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Topic: New review at
Started by: Malechi
Started on: 3/23/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/23/2004 at 9:38am, Malechi wrote:
New review at

errrr ... yeah....
go check it out..


Message 10351#108936

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On 3/23/2004 at 1:47pm, Salamander wrote:
Re: New review at

Malechi wrote:

errrr ... yeah....
go check it out..


Meh. So they don't like it. Like we have been saying for awhile around here, TRoS isn't for everybody. I find they system rather refreshing and have enjoyed it since the first time I cracked the cover. Since our first game, four of us have bought the book... in a group that NEVER buys more than two books for a campaign. [sarcasm]So it must be a pretty crappy game.[/sarcasm]

And judging from how quickly the thing has been selling and all the effort Jake and Brian are putting into TFoB, I am pretty sure it is selling well.

Message 10351#108952

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On 3/23/2004 at 2:14pm, bottleneck wrote:
RE: New review at

If he wants to play Aragorn, well, make a character with all A-priorities. Then the combat system won't be as deadly either (unless of course he acts stupid).

What he really wanted was to play [that other game], just using tROS rules...

Message 10351#108957

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On 3/23/2004 at 3:21pm, Malechi wrote:
RE: New review at

Yeah.. it seems to me however that the same things crop up in these reviews all the time:

a) combat is TOO deadly
b) SAs are poorly explained
c) SAs are a crutch for those unable to roleplay their way out of a wet character sheet
d) Slaves are über combat munchies (or "I don't get the character priority system and the idea that choice matters and forget that money and social position determines what weapons I can carry")
e) people seem to ignore the part of the book where it clearly states how to run a combat with multiple opponents
f) they fear their group is going to powergame/munchkinise the game so it'd be unplayable to their particular group
g) Sorcery is all at once too powerful yet ultimately sorcerers are crippled by the ageing system...that one still makes me laugh.

I find it interesting that people seem to have an almost identical set of problems with the game time and time again. Perhaps its an issue of expectations or preconceptions not being met. Perhaps it is simply a matter of taste/preference. Perhaps its just fascimile reviews. I still find it curious that these people can "logically" argue their points and still say they've read the book and playtested the game.

Interesting, though possibly pointless to ponder too much..

Jason K.

Message 10351#108965

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On 3/23/2004 at 6:22pm, Caz wrote:
RE: New review at

Hehe has anyone that "gets it" ever done a review? They always sound like sirens...

Message 10351#109003

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On 3/23/2004 at 6:41pm, MrGeneHa wrote:
RE: New review at

Lots of games have deadly combat systems. At low levels, even DnD.

But they also have quick healing (spells, tech, etc) so you don't have to wait to heal. If 'deadly' combat is someone's problem with TRoS, just add a miraculous healer to the group. POOF you're healed.


Message 10351#109012

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On 3/23/2004 at 7:37pm, tauman wrote:
RE: New review at

Actually, you're right. If you want to play high-fantasy, just give a few magic-items to your players. If you actually modelled it right, you could even add a stormbringer to the game and have a PC mow down combatants a-la the books. Just power down the sorcery rules and presto, you've got a Melnibone campaign. Just ond't forget that chaos lords can swallow you in two gulps, weapon, armor, and all ;)

Actually, if you think about it, many of the standard magic items from D&D would put a standard character head and heel above the average fighting denizen of the world:

1. Ring of Regeneration (wow is this powerful in TROS).
2. Any wand
3. Any special magic sword: +x defender, vorpal sword(!), dancing sword, nine lives stealer, etc.
4. Ring of Invisibility
5. Magic Armor (D&D magic armor has reduced encumberance)
6. Anything of giant strength...

Okay, so it's not to my taste, but whining about not being able to play high fantasy is silly...


MrGeneHa wrote: Lots of games have deadly combat systems. At low levels, even DnD.

But they also have quick healing (spells, tech, etc) so you don't have to wait to heal. If 'deadly' combat is someone's problem with TRoS, just add a miraculous healer to the group. POOF you're healed.


