The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Elfs?
Started by: canisPRIME
Started on: 4/17/2001
Board: Adept Press

On 4/17/2001 at 10:07pm, canisPRIME wrote:

Hi Ron,

Can you give us... errr.. me a quick run down on what exactly Elfs is. I have heard it mentioned a few times in chatrooms, but have no idea what kind of game it is.

Or is it to early for you to say?


Message 10#23

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On 4/18/2001 at 3:18pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Elfs?

Hey Shane,

Oh no, Elfs should be commercially available any minute now, and it's high time people learned more.

1) It is a satirical fantasy role-playing game. The characters are best described as looking like Elfquest, with the personalities of the worst imaginable munchkin-AD&Ders: raunchy, obnoxious, greedy, and a little nuts.

2) It is based very firmly on Director stance - the player and the character are NOT the same person in any way, and in many cases, the player's roll may succeed although the character's roll fails.

In other words, the character is trying to do Action X (not very well), and the player's desired outcome may be Action Y (possibly an accident on the character's part). The system is designed to deal with these possibilities in a fast, fun way.

The typical Elfs run is characterized by a lot of slapstick, as an outcome of the system. To my knowledge, it's the first funny RPG in which the humor comes mainly from the players, not the GM or the rulebook.

It is to be sold from the Adept Press website as a PDF, for $10. It's written by me and brilliantly illustrated by Jeff Diamond.


Message 10#26

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On 4/18/2001 at 10:21pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Elfs?

Note: the Adept Press website (where you can find Elfs) is at

Message 10#43

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