The Forge Reference Project


Topic: i need help with sorcerer
Started by: inuyasha
Started on: 3/13/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 3/13/2004 at 3:32am, inuyasha wrote:
i need help with sorcerer

Man will some1 please tell me this... i have absolutely no idea on how to use this sorcerer-online thing . The whole idea about summoning demons got me excited but then i dont know how to bound/design a demon will some one plz tell me how....and the 1 about the sorcerer stats to. i would greatly appreciate it if u can reply

Message 10226#107255

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On 3/13/2004 at 3:56am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: i need help with sorcerer


Well, I must tell you - the whole "Sorcerer Online" section of the site is the leftover of an intended feature that never fully developed.

I originally wanted it to be a place where people could meet, discuss their games of Sorcerer, post their stuff, and find fellow players. There wasn't any forum (this one) back then. But now, there is, so the whole function of that part of the site is largely being covered already.

What you can use Sorcerer Online for now is pretty narrow: enter your name in the Player Finder, and look for stores in the Retailer Locator. That's about it. Anything else should be done here, in this forum.

Now for my real concern: do you know that Sorcerer is a game played face to face? It's not a computer game, and you can't (or mostly can't) play it on-line. Your post indicates to me that you might be under the impression that it's a shared-world or play-by-post kind of experience, and it's not.

Tell me more about how you found the site and what sort of experience you were looking for.


Message 10226#107260

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...from around 3/13/2004