Message 10351#109033

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On 3/23/2004 at 8:19pm, Eamon wrote:
RE: New review at

Malechi wrote: a) combat is TOO deadly.

A valid complaint to those who like the idea of hit points or high soak-to-damage ratios.

b) SAs are poorly explained
c) SAs are a crutch for those unable to roleplay their way out of a wet character sheet

I'm with you here.

d) Slaves are über combat munchies (or "I don't get the character priority system and the idea that choice matters and forget that money and social position determines what weapons I can carry")

Actually, this is something I don't like about TROS and many other games. Throwing in the accuracy issue, generally slaves have been poorly fed and poorly trained throughout history. They simply don't get access to the high protein diets of the nobility, and rarely have the amount of time to spend on practicing how to fight or read. I tend to call this issue the sad human rights condition caused by the Gaming Oppression of Nobility, in that nobles lose out on attributes and skills due to their rank.

e) people seem to ignore the part of the book where it clearly states how to run a combat with multiple opponents

While the text may be relatively clear, I certainly needed the help of this forum to find that part of the book.

f) they fear their group is going to powergame/munchkinise the game so it'd be unplayable to their particular group

Heh heh. I have two lawyers in my gaming group. Every game system is a fight to keep two otherwise good roleplayers from... rollplaying. Fortunately, I'm a tyrant as a GM about that sort of thing.

g) Sorcery is all at once too powerful yet ultimately sorcerers are crippled by the ageing system...that one still makes me laugh.

Ya. That one makes me laugh too.

I find it interesting that people seem to have an almost identical set of problems with the game time and time again. Perhaps its an issue of expectations or preconceptions not being met. Perhaps it is simply a matter of taste/preference. Perhaps its just fascimile reviews.

I go with facsimile reviews. This review looks to have lifted sentences from someone else's effort. Bleah. If you are going to write a negative review, at least have the grace not to copy someone elses blather. You aren't allowed to do it in a positive review, so why a negative review?

Message 10351#109045

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On 3/23/2004 at 8:31pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: New review at

Malechi wrote:
a) combat is TOO deadly
b) SAs are poorly explained
c) SAs are a crutch for those unable to roleplay their way out of a wet character sheet
d) Slaves are über combat munchies (or "I don't get the character priority system and the idea that choice matters and forget that money and social position determines what weapons I can carry")
e) people seem to ignore the part of the book where it clearly states how to run a combat with multiple opponents
f) they fear their group is going to powergame/munchkinise the game so it'd be unplayable to their particular group
g) Sorcery is all at once too powerful yet ultimately sorcerers are crippled by the ageing system...that one still makes me laugh.

a. Combat is too deadly for those who prefer less-deadly combat.
b. SAs don't get nearly the emphasis that they should in the text. I personally feel that choosing SAs should be the second thing you do in chargen; immediately after concept and philosophy.
c. Disagree. Entirely. A crutch for the GM to introduce interesting content, perhaps.. but not for the players.
d. Eh.. true. But the game doesn't attempt realism in chargen. It attempts to make you make choices.
e. Multiple opponent combat is confusing. The book could do with a lot more explanation here. Just follow the URL in the book, find this place, and you're fine, though.
f. If your group is a bunch of munchkins, you've got group issues, not game issues. Don't confuse them.
g. Ridiculous. You can't have it both ways.

All in all, it boils down to pure preference. Since finding the Forge, I can't even bring myself to bash D&D anymore. It's not bad... it just fails to meet my preferences. If you don't like TRoS, go find something you do. Attempting to turn other people off by negatively spun reviews is childish, though.

Message 10351#109049

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On 3/23/2004 at 8:41pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: New review at

Most of the review, I agree, was a study in missing the point.

I did find one element of it interesting, though: the idea that the sheer deadliness of combat -- originally meant to discourage characters from engaging in fights casually -- winds up scaring players away from fighting at all, even when they should, and turns it into an unenjoyable exercise in nitpicky planning when you do.

I remember expressing similar concerns about the sorcery system at one point, noting that while all the flavour text of sorcery emphasized how powerful it was, the mechanics threatened to turn sorcerers, in play, into CTN-minmaxers desperately waiting for SA-activating situations rather than the gods-on-earth they were described as.

