The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

11/4/2011 lumpley: My 11 year old is scarier than me
I'm playing Murderous Ghosts with my 11 year old, Elliot. Playing Murderous Ghosts with a kid is delicate. Elliot's a kid who likes his horror, but still, I want him…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, kvanpelt, Ron Edwards, stefoid.

11/4/2011 Marshall Burns: reducing handling time without sacrificing (much) detail: a demonstration
<b>Business Up Front</b> The topic at hand isn't something that I need help with. It's a problem that I've solved in the context of a particular game, and I thought…
In Game Development
Participants: Marshall Burns, kvanpelt, Noon.

11/4/2011 Eliarhiman6: Story before: the real culprits?
Hello! In a email to Ron, I wrote something about his selecting Shadowrun as the cause of all evil (as in "story before" evil) in the thread Setting and emergent…
In Adept Press
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

11/4/2011 SadSatyr: How to start play testing?
Hello Everyone! If you don't want to read the wall of text, here is the TL;DR version When and how do I start play testing? This is my first post,…
In Game Development
Participants: SadSatyr, Artanis, kvanpelt, davidberg, dindenver, Aisha Bennett.

11/3/2011 Ron Edwards: [Obsidian, Champs, Babylon Project] Incipient Narrativism and its discontents
This is a spinoff thread from decoupling Reward Systems from broad-scale Story Arcs, to address an issue I think lurks alongside the topic of that thread. To summarize, we're talking…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn, Abkajud, Noon, James_Nostack, Web_Weaver, davidberg, Tor Erickson, Roger, Frank Tarcikowski, epweissengruber.

11/3/2011 Flop The Clown: Need Help With My Indie Game
Hello, im new here and ill just get to the point... Im in the process of developing a RPG, i have a website, most rules worked out, a couple of…
In Publishing
Participants: Flop The Clown, Eero Tuovinen.

11/2/2011 bosky: Tremors the Board Game?
Oh man so I was watching everyone's favorite 1990s B-movie Tremors when I realized I should really make a simple, quick, totally encapsulated board game. Here's my brainstorm so far:…
In Game Development
Participants: bosky, kvanpelt.

11/2/2011 Noon: Situation Generation/Prep.
I'm not really comfortable with the 'counter-factual' requirement of the other thread. Given the subjective way we remember things, it seems a process of simply eliminating certain counter factuals. No?…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon.

10/31/2011 Eero Tuovinen: Spam problems of late
The Forge's had quite a lot of spamming over the last week or so, more than usually if I'm any judge. Maybe something special going on in spammer-land, like they…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Artanis, lumpley.

10/30/2011 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] Salford's Lot
I ran a new Dead of Night scenario at Furnace the other week, named Salford's Lot (and yes, the name did come first!). The premise of the scenario was a…
In Actual Play
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

10/30/2011 Paka: Refugees from the Forgotten Realms
Read Ron's article and it reminded me of the gaming I have done in the Forgotten Realms using the original grey boxed set, a few early supplements and Burning Wheel…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, C. Edwards, ffilz, HighmoonMedia.

10/29/2011 Frank Tarcikowski: Setting and emergent stories
Hi Ron, as James pointed to your new article over in his actual play thread, I figured I'd just start talking about it here. When I was reading your step-by-step…
In Adept Press
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards, Paka.

10/28/2011 James_Nostack: Sandboxing - story before, story now, story after
In his recent essay "Setting and Emergent Stories" (PDF), Ron includes an provocative afterthought about the term "sandbox play," and I'd like to talk about it. Here's Ron: Problematic term:…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, C. Edwards, Abkajud, Eero Tuovinen, davidberg, contracycle, Noon, Caldis, Tav_Behemoth, stefoid, Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards.

10/27/2011 epweissengruber: Crowdfunding, from the Computer Gaming Industry
I have seen the kickstarter method work well. But this article suggest ways to integrate fundraising with promotion. Hope it is of use.
In Publishing
Participants: epweissengruber.

