Previous Topics 10/7/2009 robotsunshine: [Poison'd] Starting Bargains I tell Bad Luck Billy Hammond at character creation that, "You swore to Captain Pallor that you'd sink the Dagger before you see her taken."
Who decides the context of… In lumpley games Participants: robotsunshine, lumpley.
10/7/2009 HeTeleports: [Secret Identities] - Players against system, GM, themselves or each other To the Forge's brainstorming crew (ie: any regular reader of the "First Thoughts" section)
Normally, when I start a design, I know exactly what kind of game-play I want to… In First Thoughts Participants: HeTeleports, Noon, zone24, Mike Sugarbaker, Vulpinoid.
10/7/2009 zenram: Copyeditor is requested [b]Hello [/b]
Some friends and I are putting together a small publisher of RPG products and [b]we need a copyeditor[/b], the idea is to find [b]someone reliable and professional[/b] to… In Connections Participants: zenram, David Artman, Gregor Hutton.
10/6/2009 chance.thirteen: Recommended writing tools? I have no idea where to put this, but I know that game designers often use these sorts of things so hopefully it's the right forum site at least. :D… In First Thoughts Participants: chance.thirteen, whiteknife, Jasper Flick, Darcy Burgess, duncanguy, lumpley, DagdaMor, sirealestate, MikeF, zmobie, Mike Sugarbaker.
10/6/2009 fjj: Spiel Essen 2009 Going to Spiel Essen 2009? Wanna meet up and say hi? Let me know and I will try to find a time & place. In Conventions Participants: fjj.
10/6/2009 Ben Lehman: [S/Lw/m] Anthological Questions and Observations Hi! David and I have done a couple of rounds of S/lay at this point, with it looks like a few more to go. A rules question and a thematic… In Adept Press Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards.
10/6/2009 SaintandSinner: Mini-Supplements How do you learn more about them? This links on aren't working. Also, are there others not on this site I should check out? I have Dict of Mu… In Adept Press Participants: SaintandSinner, greyorm, Ron Edwards, thomasfjones, Finarvyn, scarcow, nande.
10/6/2009 Nathan P.: Two Games One Name Hey there,
I'm running a game design challenge thingy. It's called Two Games One Name, and the idea is that folks submit potential names for a game, and then pairs… In Endeavor Participants: Nathan P..
10/5/2009 Brand_Robins: S/Lay w/Me question about the Match Heya Ron,
Stupid question, and I still don't understand how I got confused about it, but the Match starts in the Go where one of the key conditions to start… In Adept Press Participants: Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards.
10/5/2009 DWeird: [Change] Countering the drive towards generic traits? Hi,
I've recently begun work on Change, a simulation of fantasy cultures. A few early playtests have rolled in, and something troubling emerged: there is ample reason for players to… In Playtesting Participants: DWeird, Mulrah, Noclue, greyorm, otspiii, Teataine, chance.thirteen.
10/5/2009 Mulrah: [MULRAH] First Playtest [b]First Thoughts Thread:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]MULRAH Rules:[/b] [url=][/url]
MULRAH is basically a mash-up of rules that intrigued me from PDQ, Risus, FATE, Donjon, and other games. We did our first playtest… In Playtesting Participants: Mulrah, Simon C.
10/5/2009 jp_miller: Help me with a dice mechanic Hi all,
Just wondering if you could help me with a simple concept.
I’m using a kind of Reverse Pool (as first proposed by Milk Holmes regarding James V. Wests… In First Thoughts Participants: jp_miller, Anders Gabrielsson, Jasper Flick, Darcy Burgess, microphil, charles ferguson, thadrine.
10/5/2009 Melinglor: In a Feral Age. . .playing fluently with trackers A couple of weeks ago I ran a storyjamming* workshop for TrackersNW, an organization that teaches wilderness skills and encourages a primitive lifestyle (I've blogged about the general emotional tenor… In Actual Play Participants: Melinglor, jasonm, JoyWriter.
10/4/2009 Simon C: Using old art What's the deal with using old public-domain art in games? I'm particularly interested in old Pre-Rahaelite art. I understand that no-one now owns the copyright on these works, but that… In Publishing Participants: Simon C, greyorm, jrs.
10/4/2009 Klaus_Welten: [TWoN] Secret of Hypnos So, Secret of Hypnos allows you to create soft places. That's fine. However, do you have to include everyone in the area and pay pool points for them? Even if… In Arkenstone Publishing Participants: Klaus_Welten, Eero Tuovinen.
10/3/2009 dmkdesigns: [OLaL] Table Talk and Solo Player Scenes I've been considering two issues in a number of games and wanted to find a solution that handles them both in Of Legends and Legacies.
1. Getting Players who are… In First Thoughts Participants: dmkdesigns, JoyWriter, Paul Czege.
10/3/2009 Axe4Eye: Organization of Rules (Index) Need Help! I have come to a place where my design is being limited by my lack of organization and I cannot move much further without it. Doing this may even inspire… In First Thoughts Participants: Axe4Eye, Sebastian.
10/3/2009 lwhitehead: Interstate 76 like RPG Hi I want to create an alt history RPG inspired by the Win PC game Interstate 76 and Vigilante 8 series as well.
Now it's 1976 and the Oil Crisis… In First Thoughts Participants: lwhitehead.
10/3/2009 dmkdesigns: [Of Legends and Legacies... OlaL] Narrating NPCs? I've been thinking about stakes and conflicts for OLaL and I like the idea of the Players narrating the success and failures of their characters, Legends. However, the NPCs still… In First Thoughts Participants: dmkdesigns, flossy.
