Previous Topics 7/16/2011 Melinglor: "A Man's Office" A game of Shakespearean gender rebellion. Proto-idea:
When I read the ingredients, Daughter, Foresworn, & Nature stand out, and make me think of this:
"Is he not approved in the height a villain, that
hath slandered,… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Melinglor, hansel, Nathan P..
7/16/2011 dmkdesigns: David's thread for working things out
Is there truth in what they speak,
"Once in exile, always an exile?"
Going home is never without challenge
Especially when promises have been broken.
It's up to… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: dmkdesigns.
7/16/2011 Wilper: [Game Chef 2011] The Daughters of Verona [b]The Daughters of Verona[/b] is a GM-less RPG of Shakespearean comedy. The central themes are Love, Mistaken identities and Complex plots.
It is pretty diffuse to me right now, but… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Wilper, Jonathan Walton, Jason Petrasko, fjj, Paul B.
7/16/2011 whiteknife: [Game Shef 2011] No More Bards Here's what I've got so far:
Something is rotten in the state of Stratford-Upon-Avalon…
Seeker Pasha, Lord of Bards and rightful king of Avalon, has called his three daughters and… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: whiteknife, Jonathan Walton.
7/16/2011 sago: [Game Chef 2011] Globe and Rose I am pretty sure I'm going to have too much time trouble to get this done. So feel free to use it as inspiration or just comment.
It is… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: sago, Nathan P..
7/16/2011 bovinata: Online and mobile publishing tool - looking for thoughts and testers Hi all,
I've been programming a tool to write single-player RPGs and was wondering if anyone's had any experience in the arena. Basically the way it works, you can type… In Publishing Participants: bovinata, Hailen, knighterd77, happysmellyfish, lumpley.
7/16/2011 WPTunes: [Game Chef 2011} The Night, the Wilderness, and the Power This is my first Game Chef, and my first stab at Game Design. I can never do anything without a deadline.
Ingredients: Daughter, Forsworn, Nature
This is a rough, mostly… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: WPTunes, Vulpinoid, The Magus, Kadrin, friendOfAgnes.
7/15/2011 Bryan Hansel: [Game Chef 2011] Chaucer's Daughter Lost [b]Elevator Pitch[/b]: In order to claim the title as England's Bard, Shakespeare travels back in time and kidnaps Chaucer's daughter, Agnes. The ransom is that Chaucer must not write The… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Bryan Hansel, Wilper, Jonathan Walton, Melinglor, fjj.
7/15/2011 Kadrin: [Game Chef 2011] Daughters of the Canon Or something like that. I'll probably end up changing the title. I didn't actually think I'd participate in this, and then I had a Brilliant Idea that struck me in… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Kadrin, JeffR.
7/15/2011 zircher: [Game Chef 2011] The Trouble with Rose Sigh, Rose has done it again and her father can stand it no more. As Rose's closest friends, can you comfort her, mend the damage, and perhaps pursue your own… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: zircher, hansel, WPTunes, Jonathan Walton, devlin1, Nathan P., Vulpinoid.
7/15/2011 devlin1: [Game Chef] Mike's Thread for Working Things Out No title, nothing concrete right now -- eventually something really significant and important will go here, something that future generations of Internet users will look back on with greebert.
Anyway,… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: devlin1, Wilper.
7/15/2011 anansi: [Game Chef 2011] A Beautiful Death I actually had this idea a few months ago, but really no excuse to work on it. But here's my excuse! Game Chef! Here's the thread on Storygames where I… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: anansi, Vulpinoid, jasonm, Fredrix, Nathan P., Sp4m.
7/15/2011 Maugh: Probability Puzzle. Attack vs Defense rolls, w/ modifier. So, I'm looking at dice probabilities, and I have a puzzle for you folks, which I could use some help with. It has to do with balancing attack and defense… In Game Development Participants: Maugh, horomancer.
7/15/2011 MatrixGamer: [Game Chef Competition 2011] The Tragic Life of Bill Spear Here is the first draft of the game. I'm open for feedback.
By Chris Engle
Theme: Shakespeare
Ingredients: Daughter, Exile,… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: MatrixGamer, Dan Maruschak, Ross Cowman, Jonathan Walton.
7/15/2011 mummykitty: [Game Chef 2011] Scoundrel's Isle My idea seems pretty obvious, but hopefully that will make it easy and fun to write. My favorite characters from Shakespeare are usually the scoundrels and rogues who stir the… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: mummykitty, MatrixGamer.
7/15/2011 AMuses: [Game Chef 2011] A Game of (Fairy) Courtly Intrigue Don't have any solid ideas yet about mechanics, but I've been excited about this so wanted to get a forum post up outlining some of my ideas so far.
Set… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: AMuses, Jonathan Walton.
7/15/2011 JeffR: [Game Chef 2011] Love, Blood, and Rhetoric Initial Thoughts:
So, the basic idea here is a game in which each player's character sheet ends up being a (Shakespearean-style) Sonnet. There are two possible approaches here: one in… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: JeffR, somori, Kadrin.
7/15/2011 ADGBoss: [Game Chef 2011] Hammlet & The Book of William [i]It was in the dark days after the great plague when the Feeders left us and we had to fend for ourselves that the strangeness befell us. We had changed,… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: ADGBoss, MatrixGamer, hansel.
7/15/2011 Jonathan Walton: Game Chef 2011: Ingredients Posted! All Systems Go! The ingredients and all other rules for the design portion of the contest are now posted.
Good luck! In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Jonathan Walton, devlin1, Miskatonic, Kadrin, tinstargames, Hailen, sliberty.
