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Topic: About TFoB...
Started by: Starshadow
Started on: 3/5/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/5/2004 at 10:09pm, Starshadow wrote:
About TFoB...

I know, I know, there's been lots and lots of questions about this, and it's scheduled to be released at GenCon mid-late august.

But the annoying thing is that some people (... :) ) keep referring to the book when asked questions about stuff.
They say : There will be more of that in TFoB...
Or : That will be answered in TFoB...

This is not very helpful, guys.
Not all people have the imagination you do to come up with useful answers or house-rules, and some questions need more actual knowledge to get right.

It would be nice to get answers so as not to hold camaign for six months...

Is TFoB really such a closely guarded secret that you can't give us a few answers before release?

Message 10128#105972

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On 3/5/2004 at 10:38pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

Find the thread called "TFOB Wish List".

When Jake and I were planning what will go in the book, we went through that list very seriously, so it's a good indication of what will be in there.


edit: Oh, you want actual content? Well, if we did that, you wouldn't need to buy the book, would you? :-)

Message 10128#105974

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On 3/5/2004 at 11:06pm, Starshadow wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

I don't mean for you to post the book here, Brian, but it would be relly helpful if you could post a more helpful reply than 'You will get the answer to that in half a year' sometimes...

This is genreally a very, extremely, helpful forum, and I really like the core rules and the system, but there are a few things... *ahem*

And when I'm trying to make a campaign to relieve the other Seneschal in our group, it's not any good to tell him he has to wait another few months is there? :)

Of course, I can tell him it's your fault... :D

Message 10128#105981

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On 3/6/2004 at 12:52am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: About TFoB...


I understand your problem. Here's ours:

We keep on saying "that'll be in TFOB," not because we're trying to hype the book or dangle it, but as a way of saying "we're listening." We can't post portions of TFOB for a few reasons. the main one is that it's not fully tested or even edited, and no one wants less professional work in public. Anything we "preview" about TFOB will color whether people pay attention to the book when the real thing comes out, and that does translate into losing real money when I don't have a dime to spare. If it helps, lots of people have been playing TROS for two plus years now, and none of them -- including me or Brian -- have TFOB laying around. Don't hold your campaign off. TFOB is going to be really, really great, but it isn't necessary to play TROS like a pro.

So TFOB isn't so much a closely guarded secret as it is a work in progress. We're really not trying to dangle it, but let you all know we're covering our bases.


Message 10128#106008

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On 3/6/2004 at 1:39am, Spartan wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

Jake Norwood wrote: TFOB is going to be really, really great

Duh. ;)

Starshadow: For now, make provisional rulings and then see if you like the TFOB answers better when it comes out. It's your game now, so have fun and tweak it the way you want it. :)


Message 10128#106013

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On 3/6/2004 at 4:01am, Salamander wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

Spartan wrote:
Duh. ;)

Starshadow: For now, make provisional rulings and then see if you like the TFOB answers better when it comes out. It's your game now, so have fun and tweak it the way you want it. :)


Yeah, what that Sparky guy sez. I am waiting to get TFoB just like the rest of you, but until then, I will continue to use my rules, maybe even after, if I don't like what they have to say.

Message 10128#106028

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On 3/6/2004 at 7:48pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: About TFoB...


Usually there are a lot of good suggestions along with the "That will be covered in TFoB..." posts. The only real difference is that most of these suggestions are made by community members.. but that doesn't make them less valid than Jake's or Brian's suggestions, just less official. Listen to the various suggestions, and use that which makes the most sense to you, or make up your own. If you want to be as close to official as possible, wait for Jake or Brian to chime in with their "...TFoB..." comment, where they often endorse another suggestion as "how they'd do it".

Message 10128#106088

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On 3/13/2004 at 1:20am, bergh wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

I just hope its better then...of beasts and men....that book is useless i think...i buy books for rules...

Message 10128#107246

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On 3/13/2004 at 2:15am, Spartan wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

bergh wrote: I just hope its better then...of beasts and men....that book is useless i think...i buy books for rules...

Luckily, not all of us do. ;) I was quite happy with OBaM. I found the rules-to-inspiration fairly optimal. To each his own, though. :)


Message 10128#107248

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On 3/13/2004 at 3:28am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

I would agree the above that OBAM is very useful. Aside from the extra monsters.. extra spells.. the whole berserker thing.. sample NPC's.. etc. etc. then there's nothing.

Buying a book for rules is fine, but what do you do to bridge some of the gap that is left in the core rulebook eh Bergh? If I wanted to throw a pack of wolves against the PC's is that found in the corebook? Noooo... what about statistics for poisons/venoms hmmm? Nope, not in the corebook either. All of that stuff is in OBAM. To me as a player it is an invaluable tool.. and for the two seneschals I game with.. it is indespensible to them too.

What happens when you're an assassin and you want to slip a cobra between a noble's bedsheets? Can you, Bergh, come up with some improvised rules for snake venom? Hmmm? Ones that are realistic? And within a very timely fashion during a session? Can you also come up with rules for the different ways different animals/groups there-of fight? Or would you just have them all unrealistically run away from every human they laid eyes on?

'Buying books for rules' Hmmmph. There's plenty of rules in there. It seems you're just too close-minded to look at them in depth enough to see that they are there.

With that said, I'm done.. for now.

Message 10128#107254

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On 3/13/2004 at 12:08pm, bergh wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

You got me! OK maybe it aint that useless after all hehe, but i was hoping for some expanded armour rules in it...but we can't win every time. I think my problem is all those monsters with stories, some of them are to exotic for my flawor

Message 10128#107291

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On 3/13/2004 at 1:58pm, Malechi wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

now granted OBAM has some pretty interesting content for a book that I thought was ostensibly a beastiary.

Just what exactly about a book of monsters and challenges suggested to you that it would include armour rules, as opposed to a book called "The Flower of Battle"...ostensibly a book about warfare, battle, weapons and dare I say.. Armour? ;)

not meaning to pick on you dude, just thought it was an interesting thing to comment on regarding OBAM..

Advice: enjoy the game, make it yours and wait avidly for the next supplement to this great system..

Jason K.

Message 10128#107295

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On 3/13/2004 at 2:49pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

Aside from a few uses of the Walking dead and a snake or two, my biggest use of the book has been the expanded NPCs listings. It is nice to be able to throw a mook at the players without having to make up stats on the spot, or hedge them because I don't want to take the time to make them up on the spot.

Now, if only I'd stop closing the book before I was done with it...

But yes, OBaM doesn't skimp on the rules. Expanded mount rules, joust rules, rules for pack tactics and venom, expanded hit charts for non-humanoid opponents..

It's all there.

Message 10128#107299

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On 3/15/2004 at 4:42pm, toli wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

I'd have to put in my 'excellent' vote for OBAM as well. It has a good mix of rules, beasts and general 'world feel'. I personally would have liked more rules, but what I really wanted was TFOB first and then OBAM...or that is...both...NT

Message 10128#107561

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On 3/16/2004 at 6:53pm, Krammer wrote:
RE: About TFoB...

I'd have to say that possibly my most enjoyable TROS experience ha come from OBAM, using the sample characters it has.
In that scenario we had gotten ourselves in over our head and had to deal with a Genie (also from OBAM). Well, the genie used its boundless amounts of magic to put all of our minds in the bodies of those sample character it made (who all just happened to be in the same town, for some reason). It was most amusing. I never thought it would be so fun to have the mind of a two foot unseelie who has the most atrocious manners and is a real jerk to everyone inside the body of a stahlnish mercenary. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a TROS game. The fey woman who got put in a dwarves body was pretty funny too. . . .

Message 10128#107783

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