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Topic: Creative Gifts and Flaws
Started by: Mayhem1979
Started on: 3/18/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/18/2004 at 2:22pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
Creative Gifts and Flaws

Hi, I'm working on a supplement / expansion for TROS, which depending on how well it works and if it ends up meeting Jake's approval... may eventually be available as a .PDF file.

To that end I'm gathering ideas for new gifts and flaws, particualrly ones that work in genres other than just fantasy.

So if you've ever played with a gift or flaw that's not in the book, or just have ideas... I'd love to hear them.


Message 10278#108081

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On 3/18/2004 at 2:56pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

What about "Musical Talent"?

The minor gift automatically gives a -1 SR bonus to Musical Instrument and Singing, the major gift gives -2 SR. Both give a default of 10 to any instrumental skill not possessed.

Message 10278#108084

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On 3/18/2004 at 4:04pm, [MKF]Kapten wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

I have posted them before, but here they go again:

High pain threshold
Major/minor gift
The character with this gift cant feel pain and can always act rationally when damaged. When hurt, the character can roll against WP to negate Shock penalties. With the major version of the gift the TN is 4, with the minor version the TN is 7.

Intelligent item
Major gift + Minor flaw (this one is not for all campaigns
The character is in possession of an intelligent item. The item has a low intelligence but a specific purpose. The player choses one cathegory of SAs (out of the five the PC is starting with). That cathegory gains +3. The flaw is that without the item the PC loses the cathegory. In addition, the item can never change it's SA and the SA cant go below 3.

Terminal disease
Major flaw
The character is the victim of a slow but fatal disease. Every month the PC rolls an aging roll. The only attributes lost from this roll is temporal abilities (or mental if the character has Alzheimers or something like that).
In bad conditions, such as cold, starving or damaged, the character rolls one aging roll per week.

Message 10278#108094

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On 3/19/2004 at 10:21pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Thanks.. I really like the terminal disease one...

Message 10278#108430

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On 3/19/2004 at 10:32pm, JamesSterrett wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

As a potential wrinkle to the High Pain Threshold (and this would require negotiation with the GM):

The TN can be anything the player likes; but there is, of course, a price.

The character not only doesn't react much to pain, but tends not to recognize the extent of injuries, and requires a Will roll against a target number of [10-TN-Wound Level] to recognize that wounds have been dealt and need to be seen to - inside or outside of combat.

This means the character is likely to fail to notice and treat minor wounds, causing them to heal badly and/or become infected....

Message 10278#108431

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On 3/22/2004 at 12:28am, Edge wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

There have been a few topics about gifts and flaws... worth searching for.. i know i gave a few flaws and have been meaning to add a few more

Message 10278#108704

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On 3/22/2004 at 1:03am, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Edge wrote: Mayhem
There have been a few topics about gifts and flaws... worth searching for.. i know i gave a few flaws and have been meaning to add a few more

I know, I've already looked them up, just looking for more ideas. :)

Message 10278#108718

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On 3/22/2004 at 3:55am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Just started a campaign in Savaxen, and created the flaw 'Seer' for the NPC Frey 'no-eyes'

Haven't really worked out any details (she's an NPC so I give her dreams and visions as and when.

Not sure how it would work for a PC, or if this sort of thing would require being gifted or not?

This the idea I've just come up with off the cuff (If you like the gift but not the mechanic feel free to tweak away).

Seer (major/minor)

This is the gift of farsight. Seers are blessed (or as some have it, cursed)with visions of possible future events. For some it is a natural talent for others a gift from the gods, for some it comes easy and for some the gift is wrapped in pain.

Minor: Characters with the minor gift occasionaly have visions or dreams or may see signs and portents in the world around them. These 'signs' are vague and often confusing, images coming in a jumbled mess.
once per session the Seer may seek for insight by spending 1 SA (refreshes at next session) they may gain insight into anything concerning the SA the point is taken from. It is up to the Seneshal to provide the details of the vision and keep them obtuse.

Major: These Seers truly are gifted. The major version works in much the same way, except it costs 2 SA's to use however the Seer may draw on their gift whenever they wish.
As in the minor version the Seneshal is tasked with inventing the vision. For an extra 2 SA's someone with the major gift may try to gain further insight (The Seneshal gives them a much clearer vision, dream, sign etc).

Example: Frey 'no-eyes' has the major version of the gift and knowing her Jarl is in danger seeks the wisdom of the Gods. Drawing on her Drive: serve the Jarl and people of Ravenscrag (2) she spends the two points and in a dream Woden speaks to her in a riddle.

Under the spear* you choose your foe
So turn to home before you throw

but what does it mean?

*In the sagas the hero would throw his spear over the heads of his enemies, all who fell under the spear cast, he would pledge to slay as an offering to Woden, (either in battle or later as prisoners of war).

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Message 10278#108736

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On 3/22/2004 at 4:28am, Tash wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Sounds more like a gift than a flaw. I would take the Major version and make it cut both ways. The person is gifted with the sight, but sometimes has trouble seeing things in the hear and now correctly. Anytime they make a perception type roll the Seneschal has the option of making them see or hear something that isn't there.

Anyone who's read Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Mists of Avalon" has seen this in action (many of the characters don't realize they've had a vision until its over).

Message 10278#108740

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On 3/22/2004 at 11:49am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Tash wrote: Sounds more like a gift than a flaw.

It is a gift.

Message 10278#108772

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On 3/22/2004 at 2:13pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Well, you said

Just started a campaign in Savaxen, and created the flaw 'Seer'

So I can see how he might have been confused. :)

Message 10278#108780

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On 3/22/2004 at 8:46pm, ZenDog wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Ahh yes but if he had the gift Seer (minor) he would know the creator had the flaw Dumb (major). My bad lol I wondered if it was the flavour stuff in the descption ( ie the waffle about the gift being equally a curse ect).

BTW hello Lxnder how is 'Fastlane' coming along?

Message 10278#108833

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On 3/22/2004 at 10:41pm, Andrew Mure wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Here's a somewhat amusing one I thought up a while back.

Flaw (major/minor) - 'Best-friend'

This is the 'best-friend', relative, co-worker, etc that you never wanted. In fact the main reason you two are 'friends' is because they decided they wanted you as their 'best-friend'. Unlike an enemy the character isn't a direct threat to you in themselves, generally they tend to think your character is wonderful!

The problem stems from the fact your acquired 'friend' tends to see your character as the solution to all their problems and has a grossly inaccurate opinion of your capibilities. They also are a total embarassment to yourself and your real friends due to their social problems.

Minor 'Best-Friends' should be generally annoying but infrequent in their appearance and have a few (very few) redemming features. GMs are invited to be inventive in how this character impacts on the pc's life.

Major 'Best-friends' are as above but consider adding at least one of the following-

-The 'best-friend' is potentially around almost all the time.
-They have no redemning features what-so-ever.
-The 'best-friend' is a direct threat to the character's concept as society percieves. So the macho fighter is horrified to find he's been befriended by a fragently queer fop. The nouveau riche gentleman gets a visit from the crude yokel who was his landlord on the way up. And the cowardly Great Dane has his irritating nephew who thinks he's some great hero thrust upon him...

Message 10278#108853

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On 3/22/2004 at 10:49pm, toli wrote:
RE: Creative Gifts and Flaws

Andrew Mure wrote: Flaw (major/minor) - 'Best-friend'

Ooohhhh. That sounds way to familiar...NT

Message 10278#108856

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