10/2/2009 blodwin: Summerland indie game Hi I’m thinking of running Summerland and cant get my head around, getting my mates to play a band of drifters stressed out with god knows what traumas they think… In Actual Play Participants: blodwin, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 10/8/2009 Shoo: [DitV] I'm not sure if I'm getting the rules completely Hi all :)
I'm going to run my first DitV game tomorrow, but I still feel that don't understand some parts of the game. If anyone could explain them to… In lumpley games Participants: Shoo, lumpley, jlarke, Simon C, Noclue, Warren.
10/8/2009 RobNJ: JiffyCon Greenfield, November 14: pre-registration open! Hey everyone, just writing to let you know that registrations for JiffyCon Fall 09 are now up. You can find the registration page at:
This time, we have it… In Conventions Participants: RobNJ.
10/8/2009 Klaus_Welten: [IaWA] Five players... wait, wut? So, in the very first page of IaWA is stated that you can play with "three or four of your friends"; however, you deal only four cards at the start… In lumpley games Participants: Klaus_Welten, lumpley.
10/9/2009 Jaakko Koivula: [The Mountain Witch] Weight in gold Got a brand new group together. I have never played with them and think none of them have played forge-inspired games before. Decided to test The Mountain Witch and after… In Actual Play Participants: Jaakko Koivula, Eero Tuovinen, Ville Vuorinen, newsalor, Pekoraali, Baka_Kaba.
10/9/2009 Klaus_Welten: [IaWA] Entering in a scene During our first session, there have been some situations in which a character could conceivably appear in a scene even if presence wasn't stated before; in a situation like those,… In lumpley games Participants: Klaus_Welten, lumpley.
10/10/2009 etheruk: Fragments: A horror game I'm in the process of designing a game for Halloween and would appreciate any advice that people can give.
What I find scary are horror films which frame the story… In First Thoughts Participants: etheruk, flossy.
10/10/2009 Nathan P.: [Annalise] Dracula Reloaded (and a new character sheet) Hey there,
There's a new Guided Play Scenario available for Annalise. It's called Dracula Reloaded, written by the lovely and talented Kat Jones and played to good effect at the… In ndp design Participants: Nathan P..
10/10/2009 Reithan: Sorcer Site Broken All the links are producing 404 errors. In Adept Press Participants: Reithan, greyorm.
10/10/2009 redwing: Stunt d6...New Heartbreaker Hello All! I have not visited these boards in quite some time. I have picked up the work on my rpg system (including a rules set and setting). Yes, this… In First Thoughts Participants: redwing.
10/11/2009 Reithan: [DitV] A couple - hopefully simple - questions Ok, reading through dogs with a couple buddies and there's a 2-fold question we're stumped on.
Part 1: If you're in a conflict against someone/something you're trying to save/help, how… In lumpley games Participants: Reithan, 5niper9, ffilz, Noclue, lumpley.
10/11/2009 Supplanter: [IAWA] We Owe List Question First chapter, I played Antonella, a blood-sorceress in her early 20s trying to save her brother from life as a temple prostitute, and got on the Owe List a few… In lumpley games Participants: Supplanter, Brand_Robins, lumpley.
10/11/2009 Artanis: [Theory] Let's have a good look at Colour, again Hello
A fair warning: this thread is going to be heavy on the theory.
A little bit of history
I like putting up links and give a general context when… In Actual Play Participants: Artanis, Noon, Simon C, greyorm, Ben Lehman, JoyWriter, FredGarber, Silmenume, Caldis, chance.thirteen, kuzuk, Marshall Burns, Troy_Costisick, Ashlin_Evenstar, HeTeleports, Ron Edwards.
10/12/2009 Noon: A spin on the ransom model The ransom model doesn't work in my mind, and yet games have been released on it regardless. I'm kind of thinking it's based on how well known the person releasing… In Publishing Participants: Noon, Ron Edwards, jerry, greyorm, GregStolze.
10/13/2009 7VII7: TAROT: IT LIVEEEEES!!!!! Yo, it's been awhile (over a month counts as awhile correct?) And now I'm back with a vengence! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Weeeeeeeeell, anyways the flashdrive with all my work on it went… In First Thoughts Participants: 7VII7, Catelf, Mr. Mister, chance.thirteen, Toneblind.
10/13/2009 7VII7: TAROT: Attributes take 2 Previously in Tarot:
Ok, Attributes, like in most games they represent your basic abilities but in TAROT they're a bit more specific, I suppose, then in other games, first… In First Thoughts Participants: 7VII7, Anders Gabrielsson, Catelf.
10/13/2009 jasonm: MB: High Card Wins Hi Tony,
We've played three times, and in two of those sessions I have had the good fortune to draw the highest card in the game. Once this was tapped,… In Muse of Fire Games Participants: jasonm.
10/13/2009 squirken: Signature [color=darkred]Has profile information been disabled? I was trying to add my avatar, but the system wont let me. I clicked Profile - and there isnt a link on the left… In Site Discussion Participants: squirken, lumpley, Catelf, cadman56, fatblogger.
10/13/2009 Klaus_Welten: [IaWA] Making new Oracles: how? I was going to write down a set of Oracles inspired by The Rose of Versailles, but I ask just to be sure: is there a criterium for writing down… In lumpley games Participants: Klaus_Welten, lumpley.
10/14/2009 Catelf: Streed (R) Rpgs needs directions! (& co-developers?) I said i would, once i knew where and how, and here it is.
My main problem is, that i cannot seem to know in which direction(s) to take this… In Playtesting Participants: Catelf, dindenver, Maugh.
10/14/2009 Pyroaquatic: Battledice - a skeleton of actions and reactions. Well, I do not know how many posts I have. I watch.... a ghostly observer if you will.
Battle dice
Battle Dice is an incredibly simple system. Watching it being… In Playtesting Participants: Pyroaquatic, Artanis, Vulpinoid, Noon.
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