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Topic: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations
Started by: Alan
Started on: 3/15/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 3/15/2004 at 12:22pm, Alan wrote:
[Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Ah, a new strip, a new life! A new homage? The mushroom man looks like he stepped right out of the sample adventure in Donjon.

Let me be the first to speculate on the sexual symbolism: couple makes love in cave, fungus creature is born from the floor beneath them after they leave. What does he want? Where's he going? What exactly does he, with his cylindrical body and handsom cap, symbolize?


Message 10247#107510

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On 3/15/2004 at 2:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Hello Alan,

You might be interested to know that one of my instructions to the artist was to avoid having our mushroom fellow be absolutely totally a walking penis. I think Ed did an admirable job in this department.

I mean, there's a certain visual association, undeniably, but how far you wanna take that is up to you. We're talking underground comics, after all.

Personally, I think the li'l fellow is cute. I really like his "I exist!" panel.


Message 10247#107516

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On 3/15/2004 at 4:29pm, ejh wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Keeping Mushroom Guy from looking like a walking penis was indeed the toughest thing about his character design. I thought I'd succeeded, but like the saying goes, you can't fight Freud. :)

Message 10247#107552

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On 3/15/2004 at 4:33pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

I guess I'm not that much of a pervert. I didn't even make the mushroom/penis connection until I saw Ron's comment (even Alan's little "cylindrical body and handsome cap" comment didn't get my neurons firing that way). So, Ed, good job! It's not very phallic!

Message 10247#107554

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On 3/15/2004 at 5:06pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Yeah, to me, he seems to be wearing a swashbuckly hat, which is just right for him.


Message 10247#107569

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On 3/24/2004 at 2:18am, jburneko wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

How did I know this was going to be Retta story? The minute I saw mushroom man, I KNEW it was a Retta story. Anyway, I'm not the biggest Retta fan but...

Damn, does the girl ever get a break!?


Message 10247#109122

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On 3/24/2004 at 3:11am, Valamir wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

You know Jesse. You and I agree on a lot. But I gotta say, I enjoy Rhetta as a character 100 times more than Tha...delving into dark mysteries of witchcraft trips all of zero of my triggers. Athletic Red Sonja asskicker with horns on the other hand...yeah...I can dig it.

And Ed...every strip the characters look a bit different. I love your take on Rhetta.

Message 10247#109131

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On 3/24/2004 at 4:04am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

No "H"! No "H"!! R-E-T-T-A.

Anyway, I'm kind of hoping that this might be the "Retta story that Jesse likes." We'll see. It's a turning point in plot terms.

Jesse, that's a good point about Retta getting a break. One of the things about Trollbabe stories for me is about choices, especially those made by women. Have you ever noticed that people (not just women) spend a lot of time agonizing over choices that they might have to make, or could make if they decide they ought to, but spend no time at all making real choices. Wham. Choice made.

Oh, maybe they'll spend ages afterward justifying or revising the "story" of the choice. But making it? Wham.

Retta and Tha both do this. Whether it comes to men, or to violence, or whatever - they realize afterward, hey, I made a choice. What does that say about who I am? And it's disturbing to both of them that they can't really answer that question.

I like these characters a lot. Retta is a butt-kicker and a free spirit, but like most of the free-spirit women I've know, she doesn't know when she's happy and when she's not. And Tha is a deep, scary brooder - and like the women I've known who really are this way, and not posers at all, she fixates on goals without reflecting on them.

Any other thoughts?


Message 10247#109140

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On 3/24/2004 at 4:55am, Valamir wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

If I keep misspelling her name will she come over to my house and punish me for being a bad boy?


Message 10247#109152

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On 3/24/2004 at 3:47pm, ejh wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Thanks, guys! I've had a lot of fun drawing Retta.

Message 10247#109222

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On 3/25/2004 at 12:58am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Hey Ed,

I'm quite liking the evolved "hard outline" art style you're using here. It has a pronounced "stained glass" aesthetic that really clicks for me, and that I didn't get from The Birthroot Bargain. So I have to ask, is stained glass an artistic destination you're consciously pushing toward, or am I projecting?


Message 10247#109344

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On 3/25/2004 at 1:22am, ejh wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations


The hard outline thing is definitely a conscious choice, though I wasn't particularly thinking of stained glass.

To be honest, I've been working very hard on style and technique for this comic. I hope it doesn't produce too much inconsistency over the course of the story, though I fear it might. The fact is that this comic is the only major artwork I've done in the last year or two, and I'm doing it in a medium (Corel Painter) which I'm learning as I go along. So it's a constant battle to figure out the most effective way to accomplish things. I'm learning a lot, and it's getting smoother and faster as I go, but it's not as neat and polished as I'd like. I'm glad people are looking past some of the roughness of the linework and so on and enjoying the characters and action.

Message 10247#109345

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:38am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Hi there,

Wow, that's two Frazetta homage panels, one in Colin's story, and one in this week's strip.

"Retta broods heroically over scattered bodies of foes."

I like it, Ed!

And for archival purposes, the mushroom guy isn't inspired by Donjon, but rather by the mushroom beings in the 4th module of the old D&D "Slave Lords" tourney series. And perhaps a fair dose of Vaughn Bode, infused into my mental landscape at an early age.


Message 10247#110123

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:44am, Valamir wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Is there supposed to be text in any of these strips.

So far there have been no words at all...yet this is the second time you've apparently quoted from them.

Is that you paraphrasing the panel, or should I be seeing words?

Message 10247#110124

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:48am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

I'm paraphrasing the panels' content in verbal terms. Someone else might come up with completely different phrases, by their interpretation.

To be absolutely clear: none of the panels of the current story have yet contained any dialogue, and only the first strip included captions.


Message 10247#110125

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On 3/30/2004 at 5:01am, ejh wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

No dialogue, except for "Clang AIEEE!" so far.

Don't worry, when the time comes to speak, those who can speak will speak. :)

Message 10247#110130

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On 3/30/2004 at 12:24pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Cool, I just started thinking that maybe the dialogue had been added to a seperate layer in the image that either didn't transfer or wasn't being read on my PC. All good now.

Message 10247#110161

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:20pm, Alan wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

So did Retta make a "sudden ally" reroll?

Message 10247#110206

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:35pm, ejh wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

You know Ron hates trying to read the stories as game sessions! :)

Message 10247#110208

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On 4/1/2004 at 8:27am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

I'm just glad to see fungus people finally being as bad-ass as they deserve to be.

To answer the question: No. I have no idea why I'm obsessed with sentient mushrooms.

Pretty strip.


Message 10247#110695

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On 4/13/2004 at 12:11am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Hey, is it just me, or are we overdue for a new strip?

Not that I'm, like, interested in the story here at all, or looking forward to more fungusman art, or hoping for a few terse-but-meaning-laden words to be added . . . no, I just thought there might have been something broken in the content-delivery mechanism, and so - thoughtful chap that I am - I figured pointing it out might be good.

In case you were wondering.

(and if you can't just see the tounge firmly in cheek here, I really need to work on my writting skills . . . )


Message 10247#114200

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On 4/13/2004 at 1:52pm, jrs wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

Umm, yeah, I'm actually thinking there hasn't been a new strip since the end of March. Maybe, unbeknownst to the viewers, Trollbabe has taken a tax season hiatus.

Upcoming strip: Retta and Tha face multiple K-1 forms. Aaaagggghhhh!!!!

Sorry. I'll stop and go back to my corner now.


Message 10247#114274

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On 4/14/2004 at 8:15pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations

All fixed! It was a file communication thing. Many thanks to Clinton and to Ed.


Message 10247#114597

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