Previous Topics 6/5/2011 Frank Tarcikowski: [Dresden Files] It‘s not Zilch play, but what is it? I played Dresden Files on a convention the other day. It was my first real FATE game. I did like it quite well, temporary aspects were nice and consequences are… In Actual Play Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, stefoid, Noclue, Noon, epweissengruber, Abkajud, Warrior Monk, Roger, wholeridge, Paolo D., Dan Maruschak, sirogit, ShallowThoughts, Anders Gabrielsson, pawsplay.
6/4/2011 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria is Go! Beta release version 1.0 is available for purchase and download from the Stregoneria website:-
Please note the following points before considering purchasing:-
1) The website does not allow for… In Publishing Participants: Stregheria Games.
6/3/2011 carshow2: (DitV) Bitterwater Well, I've never posted an AP anywhere before, but my loosely organized group(s) are trying to get more awesome in our games. I play in a couple groups and there's… In Actual Play Participants: carshow2, Web_Weaver, luminos, Noon, Artanis.
6/1/2011 jburneko: [The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor] Automated Relationship Drama At Gamex 2011 I ran a game of The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor (which itself is a version of Monsters & Other Childish Things). What I want to know… In Actual Play Participants: jburneko, stefoid, Vulpinoid, Noclue.
5/31/2011 lumpley: Winterizing: Forum Closed If you have questions or comments about my games, please bring them to my new forum, barf forth apocalyptica.
Thanks! I'll see you there.
-Vincent In lumpley games Participants: lumpley.
5/30/2011 stefoid: No investigations? III (split) I ran a 'mystery game' last night where the PCs were MI6 operatives sent to Rome to find out what some known SS operatives from the occult arm of the… In Actual Play Participants: stefoid, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, D.R. Clifford, Noclue.
5/30/2011 Chris_Chinn: [Apocalypse World] The Hardhold on the Hill, er, Cliff Hi,
We ran our first session of Apocalypse World today. The group is myself, Sushu, and Jono, whom I've been roleplaying with for over a year, now. I've been the… In Actual Play Participants: Chris_Chinn, Abkajud.
5/30/2011 Kanosint: Mini-games within an existing system: Is it doable? Greetings, kind comrades
Today I would wish to consider a rare mechanic. Certainly, I never saw it before. Still, I think it could be interesting.
As you might have guessed… In Game Development Participants: Kanosint, Matthew V, Catelf, Warrior Monk, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson.
5/29/2011 carshow2: DitV - Rules Clarification - "De-escalate" Question both for the esteemed designer and those who've done this in the past: Is it possible to start a conflict at physical (or fightin' or gunfightin') and then to… In lumpley games Participants: carshow2, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Eliarhiman6.
5/29/2011 Matthew V: [Beloved] In a dream ... II (split) I'm quite happily married and have no qualms about this game. As others have mentioned, it seems riskily shallow or even rediculous on the surface, but when I poked a… In Game Development Participants: Matthew V, Noon, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.
5/27/2011 New Fire: Narrative Mechanic Ideas Greetings, all. I am currently designing a fantasy RPG set in a fictional world based on Aztec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican mythologies (here is a link to the game website:… In Game Development Participants: New Fire, stefoid, Warrior Monk, Abkajud.
5/26/2011 Aetius: [Trollbabe] "Aestethic" Magic Hi to all.
Recently, on GenteCheGioca, we are discussing about magic and its uses in Trollbabe, and I've decidede to come to the origin, to clarify some of my doubts… In Adept Press Participants: Aetius, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.
5/26/2011 Melinglor: [The Dreaming Crucible] Trauma and celebration [b]Trigger warning for rape and sexual abuse of children.[/b]
In the thread Poison'd: [url=]cooperative pirates, and fleshing out NPCs?[/url], Ron addressed my struggles with hitting [url=]I Will Not Abandon You[/url]… In Actual Play Participants: Melinglor, Ron Edwards.
