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Topic: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Introduction Part Deux
Started by: Bob Goat
Started on: 3/9/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/9/2004 at 8:17pm, Bob Goat wrote:
[Conspiracy of Shadows] Introduction Part Deux

After getting the good advice earlier I went back to the drawing board and deconstructed by own game to get to its core premise. It is a bit shorter, which concerns me a bit, but I think it conveys the premise clearly and hopefully has a wham factor. My questions are:

Does it grab you?
Does it establish the conflict clearly?
Does it sound like it might be fun?
What is missing and what should be tossed?
Should I include more setting type info?
And most importantly, did I keep the cliche/purple prose to a minimum?

Thanks in advance

On the continent of Polian strange things occur with an alarming. Towns suddenly become infested with rats; only to have them all disappear days later. Certain places always seem to smell like lilacs, even thought that plant is foreign to the region. When night falls the land and even the very air seems to warp into a sinister parody of the daytime. People suddenly begin to act completely different than they way they would normally act or sometimes they just disappear, never to be heard of again.
All of these events are given a reasonable explanation by the authorities, both secular and religious, which the public blissfully accepts. They are kept ignorant of the sinister forces that are shaping their world. However, a small number of men and women have seen through the lies. They have discovered the shadows of a conspiracy against humanity and strive to know more. They strive to expose the truth.
However, the truth can kill you.
In the Conspiracy of Shadows role-playing game characters are normal human beings thrust into extraordinary situations. They come from all classes and occupations. Some of them are strong in body and others are strong in mind, but all of them are ill prepared for the truth, despite what they think they know. Unaware of the true danger to them and those around them, they remain obsessed with their desire to know the truth and pursue it doggedly.
Characters in this game are different from characters in most other role-playing games in that they are bound together from the start with a common purpose. They are not individuals that have chosen a life of adventure and glory, but rather have been forced into a dangerous life by circumstance and fate. Their obsession with the truth has drawn them away from the trappings of a normal life into a world of monstrous horror and very human intrigue. Together they risk everything in an ill informed quest to save the world from horrors it cannot see.

Message 10172#106536

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