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Topic: Scoobie Doo InSpectre
Started by: archangel_2
Started on: 5/13/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 5/13/2001 at 9:47pm, archangel_2 wrote:
Scoobie Doo InSpectre

Well, I'm sure this has either already been thought up, or is too ignorant a suggestion to have brought up thus far, but here goes none-the-less. *s*

I was checking out the InSpectre game when I had the idea of playing a Scoobie Doo type campaign. Seems to me all that would be necessary would be to have the players, when they are researching a particular project, to decide that it's not actually a scary monster or ghost, but that it's really just some old dude doing it. (Course, then they'd have to find out if they were right, and you wouldn't let them know WHO did it - that's something they'd have to figure out.)

How would you go about resolving the pay issue, though? (Cause EVERYTHING they did was pro bono...)

Daniel Worthington

Message 101#598

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On 5/14/2001 at 12:02am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Scoobie Doo InSpectre

Well, this would be the "high school students investigating the paranormal" game. :smile: I'd say that "High School" would have Library and Gym Cards of 1 or 2 at the highest for free (representing the school's resources), no PTO (well...cutting class, maybe?) and DEFINITELY no Credit Card!

In fact, rather than payment...they have to balance their ghost-hunting acitivities with their grades. :smile:

Moosey is hard at work on ward 13, a haunted hospital plug-in for InSpectres (!).

Message 101#599

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On 5/14/2001 at 3:34am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Scoobie Doo InSpectre

Funny you should mention it, as I had already sketched out rules for a High School variation of InSpectres prior to beginning work on ward 13. In fact, its tentative title was Cutting Classes, it had Gym and English Classes (as opposed to cards), and the whole premise revolved around balancing Grades with Having Fun (represented by Peer Pressure instead of Stress - this mechanic was particularly cool in its game application).

In the end I opted for ward 13, as it seemed I wee bit stranger to me, and therefore a better fit for the InSpectres style of play. That and I loved the idea of an RPG where the players stayed put, allowing the adventure to come to them. And haunted hospitals rule!


If there's interest, and Jared's up for it, I'd be willing to give the Cutting Classes rules a full treatment. What do you guys think?

Message 101#603

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On 5/14/2001 at 12:43pm, archangel_2 wrote:
RE: Scoobie Doo InSpectre

Well, I've become quite intrigued with the idea of Ward 13, so I'd actually prefer to see that one first, but if it wouldn't be too much to ask, I WOULD like to see 'em both done... (Maybe work on the Teenage one after Ward 13?) Anyway, that's how I cast my vote. *s*

Daniel Worthington

Message 101#608

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On 5/14/2001 at 2:37pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Scoobie Doo InSpectre

I'd say that "High School" would have Library and Gym Cards of 1 or 2 at the highest for free (representing the school's resources), no PTO (well...cutting class, maybe?) and DEFINITELY no Credit Card!

No credit card? Three words, Jared: Beverly Hills High.

Spoiled Rich, the Valley Girl InSpectres plug-in, baby!

Message 101#614

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On 5/14/2001 at 4:51pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Scoobie Doo InSpectre

Ward 13 should be available by the end of the week. I plan on doing some proofreading tonight, and if everything looks okay, I'll have it to Jared tonight or tomorrow. I'm not sure how it'll play, but the idea is ER with ghosts. :smile:

Message 101#622

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