5/25/2011 Clout: [Clout] Prototype rules Hi guys.
I've read these forums for a while and just registered to post a link to my blog, where the pdf of my prototype ruleset is hosted. It's just… In Game Development Participants: Clout, Noon.
5/24/2011 Ron Edwards: Ethical moderation issue So, the question is whether I'm going to request the Forge community not to link to Torrent or other similar sites/services.
I'm not laying judgment down on any current threads.… In Site Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn, lumpley, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Paolo D., contracycle, Ben Lehman, Matthew V, Rafu, Eliarhiman6, M. J. Young, epweissengruber.
5/24/2011 Catelf: [Streed Rpg] Idea confusion. I am troubled.
I have so many ideas, and i essentially wants to possibly turn all of them into Rpg's.
I have tried to summarize my preferred genres(i got some… In Game Development Participants: Catelf, DarkHawkPro, Warrior Monk.
5/24/2011 Altaem: [FitV] First impressions using the Dogs in the Vineyard System I'm GMing a session of FitV (Dogs in the Vineyard, Firefly Verse) and things aren't going that great. My story is hanging together quite well, but the DotV engine is… In Actual Play Participants: Altaem, Noclue, Web_Weaver, Ron Edwards, Dan Maruschak, Noon, Abkajud, mark2v.
5/24/2011 The Traveller: Codex Imaginata Hello, I'm setting up a new RPG, Codex Imaginata, free to play for all, and I hope I'm in the right forum. This will be a generic system with several… In Game Development Participants: The Traveller, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Malckuss.
5/24/2011 joewolz: 2 GMs, 1 Mic Howdy, I'm one of the hosts of 2 Gms, 1 Mic, a new podcast about GMing. One of the segments we have is "Favorite game of the week" and this… In lumpley games Participants: joewolz, lumpley.
5/23/2011 Noon: [D&D4E] Some WOTC encounters For awhile now I've been playing at one of those D&D game nights WOTC kind of organises and provides the adventure material for at various game stores. I have to… In Actual Play Participants: Noon, Vulpinoid, Jeff B, Anders Gabrielsson, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Balesir, happysmellyfish, mark2v.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 6/6/2011 SamSlayde: Looking for feedback towards a game in an early state Hello everyone,
I'm just looking for some feedback on a little RPG I put together over the weekend. It's called the Less-Dice system, and the rules as of right now… In Game Development Participants: SamSlayde, Noon, D.R. Clifford.
6/6/2011 voidgere: Ars Arcanum I have been an observer of this site for some time now. Only recently have I had enough material, I feel, to post here and get some reviews. I have… In Game Development Participants: voidgere, John Michael Crovis.
6/6/2011 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria Beta Version 1.01 Now Free! Yep, that's right folks. This game needs to be tested by a decent amount of players before it's printed in dead-tree format, so as of now, the pdf is absolutely… In Game Development Participants: Stregheria Games, John Michael Crovis.
6/7/2011 ODDin: [Project Dreamland] Looking for playtesters Project Dreamland is a role-playing game I've been working on with a good friend of mine for about two years now, and now we're looking for playtesters.
What Is Project… In Publishing Participants: ODDin.
6/8/2011 davidberg: [Within My Clutches] golf club domination, mansion bison, death & taxes This is a report on the first playtest of Within My Clutches, which I created for the April 2011 Ronnies (thread here).
Here's the current draft of the rules.
For… In Game Development Participants: davidberg, Ron Edwards, Hailen.
6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Upcoming: a few weeks in Sweden Hi everyone,
Again, I'm planning for a big trip to Sweden with my family, this time from about June 22 through July 12. For those of you who don't know,… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, John Stephens.
