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Topic: First game done and dusted
Started by: ZenDog
Started on: 3/19/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/19/2004 at 1:18am, ZenDog wrote:
First game done and dusted

Just finished my first game, there was a big chunk of background for the player to read (which works better online than it does face to face) and the action consisted of one Attribute/Skill test (uncontested) one attribute test (En vs Move), one surprsie attempt (partialy succesfull) and one combat (a slaughter by the mad axe weilding player). All this took 4+ hours of play.

Mianly due to my lack of knowledge of the rules and doing lots of typing (2,600 words in the IC window).

There was a lot of head scrtahing while I worked out TN's and tried to figure out if we should be rolling under or over and when ect ect, but we muddled through and had a lot of fun.

As I pick up a better understanding and when my player get his Books (in the post) things should flow better rule-wise.

We played in to chat rooms one for IC and one for OCC+mechanics and that worked really well for online play.

I'll put the game up in actual play (and at RPGnet) and I'have a ton of rules clarification questions to ask here so be warned.

The combat when it came was deadly and one sided, the player ambushed the enemy and took him by surprise the enemy made his roll and was only partial suprised so had a defense (full evade) but the player got the hit and amputated the guys arm with a downstroke and then finished him (although he was a dead man walking with BL 14 and Shock 10 and pain 10) with an upstroke to the thigh that surely must have svered the leg (the rules said level 5 main artery severed death iminient (however the players damage level was twice that at ten) still that was imaterial the guy was dead the moment his arm came off.

Not sure what SA's to reward and when to award them (although the session finished the next one carries on straight from where we left off).

Anyways it was fun,fun, fun.

Message 10288#108215

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On 3/19/2004 at 4:27am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: First game done and dusted

Not sure what SA's to reward and when to award them (although the session finished the next one carries on straight from where we left off).

It is recommended that you give out SA rewards over the course of the session, rather than at the end. This is a recommendation I still have trouble following, as I've grown up with the end of session experience like most gamers. Usually doing this way makes it easier to determine what SAs are needed, rather than trying to remember at the end of the session.

Rule of thumb: if the player USES an SA, it's probably a good time to award a point. If it's a situation where he probably could use the SA, same deal. Also, encourage him to fish for SA points.. It'll give you an idea as to when you should pay attention.

Message 10288#108252

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On 3/19/2004 at 4:40am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: First game done and dusted

Actually I don't think he used any SA's yet. Perhaps conscience (he had to make a tough decsion) He is playing himself as youth some 10 years before his chargen age for this first session, so he hasn't actually got all of his SA's yet, (he'll get the reason for most of them next session).

Funny thing is though after the session, all he said was how cool it was, how good the game is.

No mention of what do I get, and he didn't search the bodies for gold after the ambush, just followed his weapons master (Gottir the strong) into the night ready for next session. It didn't even occur to him to ask for xp or gp as a reward for his character.

I'll say it again I love this game.


EDIT:spelling ect. and yes awarding SA's in play will take me awhile to get used to.

Message 10288#108254

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On 3/20/2004 at 2:49am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: First game done and dusted

I've put my first actual play thread up. For anyone who is interested.

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