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Topic: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)
Started by: GreatWolf
Started on: 12/12/2001
Board: Dark Omen Games

On 12/12/2001 at 5:58pm, GreatWolf wrote:
I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

Hmm. I look at the last post date on the forum and I see 9/10/2001. That seems particularly ill-omened for some reason, so I'm going to post in my own forum. (What a concept!)

Basically, I wanted to accomplish a few things with this post. First, I wanted to assure everyone that I am indeed alive and kicking. Design work on Alyria is still proceeding. Etc. etc.

Where have I been the last few months? I'll give you a short answer: burnout. I've been very burnt out and I've been focusing on recovering. This has involved taking up a new hobby (studying kenjutsu and aikijutsu), reconnecting with an old hobby (actually gaming again!), working on writing more, and reconnecting with my God. Recovery is proceeding, slowly but surely, and I am feeling more up to the task of working on Alyria.

I have also been doing some soul-searching about the specifics of the future of Dark Omen Games. I still plan on being around, but I'm not quite sure how that will look. I'll keep you posted. :smile:

Now, onto substantive matters. After bumping into Jesse Burneko in the RPGnet chatroom, I began working on Alyria quickstart rules. This is a quick-and-dirty rules set to allow people to begin doing alpha playtest of the game. No it won't be pretty. No it won't be user-friendly. But it will work, and that is what is important right now. Players will have to rely on the setting information given in the Dreaming Out Loud columns until I can get around to writing it up properly.

That brings me to my next announcement. Starting in January sometime, I intend to release the rest of the Dreaming Out Loud columns on my website. My agreement with Gaming Outpost gave them exclusivity for 6 months, and that time is beginning to expire. So, if you missed them the first time around, you'll now be able to read them. If you want to read them again, now is your chance.

So that's where matters stand. If you are interested in receiving the Alyria quickstart rules, let me know. There is one condition. I will only accept playtest feedback. The concepts in the game look weird on a first read, so I want to hear how well (or poorly) they played out for you. Maybe you're doing something wrong. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Together, we'll find out.

Sorry for the lapse in communication, and I'm glad to be back.

Message 1007#9378

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On 12/12/2001 at 7:55pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

Hi Seth,

"I began working on Alyria quickstart rules. This is a quick-and-dirty rules set to allow people to begin doing alpha playtest of the game. No it won't be pretty. No it won't be user-friendly. But it will work, and that is what is important right now."

Sign me up! This is exactly what I've been wanting for a long time.

Congrats on getting the various aspects of life back on track, too. Not always easy.


Message 1007#9394

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On 12/14/2001 at 8:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

Yes, welcome back Seth.

I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the Dreaming Out Loud series. Please let us know here when its actually available.


Message 1007#9562

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On 12/17/2001 at 10:44pm, Time wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

As much as I hate to admit it - I am at a loss without my arch nemissis!

Good to see you are still doing well, and I hope your recovery is speedy. I only wish to crush you after you have regained your full mental health - anything else would be a bitter victory :smile:

[ This Message was edited by: Time on 2001-12-17 23:38 ]

Message 1007#9670

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...from around 12/17/2001

On 12/18/2001 at 3:53am, Valamir wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

On 2001-12-17 17:44, Time wrote:
I only wish to crush you after you have regined you full mental health - anything else would be a bitter victory :smile:

I have frequently resorted to re-gin ing my mental health. Its especially effective with a twist of lime.

Message 1007#9673

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On 12/18/2001 at 4:42am, Time wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)


Sorry for the gin bit - that's what I get for typing with my eyes closed I guess...

I have to admit that I did get a laugh from the joke Valamir - I prefer a re-gined martini myself. Stirred, not shaken :smile:

Message 1007#9676

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On 12/18/2001 at 5:14pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

Ah. Where would I be without my archnemesis making a fool out of himself in public? :razz: Been a while, Time, but I will defeat you.

Matter of fact, drop me an email sometime. I'd like to chat about something.

Message 1007#9691

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On 12/18/2001 at 6:58pm, Time wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

Ah! Perhaps you wish to discuss your unconditional surrender?

I'll have the papers drawn up and emailed to you. :smile:

Message 1007#9697

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...started by Time which Time participated Dark Omen Games
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...from around 12/18/2001

On 1/2/2002 at 8:46pm, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
RE: I'm not dead yet! (aka News update)

Alyria quickstart rules? Sign me up!

Good to see you back, Seth!

Jürgen Mayer

Message 1007#10577

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