help Me Find the Roots of Game Chef!
Hey there, In preparation for this year's Game Chef design challenge, I'm trying to find information about the contest that Jared Sorensen and Clinton Nixon ran in 2001 on the…
In Endeavor
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

8/20/2009 Lexonus: 6 sets of Dice per player?
I just ordered the game PDF after listening to Mel White's AP recordings.  I was a little surprised to read that it is recommended to have about 6 sets of…
In design
Participants: Lexonus, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

8/20/2009 Ben Lehman: Trying to Figure out Misery Bubblegum
Hey, Tony. I have a few questions about the rules of Misery Bubblegum. Role and Personality. Random or not? What are "GM cards?" are they just GM-held play cards. The…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, TonyLB, Paul Czege.

8/20/2009 Seamus: Advertising
We're putting out our first book in December, a modern RPG with it's own system. Not sure the best place to put ads for this sort of thing. Also not…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Luke.

8/20/2009 Michael S. Miller: Making the epic of history come alive
I've got a game idea in my head. It's been there in one form or another for over a decade. I think it might be ready to be born. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Luke, jasonm, JoyWriter, contracycle, Bill_White, Vladius, RobNJ, Patrice, Eusebius, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Double King, epweissengruber.

8/20/2009 dindenver: [SteamPunk Crescendo] I think I have my mechanics down, what do you think?
All,   Here is the basic outline of my mechanics (sorry it is so long):   There are six possible outcomes that can happen when a player declares their character's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, Mike Sugarbaker, 7VII7.

8/21/2009 Nathan P.: The Dance and the Dawn
The Dance and the Dawn is a lovely fairy tale romance game, written by Dev Purkayastha. He in fact originally wrote it for Game Chef 2004, hosted right here on…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

8/21/2009 noahtrammell: Versus International
  OK, here's a hairbrained idea I came up with a few days ago.  This is one of those games I will probably, no, almost definitely never make, but that's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: noahtrammell.

8/21/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] Remanent
My game is inspired greatly by Shounen Manga and in it the heros often have something in their life that sometimes dramatically effects what they do that could make them…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, dindenver.

8/21/2009 mjbauer: Players Creating Their Own Opposition
Is it possible for players to create opposition for each other in an atmosphere that is cooperative? I've been playing with the idea of rewarding players for creating interesting opposition…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mjbauer, Eliarhiman6, Noon, Vulpinoid, jasonm, HeTeleports, RobNJ, Bill_White, dmkdesigns.

8/21/2009 BrunoDeLaBomba: playing your favorite song
hello there everybody. i was listening to william shatners spoken word version of rocket man about 10 minutes ago and i got an idea for a game were you pick…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BrunoDeLaBomba, JoyWriter, Lance D. Allen, 7VII7, Mike Sugarbaker, Vulpinoid.

8/21/2009 Mackie: Need - how tough?
DIscussing Sorcerer a few days ago over some pints, a topic came up that I had wondered about. How "tough" should a demons needs be? On the one hand, you…
In Adept Press
Participants: Mackie, 5niper9, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2009 Nathan P.: Re-Branding
Hi everyone, I've rebranded my publishing endeavors, one result of which is that the Hamsterprophet Productions forum hosted here on the Forge is now the ndp design forum. Announcements of…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Nathan P..

8/21/2009 Jonathan Walton: [Game Chef 2009] Mark Your Calendars for Aug 31
Game Chef 2009 will start on Monday, Aug 31.  This should allow folks to finish and submit whatever they're doing for Jake's contest. The weekend before, Aug 29-30, I will…
In Endeavor
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, Frank Tarcikowski, Tark, Paul Czege, David Artman.

8/21/2009 Morgan Coldsoul: [Dragon Scroll] An introduction to the new game
Based on our already ongoing discussion, and the suggestion of JoyWriter, I thought I would go ahead and post an intro to our project before I jumped too far ahead…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Morgan Coldsoul, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter, Caldis, Noon, charles ferguson, yoyohh.

8/22/2009 dauvis: Seeking information for firearm system
For about the last year and half, I've been working on my own game system off and on.  The system is a universal system and I am trying to support…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dauvis, Bill_White, Capulet.

8/22/2009 Narmical: [DitV] Interview with Vincent Baker about Dogs In The Vineyard
I have just relesed part 1 of a two part interview with Vincent Baker you may be interested in. In the interview we talk with Vincent about the design of…
In lumpley games
Participants: Narmical, mike_the_pirate.

8/22/2009 Ayyavazi: [D&D 4e] God it feels good to DM again!
Hey all, Many of you have probably heard I don't have a group and haven't really played in a year or so (any game that is). Thankfully, that changed yesterday.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ayyavazi, Rustin.

more subsequent topics >>