10/27/2011 vastencn: Turning English Words into Symbols and Glyphs
Hi Everyone. I posted about a year back about Dscript, but have added quite few updates and additions. Dscript can be thought of as a "form of English cursive writing".…
In Game Development
Participants: vastencn, Thriff, kvanpelt, Ron Edwards, Aisha Bennett.

10/27/2011 mustardcat: Unleashed
Hello guys, My name is Thomas and I'm a member of UDT, a 4 man team of final year game development students. We are releasing a UDK mod gameplay experiment,…
In Game Development
Participants: mustardcat.

10/26/2011 MLT: Dark Sci-Fi Illustrations: Capturing the Mood
For the last two years I and my business partner have been developing an RPG called Cold & Dark. It's a gritty sci-fi game with a lot of horror elements.…
In Publishing
Participants: MLT, MercenaryX, epweissengruber.

10/26/2011 MercenaryX: Sci-Fi RPG Backstory - Proofreaders Needed
I am creating some portfolio work for a project I call Astronovus and I need some people willing to read a four page backstory (written kind of like a wikipedia…
In Game Development
Participants: MercenaryX, gtroc.

10/26/2011 Filip Luszczyk: non-play
I like Fluffy Bunny by Emily Care Boss. Not because it's a good game (it's crap). I like it because it so accurately summarizes certain segment of the hobby, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Noon, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, davidberg, contracycle, KevinH, czipeter.

10/25/2011 SeeThirty: Traits for an RPG where players play 'actors'?
I'm working on an RPG that features players playing actors on the set of film or TV. I'm stuck trying to figure out various traits that might apply to the…
In Game Development
Participants: SeeThirty, Paul Czege, kvanpelt, davidberg, SoupViking, jalinde.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

11/5/2011 contracycle: character intros
Per Kyle's request, a little discussion on the character intro vignettes I used. So, as mentioned, this was inspired by the problem that players often "lose visualisation", as it were,…
In Actual Play
Participants: contracycle, kvanpelt, davidberg, Ron Edwards, knudsone.

11/6/2011 Dithmer: Everyone is Nicolas Cage
Alright, so this whole idea has been brewing in my mind for some time, and it's actually reached the point where it may be playtested. I plan on doing this…
In Game Development
Participants: Dithmer, SaintHax, Alphabet_Master.

11/7/2011 Morningstar: Eidolon: the Dreamscape Opera
I did some groundwork on this a while ago in this forum. Here's the front cover for the game, brought to you by the same artist that did Nobilis. Eidolon…
In Game Development
Participants: Morningstar, Ron Edwards, davidberg.

11/7/2011 chronoplasm: [Traveler] My First Time As Referee
I got to play facilitate a game of old-school Traveler the other day. I generated a sub sector the day before. I also indexed them in my notebook and wrote…
In Actual Play
Participants: chronoplasm, Marshall Burns, Mel_White, contracycle.

10/27/2011 gtroc: [War in the Heavens] Triggers (split)
Hey again, all, me again. I have a bit of a problem with my design. I posted it in the design blog, but I will repost the problem area here:…
In Game Development
Participants: gtroc, Ron Edwards.

11/8/2011 lumpley: Lamentations of the Flame Princess: my job as GM
Session 2 was fun. (Here's some about character creation and session 1: Lamentations of the Flame Princess is made of lies. Please don't bring discusson of that thread's topics into…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, stefoid, James_Nostack, Eliarhiman6, Caldis, Eero Tuovinen, davidberg, JasperN., Frank Tarcikowski, Roger, happysmellyfish, Marshall Burns, Joe Dizzy, Noon, rabindranath72, Teataine, Anders Gabrielsson.