I think this description too misses the point, but that contradiction is there in both combat and sorcery -- the carrot is an amazing level of in-game "punch" to those proficient at them, but the stick is a level of unforgiveness for even your first mistake (crippling wounds for fighters, youth lost beyond recall for sorcerers) that maintaining enthusiasm through the learning curve can be more difficult than many gamers are used to.

Message 10351#109051

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On 3/23/2004 at 8:44pm, bergh wrote:
RE: New review at

I did buy TRoS for its battle system, and i like it, actually the only thing i don't like is the character generation system. but we somehow fixed it in a boring way.

3 ways to make a character with the prioritys:

then there are no slaves or super nobles with bad stats, no characters with only one skill packet....anyway im thinking on doing a whole new system to make characters.

Message 10351#109052

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On 3/23/2004 at 9:28pm, Richard_Strey wrote:
RE: New review at

Hi all.

Since I've had a hard day and not eaten much yet, I'll refrain from being diplomatic and come to the point. Most of the reviewers who post a "low score" seem to me like they just started roleplaying and behave like helpless children. "The game doesn't work out of the box the way I want it to. Mom, make it go away. Waaaah!". :(

Shouldn't all RPG material be regarded as just that? Source material that allows a group -needing a competent GM and responsible players in interaction- to weave their very own gaming experience? If parts of the game don't suit you, change them. If you don't like a rule, leave it out. Is there info (like armor coverage) "missing"? Go search the web, or something. RPGs aren't videogames. You actually have to *make them work*. Jake had to carefully judge what to put into the book. Lots of stuff could have gotten coverage, but didn't. Those were tough choices, but I think he made a decent job of it.

Now, I'm not saying that everyone should be a master of improvisation and tuning game systems. I'm not saying that you should have to do your own research to play an RPG. But if you carefully avoid thinking on your own initiative and after years of "gaming experience" still ignore the Golden Rule, then -in my humble opinion- you deserve to fall on your nose.

p.s.: If you don't like the character creation system as it stands, you may want to have a look at the Shadowrun Compendium (either 2nd or 3rd Ed.) and let the point-based system inspire you. That should provide for a more granular character creation.

Message 10351#109060

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On 3/23/2004 at 9:38pm, montag wrote:
RE: New review at

what I found interesting was the observation that combat skill is in the hand of the players. I hadn't thought of that before and I can see how it is a severe limitation for some groups:
Say, you got a player who either isn't particularly gifted or never gets rules or never can be bothered to read or remember them. These people exist, they game and overall I've found them to be as fun to game with as anyone else.
However in TROS I run into a problem, since I can't hand them the usual combat monster which they otherwise often get to play, since the character simply won't be that combat monster without the player skill to back it up.
This of course resembles the general problem with social skills, where a certain amount of resolution through drama (role-play) is the norm and which often means that people with lower social or argumentative skills have difficulties playing characters with high skill levels in these and consequently often don't. The specialist for social stuff is however usually just one position in a party, so while uncomfortable, the situation is not a major problem (at least for most people AFAIK).

Message 10351#109064

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On 3/23/2004 at 9:51pm, NotOnYourLife wrote:
RE: New review at

This is going to get my butt chewed, but here goes anyway. I'm a regular here, but fearing repercussions to my normal login I created this second account (that I never intend to use again) so everybody "hates" this login instead of my normal one.

Other than the review's author's highly inappropriate attitude, a little close mindedness (no, only a little, not total), and his tendency to exaggerate some of the items (yes, only some), I really don't see his being that far off the target for a whole lot of things he wrote. Some things were indeed WAY off target, but I felt other issues hit absolute dead center. I know that people here who live and breath TRoS are taking his inapropriately toned attacks very personal and are blowing off the whole article based on his tone alone, but I felt some of his observations are pretty much "on the money" in many areas. So much so, in fact, that I would have hoped that the fanatic devotees and designers of TRoS would have taken the time to read through it and shrug off the highly inappropriate and insulting tone in order to consider the issues being presented, and then decide on content rather than tone on whether or not to give some serious consideration to those issues before just blowing them off as non-sense.