7/15/2011 Nalanthi: [Broken Sky] How to balance Area of Effect damage The system I am working on is a fairly crunchy urban fantasy system. Combat is supposed to feel fast but fairly realistic. One place that we have decided to leave… In Game Development Participants: Nalanthi, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, Noon, Keltorian, Daniel36, Danny Bridges.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 7/16/2011 Gryffudd: [Game Chef 2011] Tempest Planet Hm, spent most of tonight's work shift reading about Shakespeare and his plays, since my only real exposure to them was during high school (longer ago than I wish it… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Gryffudd, Jonathan Walton, Jason Petrasko.
7/16/2011 lexnoctis: [Game Chef 2011] The Gentlefae of Cremona [b]Note:[/b] I’m Italian, so English is not my mother language. Please, be merciful with my subcultural English!
[b]Premise:[/b] Desdemona – daughter of Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: lexnoctis, Vulpinoid, Nathan P., Jonathan Walton.
7/16/2011 The Magus: [Game Chef 2011] The Marriage of the Oak King's Daughter This is my first time in Game Chef and only my second design so be gentle. My entry for Game Chef is going to be based on a Midsummer's Night… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: The Magus, Nathan P., Jason Petrasko.
7/16/2011 emurphy: [Game Chef 2011] Daughter of the Terran Revolution DAUGHTER OF THE TERRAN REVOLUTION
Neuer before Imprinted.
You've been branded a traitor. With Earth too crowded to accommodate yet another prison, they herded you onto a spaceship and… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: emurphy.
7/16/2011 Narmical: [Game Chef 2011] On This the Day of My Daughter's Wedding Michael Bonet and I are entering this year's game chef. Here is the introduction to our idea
On This, My Daughter’s Wedding Day
The Story: Once mortal enemies, the nations… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Narmical, Wilper.
7/16/2011 Jason Petrasko: [Game Chef 2011] Inside The Sidereal Clockworks Ok, so I'm just in brainstorming mode, but I think I have a solid idea forming.
It began before recorded time, when the wise ones grew bored and retired from… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Jason Petrasko, Wilper, Emily Care, jasonm, Gryffudd.
7/16/2011 Night1983: Mystic Quests has been released! Mystic Quests is a new Role Playing Game that lets you play as adventurers in a pen and paper role playing game, questing to save the world of Sarax from… In Game Development Participants: Night1983, Ron Edwards.
7/16/2011 Ben Lehman: Antigone at Thebes I'm working on a game called <i>Antigone at Thebes</i> based on a play by Sophocles that doesn't actually exist. The play takes place after the events of <i>Oedipus at Colonus</i>,… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Ben Lehman, zircher, Ice Cream Emperor, fjj.
7/16/2011 Student 20: Dice Mechanics - does this work? Hello all - I'm new to the Forge Forums, and I hope to have a great time here. It's been years (about a decade, really) since I actively participated in… In Game Development Participants: Student 20, horomancer, Noon, Ar Kayon.
7/16/2011 Ice Cream Emperor: [Game Chef 2011] My Daughter, The Queen of France
So I seem to be working on a game. It's about Shakespeare's troubled relationship with his daughter, the Queen of France. It is not yet clear if she is actually… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Ice Cream Emperor, Nathan P., Jonathan Walton, jasonm, Ross Cowman.
7/17/2011 Narmical: [Game Chef 2011] Is a LARP fair game? So ive been working on my game, and it turns out I've borrowed some ideas from the LAPRs that my wife writes. As such, my game might work TOTALY sweet… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Narmical, Vulpinoid, hansel, MatrixGamer, The Magus, Jonathan Walton.
7/17/2011 joepub: Fern Gully Blood Opera So, I've got lots of cool ideas for my Game Chef game, but there's a big gaping hole at the centre of my design: what do the characters do? what… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: joepub.
7/17/2011 Hailen: [Game Chef 2011] The Play's The Thing My game will be called "The Play's The Thing." Here are my answers to the Three Questions to get things started:
1) What is my game about?
The Play's… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Hailen, AMuses.
7/17/2011 jasonm: Prison Planet I don't have a better name right now; The Fatal Shore is taken. Here's the background!
The place is a throwaway planet orbiting a dying K-spectrum… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: jasonm, Jason Petrasko.
7/17/2011 horomancer: More thoughts on simple dice mechanics Have gotten he game design bug under my skin again.
My last incarnation of a simple game mechanic used 2d6+1dX+N vs. DC, where 1dX is the value of a Stat… In Game Development Participants: horomancer, Ron Edwards.
7/18/2011 Noon: D&D 3E 'Characterisation' A little while back the D&D encounters game actually finished a small campaign (which was nice to experience) and a new one started. I think these are still modules passed… In Actual Play Participants: Noon, ADGBoss, stefoid.
7/18/2011 Ross Cowman: [Game Chef 2011] A Serpent's Tooth [img]http://<img src="" width="250px"[/img]
A Serpent’s Tooth is a story game about an old King in the twilight of his life, watching his power give way to the ambitions of… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Ross Cowman, jasonm, OrionCanning.
7/18/2011 MrNay: MPA the Ministry for Parahuman Affairs This is the bare bones of my new game. In my head it is a fusion of the BRPD, E-Branch from Necroscope and Cheiron from Hunter the Vigil. I am… In Game Development Participants: MrNay, Ron Edwards.
7/18/2011 tinstargames: [Game Chef 2011] As yet untilted
Strange and maddened ravings come forth at my blog: - as yet to no clear result, but others may care to read and follow. In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: tinstargames.
7/18/2011 Sp4m: [Game Chef 2011] One Eye Between Us One Eye Between Us
A Role Playing game of Violent Tragedy for 3-6 Storytellers
Players play the role of a coven of witches bent on bringing a tragic… In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011 Participants: Sp4m, Paul Czege, Jonathan Walton.
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