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4/14/2011 Ron Edwards: [Homage to Ninshubar] Ronnies feedback
Ben Lehman's Homage to Ninshubar wins a Ronny! The terms are right there on target, and it's instructive to consider the listed references. I think as it currently stands it's…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

4/14/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Shackled Self] Ronnies feedback
I placed Raffaele Manzo's The Shackled Self into my "ferment" category, meaning that I think its system does not live up to the potential of the content. And here by…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Rafu, baxil.

4/11/2011 Ron Edwards: Ronnies 2011, Round three results
It's true: there's a certain similarity across this round of entries. Last time there was a weird compatibility across a variety of different games; here, it's almost as if everyone…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Thunder_God, Tokala, Ben Lehman, Ross Cowman, Andreas Eriksson, Elizabeth, jackson_tegu, baxil.

4/1/2011 Ron Edwards: [Ronnies 2011] April round begins
Wheeee! I must be cuckoo starting this on a Friday, with practically no internet access until Monday. But so long as you all know that, that's OK by me. Well,…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Willow, Ben Lehman, Ghostlight Games, valiance, misterecho, charlesperez, jackson_tegu, Elizabeth, Ross Cowman, jburneko, Doug Law, Thunder_God, baxil, whduryea.

3/24/2011 Ron Edwards: [Untold] The giant Samoan, the rolly-ball robot, and the not-either-a-unicorn
Look what I found! Actually, the authors contacted me, and I'm glad they did. The game is called "Untold," and it has an extensive Untold website. I bought a copy…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, SamuelRiv, ashy, Tyler.Tinsley.

3/23/2011 Ron Edwards: [Anathema] Blood on our hands
Hello, So I finally got to play it! Phil, Crystal, Sam, and James joined me at the Dice Dojo to check it out. I oversaw character creation very precisely by…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Janussary, pkalata, Ghostlight Games, davidberg.

3/7/2011 Ron Edwards: [Death's Head]
Julie, Maura and I played Death's Head this past weekend. Two major points These are so important I'm presenting them up-front, out of context. 1. Most chess I've played, including…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, FetusCommander, whduryea, jrs.

3/3/2011 Ron Edwards: [Diary of a Skull Soldier] Dry, bitter, excellent
I put some guys at the Dice Dojo through the ringer this week. First we did a serious, intense session of Acts of Evil, and then when we were all…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, pkalata, davidberg, Noon.

2/28/2011 Ron Edwards: Third round - soon
Hi everyone, I find myself quite torn between two things: 1. Encouraging and providing a personal example of enthusiastic, critical play and feedback for many of the games generated so…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games, pkalata, davidberg, stefoid, Gryffudd, tzirtzi, Roger, Elizabeth, Ross Cowman, Ben Lehman.

2/21/2011 Ron Edwards: February round: reflection after the first rush
Realization Dawning, Moral Dawn, The Secret Lives of Serial Killers, MurderWing, Haunted, Murder: A Game About Crows, The Cycle of Seasons, They Became Flesh, Deathbird Black, Air Patrol, The Volume…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, jburneko, stefoid.

2/21/2011 Ron Edwards: [MurderWing] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]MurderWing[/url][/b] by Joe J. Prince is a whole different sort of "other" from the entry that shared this category. It's the first setting-supplement entry for any Ronnies round, which I…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Dantai, Gregor Hutton.

2/21/2011 Ron Edwards: [Memory Quest] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Memory Quest[/url][/b] by David Berg works off the incomplete-knowledge model of play, which we've all seen brought to jaw-dropping fruition with Sunshine Boulevard (or TSLOSKs for those in the know),…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, Ghostlight Games, davidberg, Nathan P..

2/20/2011 Ron Edwards: [Uncle Louis] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Uncle Louis[/url][/b] by Steve Mathers received the cryptic judgment of "other" in the results thread, but that's actually an honorable category in Ronnies history. Some of the really fascinating and…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, stefoid.

2/20/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Volume of Secrets] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]The Volume of Secrets[/url][/b] by J. P. Mullen threw me into a tizzy of evaluation much like the characters themselves, flitting through a fog of unknowns and uncertainties. I'm not…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Kensan_Oni.

2/20/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Cycle of Seasons] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]The Cycle of Seasons[/url][/b] by Nathan Paoletta is going to be the hardest judgment to justify. Why not a Ronny? Or if I think it's unsuccessful, why almost a Ronny?…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nathan P..

2/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Realization Dawning] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Realization Dawning[/url][/b] by Gregor Hutton, as a Ronnies entry, was clearly a snapshot taken in the middle of a design process. Enough is there for me to see where it's…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton.

2/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Murder: A Game About Crows] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Murder: A Game About Crows[/url][/b] by Michael Mullen is a pleasure to look at, but I had a hard time reading it. I found myself overwhelmed by minor questions -…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Vulpinoid.

2/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [Anathema] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Anathema[/url][/b] by Devon Oratz wins a Ronny! This one gets the Sheer Guts award for this round, which given some of the other entries, is really saying something. I kind…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games, charlesperez, pkalata.

2/15/2011 Ron Edwards: [Air Patrol] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Air Patrol[/url][/b] by Patrick Gamblin is a Runner-Up, and if there were an award based strictly on a setting's fun color and zappiness, it would win it. And that's saying…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games, Gryffudd, baxil, davidberg.