Don't misunderstand me here, I think TRoS is a fantastic system. I just found myself nodding in agreement to MANY of the issues presented in between periods of feeling outraged at the tone of the presentation.

'nuf said

Message 10351#109066

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On 3/23/2004 at 10:46pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: New review at

NotOnYourLife wrote: Don't misunderstand me here, I think TRoS is a fantastic system. I just found myself nodding in agreement to MANY of the issues presented in between periods of feeling outraged at the tone of the presentation.

Which issues were you noticing in particular?

While I admit to being a TRoS fanboy, most of the things the reviewer seemed to be complaining about struck me as along the lines of, "This chicken doesn't taste like beef!" -- i.e., holding up the game's admitted differences from other products as a negative by definition. Is it a weakness that the game doesn't work like [insert X game here]? Not if it was never intended to in the first place.

For myself I think there were basically only two major issues that came up, and you may or may not agree with me on the second:

1) The implications and potential of SAs. These things make the game what it is, and a revised edition should definitely have a much bigger section on their use, definition, potential and pitfalls. (Making sure character SAs are compatible, or at least not contradictory, is a major tip for all players in this game.)

2) The conflict between implied style and explicit mechanics, partly because the narrative elements of TROS assume the impact of SAs but the mechanics are written as a "default" without them. Like I noted above in my comments on the sorcery section, the effect -- to someone not fully aware of how critical SAs are and how to bring them into play for best effect -- is to make the game's two most powerful methods of in-game influence (and the two typically resorted to most often, in other games) also the most dangerous to use, and thus, paradoxically, the least-often used.

I don't think of this second as an "issue" so much as simply a design philosophy difference demanding that characters (gasp) take risks in order to change the world. What is an issue is that this difference may not be as clear as it could be, and if potential gamers are being put off by that, that might be something to think about.

Message 10351#109074

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On 3/23/2004 at 11:18pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: New review at

Hello Not,

I don't know who you are, as intended.. but I feel a bit insulted, as a member of this community, that you think us so close-minded that you wish to hide your true opinions behind a mask.

(all you's hereafter are generic)

I agree with many of the negative points made about TRoS. The game is far from perfect. It's even farther from perfect if your preferences differ from those that it is designed to favor. If you like realistic, dangerous combat, with an element of player skill and risk-taking, TRoS is wonderful. If you like the ability to be rewarded for playing your character true to his goals and passions, then TRoS is wonderful.

If you get so attached to a character that you want no chance of losing them before you're ready for them to die, TRoS is not for you. If you prefer all characters to be balanced in power level at specific stages of advancement, then TRoS is not for you. Go play something else, and do so with my blessing, which I'm sure you appreciate. ::wryly::

As for writing and layout, I think Jake did a great job, overall. Many of the things he was slammed for I think were nice touches. The art is pretty decent, and the prose is human. Consider the fact that he did it mostly by himself, and it is his first product of this sort, and the accomplishment grows. Look at D&D3E.. How many years and iterations did it take to get to where it is today, and how many people worked on it? Some people STILL think it's crap.

That said, I think some things, as I mentioned above, needed a lot more explanation. SAs primarily, with terrain rolls, and various combat concerns following. But the lack of perfection does not make this a horrible game, and that is the flaw of most people who review TRoS on, not all, but most.

The game isn't perfect, and it may be absolutely horrible for some people and some styles of play. But to take this personal bias and lack of understanding and rate the game badly is wrong, and anyone who does such will have their review curtly dismissed in it's entirety. Why? Because delivery is important. Objectivity is important. And frankly, there has never been a review that's made a decent point that hasn't already been discussed to DEATH here. Even Deacon Blues (something like that..), which was one of the best I've seen over there, failed to critique anything that we've missed.

Bottom-line: You can say the same old thing. You can dislike the game. You can rate it poorly.. But if you do not rate it fairly, objectively (or with allowance for your subjectivity) and give all particulars due honesty and detail, then your review is utterly and totally worthless, and worse because it has the potential to do added disservice to the game by turning off players who would otherwise be converts.

