The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Sorcerer and Sword] and Solomon Kane
Started by: tetsujin28
Started on: 3/16/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 3/16/2004 at 4:26am, tetsujin28 wrote:
[Sorcerer and Sword] and Solomon Kane

So, does anyone have any idea what the PCs' personal demons in Sorcerer might be, if they were, say, 17th-century witch/demon hunters? I'm thinking Solomon Kane meets The Blood on Satan's Claw. Certainly, there's the Vampire Hunter D idea of "Well, you've got a demon you control...but it doesn't like you, and it doesn't like you killing other demons".

Also, instead of the GM controlling demons, what would you think of having another player do it? Certainly could make for some arguments that I'd never come up with myself!

Message 10255#107679

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On 3/17/2004 at 12:01am, tetsujin28 wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer and Sword] and Solomon Kane

Huh. Sixty-six views and no ideas? Some visionaries you are HHOK. C'mon. No-one has any ideas?

Message 10255#107819

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On 3/17/2004 at 12:10am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer and Sword] and Solomon Kane

Tetsujin, this is not Please don't bump-post here.

It's a tricky question you've asked. For one thing, some folks have already replied to your similar post at, including me, and there's no point in duplicating those replies here. For another, you're not talking about actual play, and most people are rightly ignoring an off-forum thread. They'd do the same if someone posted about, oh, "What kind of cool stuff would you run in octaNe?" It's just not a topic we talk about in this forum.

Tell you what. Let's call this thread closed, and redirect anyone who wants to post to the existing discussion at your thread:

It's currently three pages long and strewn with some neat ideas.

Also, if you want to follow up on the stuff you asked about demon concepts and construction, as well as players-playing-demon issues, then please consider yourself invited to post in the Adept Press forum - those topics get kicked around there a lot.


Message 10255#107823

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On 3/17/2004 at 2:23am, tetsujin28 wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer and Sword] and Solomon Kane

Ah. Sounds good.

Sorry, someone posted a PM to me, suggesting that this would be a better place to take my questions. Mea culpa. I now take my question to the appropriate forum *poof*

Message 10255#107838

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