2/15/2011 Ron Edwards: [Haunted] Ronnies feedback
[b][url=]Haunted[/url][/b] by Jesse Burneko is one of those newspaper on the nose Runners-Up for me, in that I was writing things on my copy like "good!" "strong!" and so on,…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, jburneko.

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Subsequent Topics

4/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [Her Son] Ronnies feedback
I would love to see Jackson Tegu's Her Son as its own custom card game of some kind, given some design refinement, probably next to a similarly-packaged final version of…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards.

4/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [Tales of Lust] Ronnies feedback
Andreas Eriksson's Tales of Lust wins a Ronny! As with Homage to Ninshubar, the game is in such a playtestable state that I have only a few comments at this…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Andreas Eriksson.

4/18/2011 Ron Edwards: [Queen of Thorns] Ronnies feedback
Eric Boyd's Queen of Thorns is probably the best entry for me to explain what I mean by a design that needs some fermentation. Both the Ronnies terms and the…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eric J. Boyd, Tim C Koppang.

4/18/2011 Ron Edwards: [You Are My Destiny] Ronnies feedback
Guy Shalev's You Are My Destiny is a Runner-Up, and a very near one. I ultimately found myself confused by too many procedural details, unable to imagine presenting it to…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Thunder_God, Jason Petrasko.

4/18/2011 Ron Edwards: [In Exile] Ronnies feedback
Jacob Bouvier's In Exile, Queens of Time and Space, and Queen of Thorns make an interesting trilogy: respectively, restoring a deposed queen who is still very much the leader, serving…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Tokala.

4/19/2011 Ron Edwards: [Within My Clutches] Ronnies feedback
I placed David Berg's Within My Clutches as a Runner-Up. My take on the terms is that lust and chains are near-synonyms, making the game about one thing rather than…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, davidberg.

5/3/2011 Ron Edwards: Back home
Hi, In case you've wondered why I haven't been Ronnying, it's because I've been in Italy for InterNosCon. I'm still trying to fix the inevitable shambles my ordinary life became…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paolo D., davide.losito.

5/20/2011 Ron Edwards: [Winter phase] Publisher forums drawdown
Hi, Back when Vincent and I scaled down the forums for the Winter phase, my idea was to take down all the publisher forums with the exception of his and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, Eliarhiman6.

5/24/2011 Ron Edwards: Ethical moderation issue
So, the question is whether I'm going to request the Forge community not to link to Torrent or other similar sites/services. I'm not laying judgment down on any current threads.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn, lumpley, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Paolo D., contracycle, Ben Lehman, Matthew V, Rafu, Eliarhiman6, M. J. Young, epweissengruber.

6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Upcoming: a few weeks in Sweden
Hi everyone, Again, I'm planning for a big trip to Sweden with my family, this time from about June 22 through July 12. For those of you who don't know,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, John Stephens.

6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Three games about religion
Last fall, I conformed to a common stereotype about men in their mid-40s and apparently became obsessed with matters of religion. Its roots lie in my work on Shahida but…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Lavinia, epweissengruber, davidberg, Noon, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson, Marshall Burns, contracycle, hansel, MatrixGamer, ejh, ADGBoss, graypawn, Alfryd, sirogit, clukemula, LandonSuffered.

7/21/2011 Ron Edwards: Hard core Sorcerer talk
Hi everyone, As I talked about a while ago, I'm preparing to publish an anniversary edition of Sorcerer. It's composed of exactly the same internal text as the existing core…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6, Roger, Finarvyn, hix, James_Nostack.

8/1/2011 Ron Edwards: GenCon 2011: at the booth
Hey everyone, It's going to be a little lonely at GenCon for me - not too many indie companies, and Vincent won't be there to share with me either. So…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, JamesDJIII, Paul Czege, Artanis, ejh.

8/1/2011 Ron Edwards: Finishing up this year's Ronnies, and GenCon stuff
Hi, So one of my priorities is actually to play more Ronnies entries, especially winners, but really anything that I like. GenCon seems like a good place for it, so…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Thunder_God.

8/9/2011 Ron Edwards: [Tales of Lust] Frightful horror, no holds barred
A couple of months ago, Megan, James, and Rob joined me at the Dice Dojo, and Tales of Lust ( Ronnies feedback) seemed like just the thing for…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards.

8/9/2011 Ron Edwards: [Ophian] A first actual session
For the background, see Three games about religion, the Adept Press page for a direct link for downloading the current document, and anxieties about death at the core of ophite.…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Noon, Gregor Hutton, ejh, Emily Care, baxil.

8/10/2011 Ron Edwards: [Apocrypha] Blind fate, blind justice, and blind love
I've been working on this post for about two years. I encountered Apocrypha at GenCon 2000, at Jonathan Tweet's suggestion. He was supportive about my advocacy of creator ownership and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Thunder_God, clukemula.

8/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Sorcerer] At the GenCon booth
When I'm at GenCon, usually I spend a lot of time playing after-hours, typically in the lobby of the Embassy Suites. I either set something up with people during the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paka, ejh, jburneko, James_Nostack, davidberg, woodelf, Markus.

8/28/2011 Ron Edwards: Do you have a new publication? Then read here first
This is not an advertising site. This is a discussion site. Do not arrive here and post to announce a new publication. Your post will be removed instantly to the…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

10/7/2011 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe: in print, in English, updated text, for reals
Hi everyone, The past year has been a constant logistic nightmare to get Trollbabe finally back in print. My plan was November 2010, and that was itself a back-up, emergency,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Neil the Wimp.

more subsequent topics >>