That's all I have to say about that.

Message 10351#109077

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On 3/23/2004 at 11:58pm, kenjib wrote:
RE: New review at

Wolfen wrote: As for writing and layout, I think Jake did a great job, overall. Many of the things he was slammed for I think were nice touches. The art is pretty decent, and the prose is human. Consider the fact that he did it mostly by himself, and it is his first product of this sort, and the accomplishment grows. Look at D&D3E.. How many years and iterations did it take to get to where it is today, and how many people worked on it? Some people STILL think it's crap.

I agree. Jake did a really fantastic job pulling this off as a one man show. I'm always amazed at what people who have the balls and talent can just get out there and do and wish I could have the same determination to make my mark on the world as well.

Thanks for a great game, Jake!

Message 10351#109091

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On 3/24/2004 at 12:04am, Turin wrote:
RE: New review at

I have been a player of Harn for years, and have recently taken an interest in TROS (which is saying something because I have not purchased a new RPG in about 5 years).

I do feel some of the comments in the review are valid, but overall from what I have seen I like a lot about TROS. My experience is limited to the quick start rules and info I have been able to download. But from what I have seen, I am interested enough to seriously consider purchasing TROS.

In regards to combat being deadly, the review seemed to be coming from the mindset of someone who counts their hit points to see if they have enough to charge the 10 archers who are threatening them!

I love how TROS uses range - Most sytems make it only something that effects iniative, and counter this by giving longer weapons a high damage mod. A dagger is as deadly as most thrusting weapons, it's disadvantage being it's length - you have to close with your opponent, and are at a severe disadvantage "to hit" until you do. Some games represent this with no changes for the most part to hit, but making the dagger a little poker that does 1d4 damage.

The "feel" of the combat system is great as well, giving you many options and making you feel as if you are in the combat, something unlike almost any other system. Yes, you have to know the system to be skilled, but I actually like this idea - it's less bragging about your 20th level character and more what you can actually accomplish in a fight.

But I dohave some dislikes of the system that mirror to some extent the review:

1. Combat is to deadly - Even though I do not like hit point systems, TROS combat is a bit too deadly. Realistic yes, but to deadly for playability if you wish your characters to survive. Harn's system has bleeding, instant kills, and death through infection and shock as well. But with competent healers, you can live through many battles (although combat is still deadly and to be avoided). I've thought Harn combat should be a bit more deadly, but TROS goes to far in that direction IMO.

2. SA's - I like how these address motivation. It also provides a good way to represent types such as Tolklien High elves IMO. A special SA like "the light in their eyes from Aman" could be represent this well with a little work. Kind of like when Finrod "draws forth his power", bursts his bonds and kills a werewolf barehanded, but is mortally wounded himself. Although I would like to see developemnt be a combination of training and combat experience with devopement slowing (and maxing out short of superhuman capabilities) and SA's.

3. 1/2 steps for strength, weapon damage, and the toughness thing changed - with a strength of 7 compared to the norm of 4, a character does a minimum of a 4 level wound if they strike unarmoured flesh. Any positives to their weapon damage (i.e. +1 for an arming sword slashing) makes this even higher. I would prefer strength to have an impact on damage, but not nearly as high or as much. Same goes for toughness. And with this in place for weapon damage, that +3 slashing weapon can never inflict a minor wound.

4. Combat with large and/or non-humanoid creatures - Most games, TROS included have you "fence" with an enraged bear. I have not read the Beasts and Men supplement, but I would think many combat techniques would not work in this situation. The combat dice situation also does not work as well here. The Bear would barge through any block or parry attempt and knock you down. The only valid options I think would be an evasive attack, a full dodge, or a counterstrike, in which case you need to hope your counterstrike severely wounds the animal before it kills you. I also don't like the fact that with enough of a combat pool, you are pretty well gauranteed being able to evade the beast. Most sytems don't do this well however. The only thing is that the more absract the system, the less noticeable this problem is. Even Harn does not do this real well, I've had to concoct a set of house rules to handle this better.