6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Three games about religion Last fall, I conformed to a common stereotype about men in their mid-40s and apparently became obsessed with matters of religion. Its roots lie in my work on Shahida but… In Game Development Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Lavinia, epweissengruber, davidberg, Noon, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson, Marshall Burns, contracycle, hansel, MatrixGamer, ejh, ADGBoss, graypawn, Alfryd, sirogit, clukemula, LandonSuffered.
6/8/2011 Paul Czege: anxieties about death at the core of Ophite Ron,
Now seeing the text of Ophite again I remember what I wanted to say about it. As a former, more anxious than inspired Catholic who's now an atheist of… In Adept Press Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.
6/9/2011 Jbmannon: Boarsdraft Playtest Available Boarsdraft is a game where you play teen witches and wizards trying to make friends, learn spells and pass classes while evil tries to destroy your school, friends, and life. … In Publishing Participants: Jbmannon, Hailen, Ron Edwards.
6/11/2011 hardcoremoose: [WFRP 3E] Under The Chaos Moon Hey all!
I've been vacillating on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3E for a while. Despite being a fan of the setting and color elements (especially the first edition roleplay stuff), and… In Actual Play Participants: hardcoremoose, contracycle, Noon.
6/14/2011 sackodragons: Untitled Hey everyone,
Have been playing since 94' and this I have to admit is my first forum post on any rpg site!
Kicked grade school's ass, destroyed college and now… In Publishing Participants: sackodragons, hix, Ron Edwards, ODDin.
6/16/2011 Eternally Lost Zeppo: [Primetime Adventures] 'Series Reboot'? Hi, I'm Rob, technically new to the forums even though I think I've had an account here for a while. I've got a question about an idea I'm working on… In Actual Play Participants: Eternally Lost Zeppo, Chris_Chinn.
6/16/2011 BubbaBrown: System Reference Examination I have condensed a system reference document of my game system: It's been trimmed to the very basics and essentials.
It is a system intended to be modular and malleable,… In Game Development Participants: BubbaBrown, John Michael Crovis.
6/16/2011 MacLeod: [Dungeon Crashers] Early Build, Feedback Appreciated This project was born due to an interesting Story Games thread starring Eero Tuovinen.
It interested me enough to generate some simple ideas for mechanics. After reading the thread the… In Game Development Participants: MacLeod, Noon, zircher.
6/17/2011 hix: Left Coast: Does my system encourage relaxed roleplaying? I’ve just finished a major rewrite of Left Coast – my entry into the October 2005 Ronnies competition. (Ronnies feedback thread, here; initial playtest thread, here)
In Left Coast, you… In Game Development Participants: hix, jburneko, Noon.
6/17/2011 Paul Czege: I seem to have designed a waiting game... Hey all,
One of my two primary RPG design projects is a game for exactly four players. It has four pre-generated characters who are locked in a mutually unresolvable situation.… In Game Development Participants: Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen, Warrior Monk, Frank Tarcikowski, Chris_Chinn, davide.losito, Noon.
6/18/2011 Locke: [Age Past] Up on Kickstarter LIVE! Hello All,
My game Age Past has been in development for some time. I have just recently launched a Kickstarter to help me get my book finished. Please take the… In Game Development Participants: Locke, Mike Sugarbaker, Ben Lehman, lumpley, John Michael Crovis, valador, Thriff.
6/18/2011 fire_rods: Living in the Alleys This is a game that I came up with. I haven't finished the game itself, but would love some feedback; and know if it sounds like an interesting enough game.… In Game Development Participants: fire_rods, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.
6/18/2011 Malckuss: [Custom Star Wars RPG] This is only my second time discussing a game here, so please keep that in mind. I will try to adhere to Mr. Edwards rules.
I am doing this project… In Game Development Participants: Malckuss, Noon, mark2v, voidgere, Ar Kayon, Vulpinoid.
6/21/2011 lumpley: lumpley games PDF library sale Hi!
To celebrate this beautiful holiday, I've put the complete lumpley games PDF library on sale for $25. If you're interested, check it out!
-Vincent In lumpley games Participants: lumpley.
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