11/9/2011 davidberg: [Pitfighter] SBP: is there anything better to roll for than success?
"SBP" stands for Story Before Participationism.  It's basically gaming where (a) the GM makes certain things unavoidably happen in play as a part of getting across a "story" (by which…
In Actual Play
Participants: davidberg, stefoid, Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski, Dan Maruschak, contracycle, Noon, Roger, Jeremy S, Anders Gabrielsson, mael.rimbault.

11/9/2011 epweissengruber: FATE Actual Plays: How Differently Does Diaspora Play Out
A recent thread on Dresden Files brought up comments on the paucity of FATE discussion at the Forge. In that thread I outlined what functional FATE/SotC Gm-ing might look…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber.

11/10/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] leverage: kill me
Hi Vincent! There is a way to use the "Manipulate" move that I used in a example and it was contested, so I am checking it with you to be…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley, way.

11/10/2011 cwaldo39: Bringing 3D characters to life
Have you guys ever heard of 3D printing? Basically, artists can create 3D models, and they can be printed into real figurines made out of lots of materials, from ABS…
In Publishing
Participants: cwaldo39, Ron Edwards.

11/10/2011 cwaldo39: Software for simple 3D characters?
I'm not too much of a 3D artist, I'm more of a coder, but I was thinking about adding another skill to my arsenal. I'm looking to create 3D characters…
In Publishing
Participants: cwaldo39, Ross Cowman, Marshall Burns, kensanata, Lynn.

11/10/2011 MJ_Alishah: Nights of the Crusades
Hey there Indie RPGers, We've spent the last few years working on Nights of the Crusades, and it's finally at the point where we can release a Beta version to…
In Game Development
Participants: MJ_Alishah, stefoid, Aisha Bennett, davidberg.

11/11/2011 redwing: a sub-system for my game focused on collaborative storytelling
I have been working on and off on a game for quite some time now. I’ve picked it back up recently and looking to polish it up piece by piece.…
In Game Development
Participants: redwing, Paul Czege.

11/12/2011 Web_Weaver: How Glorantha both inspired and frustrated my play.
Story before  Have been reading David's thread: Decoupling Reward Systems from broad-scale Story Arcs And Ron's thread: Incipient Narrativism and its discontents In the latter I asked if Story Before…
In Actual Play
Participants: Web_Weaver, Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Noon, Paul Czege, contracycle, davidberg.

11/13/2011 hansel: My Daughter, the Queen of France
We played MDQOF (is that how you acronymize it?) tonight. The conceit of the game is that Shakespeare's relationship with his daughter has broken down to such a point that…
In Game Development
Participants: hansel.

11/13/2011 Måns: [The Fog of War] My war game
The Fog of War is my roleplaying game about war. Its actually about American wars (from WW2 to present day) or more precise It’s about the soldiers who fight the…
In Game Development
Participants: Måns, Spectre, Double_J, stefoid, andrei.

11/13/2011 Shimera9: Looking for suggestions on "against the odds" style game
Hello, all.  I've been planning on running a really rules light game.  However, I noticed some of the top candidates like Risus has limited room to expand after the first…
In Game Development
Participants: Shimera9, happysmellyfish, davidberg, dindenver.

11/13/2011 Bradshaw: Health Quest - My Adventure in Self-Publishing
Folks: So one day I got totally fed up with being out of shape. I thought, "I know what to do, but I can't stay motivated to do it. There…
In Publishing
Participants: Bradshaw, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

11/14/2011 davidberg: [Pitfighter] how I learned to push my GM plots into play
Hello, This post is part background for my other Pitfighter threads, part summary of my take on a classic problem in RPG play, and part response to Jamie's recent encounter…
In Actual Play
Participants: davidberg, Web_Weaver, Roger.

11/17/2011 ForgingLifeGame: The way I want games to be: Forging Life - an indie RPG
Hi all My childhood friend and I have been working on this game for years... Many years, just talking about the perfect game - in our mind! A couple of…
In Game Development
Participants: ForgingLifeGame, hansel.

more subsequent topics >>