With all that said, I still like a lot what I have seen so far!

Message 10351#109092

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On 3/24/2004 at 12:18am, Edge wrote:
RE: New review at

The main issue that i notice people have with TROS is that combat is to deadly.
I actually totally disagree.
Combat is only as deadly as you make it.
In a game i am running at the moment 2 of the characters are combat orientated, one is fairly average at combat while the other is pretty good.

Both of them have managed to avoid being killed so far. This is a combination of knowing when to flee from combat (while fighting some goblins, and winning mind you they were charged by a giant, needless to say they fled as fast as they're little legs could carry them), what maneovres to use against which opponents and to know when not to pick a fight. When it comes to picking a fight they make sure it is on their terms not their opponents.

SA's have played another big part in keeping characters alive. As a normal person would they only pick fights which are tied in to their beliefs. As a result of this they quite frequently have a couple extra dice (thanks to SA's) to play with

Message 10351#109094

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On 3/24/2004 at 12:38am, Turin wrote:
RE: New review at

Edge Wrote:

The main issue that i notice people have with TROS is that combat is to deadly.
I actually totally disagree.
Combat is only as deadly as you make it.
In a game i am running at the moment 2 of the characters are combat orientated, one is fairly average at combat while the other is pretty good

The issue is that losing in combat is too dangerous. Yes, you can hand pick opponents so that the PC's have an advantage in CP's, including the use of SA's. If they believe to have an advantage, they can fight. If they have a strong disadvantage, they run. But combat where they are at a slight disadvantage or equally matched (including SA's) is where it is deadly. It is hard to survive a combat which you do not win, and that is realistic to a point, but also D20 ish to a point. If you take on to strong of opponents, you are likely dead. I do like where you can lose a combat, but not have to many fatalities, and while not in top shape, you can recover over a period of time.

While the death ratio may be fairly realistic in TROS, the way you must GM to keep most of the group alive is unrealistic, as you must tailor your opponents to the strength of the group and their SA's. In a way this is similar to the D&D dungeon adventures which are tailored to the level of the group.

I prefer having a group beaten up pretty well, an occaisonal death, but many of the party survives. This can spur additional adventures as a group will try to break out of captivity if they are defeated and captured.

Message 10351#109098

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On 3/24/2004 at 1:01am, dysjunct wrote:
RE: New review at

Eamon wrote:
Malechi wrote: d) Slaves are über combat munchies (or "I don't get the character priority system and the idea that choice matters and forget that money and social position determines what weapons I can carry")

Actually, this is something I don't like about TROS and many other games. Throwing in the accuracy issue, generally slaves have been poorly fed and poorly trained throughout history. They simply don't get access to the high protein diets of the nobility, and rarely have the amount of time to spend on practicing how to fight or read. I tend to call this issue the sad human rights condition caused by the Gaming Oppression of Nobility, in that nobles lose out on attributes and skills due to their rank.

The complaint here comes from, I think, people looking at the chargen system as a way of generating an infinite amount of characters to populate the world with. And if this view were true, then I'd agree with this criticism of TROS's chargen system. But it's not Demographics: The Bell-Curving, it's a ruleset for generating PC heroes.

So no, slaves (in general) don't have higher attributes than nobles (in general). But PC slaves have higher attributes than PC nobles. I don't have a problem with this.

Message 10351#109103

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On 3/24/2004 at 1:17am, Valamir wrote:
RE: New review at

The issue is that losing in combat is too dangerous.

Turin, I actually understand fully where you're coming from with this. But my actual experience, both in real play and on zillions of combat sim bouts doesn't really support this worry.

VERY VERY few engagements I've been in wound up with the player WHAM dead or maimed immediately and he never saw it coming. Now granted, in D&D that becomes even less (to zero typically with characters of even modest level) but it just isn't true that player characters who lose end up dead.

No, what usually kills player characters, is player pride.

The game most often gives plenty of advanced warning. It literally screams "hey meat head...its time for you to surrender now".

Take a couple of exchanges, witness how many more dice your opponent has than you...start to think about how to disengage and run, or turtle and wait for help.

