The Forge Reference Project: Reading Lists


Index of reading lists

Reading list Reading List Test
Compiled by Vincent Baker

6/4/2002 Paul Czege: the island of misfit games
I need a conversation about this... I don't think anyone will deny that The Forge is a steambath of design effort, a hothouse of creativity. But I can't help but think we're doing something wrong. We shed blood for our designs. We cast them, still smouldering, upon draped tables before our colleagues. And we hope...that someone plays them. I could…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, C. Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Seth L. Blumberg, Jared A. Sorensen, hardcoremoose, xiombarg, Valamir, Bailey, RobMuadib, Gordon C. Landis, joshua neff, Nathan, Laurel, greyorm.
This comment by Ron Edwards