The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Devils Cay
Started by: Laurel
Started on: 12/18/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/18/2001 at 6:42pm, Laurel wrote:
Devils Cay

I know I've been suspiciously quiet for the last 2-3 weeks. There's been a lot going on for me, that is now finalized so that I can start discussing it.

I've become an External Developer for Skotos Tech, RPGNet's new merger-partner. They'll
be making the official announcement in a press release early next year when they've finalized choosing the other new Developers and closing down a few old projects that didn't go anywhere. I'm providing them with exclusive online rights to a game called Devils Cay. My Premise for Devils Cay is "Fantasy Island meets The Devil & Daniel Webster". Its set on Devils Cay, an actual undeveloped private island in the Bahamas I found during my research phase.

I will continue to fully own Devils Cay, and will be publishing the sourcebook for it with my own funds next summer to coincide with the game starting online. I've been saving some money I can afford to lose to put out a sourcebook through Golden Pillar Publishing.

However, I'm simultaneously be designing a Grand Chat Theatre like Skotos' Castle Marrach, which will be the only way people can play my game -online-. I'll be getting 20% royalties from the online game which, if the game reaches the "success" mark of a consistent 1000 person player base, works out to be about $2000 a month. We'll see.
Not counting my eggs.

My theory is that the MMORPG will help sell the sourcebook and that the sourcebook will help sell MMORPG subscriptions. I'm deliberately creating a conflict resolution system and setting that provide the containment and sustainability a MMORPG requires, for a Narrativist-oriented TT environment. I'm pretty convinced that a chat-oriented resolution system can be transferred to tabletop *much* easier than vice versa.

So starting in January, I'm going to start presenting Devils Cay here for evaluation and commentary, particularly in regards to the sourcebook and RPG design and publishing topics. I have an 11 day holiday from Dec. 22-Jan 1st and intend to put that time to very good use, and get a lot of work done so I have something formative to start discussing in Jan.

This was just my way of saying that even though I've stopped posting on the Forge, I am most definately still reading and finding all the current topics very interesting and informative. Usually by the time I've read through a thread, someone else has already said what I would have, any way :smile:

Message 1035#9696

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...started by Laurel which Laurel participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/18/2001

On 12/18/2001 at 7:14pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Devils Cay

Holy bat-shit. Congratulations, Laurel.

Is the book going to be available for GenCon? If so, we should talk about some ways my booth can help you, as it's going to be kind of an "indie-Forge & friends" booth.

Please drop a post now and again anyway! We miss you.


Message 1035#9699

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/18/2001