Suffered a blow that costing dice loss from pain...what is it a Level 2 to the head. Level 3 to the thigh...Pain is natures way of telling you its time to quit before you hurt yourself. It serves the same role in TROS...but players often ignore it.

Right then at that point, you have the option to start to run. To surrender, to fall down and beg for mercy.

Most players can't do that because they have too much pride. Their egos are writing checks that their PC's bodies can't cash. Then they get upset and say "combat is too deadly". isn't. At least not all that often. What it is is a system that punishes players from having too much pride and not being willing to back down and let their character be defeated without dieing.

And truthfully...isn't that what the Riddle is all about. "What is worth dieing for?"

Is your pride as a player at refusing to allow your character to be defeated by some guardsman worth your character dieing for?

TROS isn't too deadly really. But it does fully expect you as the player to be willing to answer that question. And if your answer is "yes, I'll die before I surrender"...then that's your choice, and TROS will hold you to it.

But outright death and dismemberment with absolutely no chance to save yourself...its rare. It does happen more frequently if you go naked up against a dopplehander...but that's hardly the system's fault.

Message 10351#109105

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On 3/24/2004 at 2:49am, montag wrote:
RE: New review at

dysjunct wrote:
Eamon wrote:
Malechi wrote: d) Slaves are über combat munchies (or "I don't get the character priority system and the idea that choice matters and forget that money and social position determines what weapons I can carry")

I tend to call this issue the sad human rights condition caused by the Gaming Oppression of Nobility, in that nobles lose out on attributes and skills due to their rank.

The complaint here comes from, I think, people looking at the chargen system as a way of generating an infinite amount of characters to populate the world with. And if this view were true, then I'd agree with this criticism of TROS's chargen system. But it's not Demographics: The Bell-Curving, it's a ruleset for generating PC heroes.
Frankly, I don't find this argument particularly convincing. I mean, there has to be a way to distinguish between a bad design idea and a "great idea that requires the player to make a decision right there". Otherwise any restriction on player choice that (a) is unnecessary and (b) has "unrealistic" consequences can be justified as "forcing the player to yadayada". By that same reasoning, games like Shadowrun or V:tM, which reward min-maxing during character generation, are perfectly allright, since the system is asking the player "are you willing to pay the price for not being a specialist?".
Which IMHO is just plain BS, since that question is wholly irrelevant to the game, it's just a poor design choice because it punishes certain character concepts for no particular reason. And with TROS, IMHO it's the same. What is important to the character and what addresses the Riddle comes through SAs, not through being a noble or a slave. Sure, their respective SAs and stories are going to be different because they operate on different social levels, but if and when the character puts his or her life on the line, their social status is about the most irrelevant thing imaginable.
To summarise: The forced choice in character generation would make sense, if "what are you willing to die for/sacrifice your character for" were in any sense related to the question whether you character concept is a noble or a slave. IMHO it isn't, but if anyone want to argue that point, I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.

The "you're creating PCs not a random population sample" argument seems equally nonsensical to me. One possible counter is "another sad case of TROS Sim-Narr conflict, due to mixed priorities in various parts of the game", essentially saying that Sim-expectations are perfectly reasonable given other aspects of the game, so it's hardly anyone's fault to expect consistency here.
Another possible counter would be that by that reasoning any arbitrary favouring of certain choices is justified, after all, they're PCs. Heck, given that mindset it would be o.k. to force the player to play a crippled character if he wants him to be a noble. (Which, some might say, TROS is already doing ;) Now, if there is a particular point to that choice (see above) such a favouring may make sense. Otherwise, it's poor design.

Message 10351#109128

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On 3/24/2004 at 5:46am, Merritt Baggett wrote:
RE: New review at

Ok, I think the criticism against the chargen namely the Noble vs Slave thing has been covered in other threads: player choices, use of insight points, etc.

However, in the interest of laying to rest the whole "Oh my god, my (starting) noble character is crippled, deaf, mute with one good eye" myth, I went ahead and put together a noble character. Two things to note though, 1 its late here, and 2 I don't have tons of practical (read in game) experience with the game, but I view this as hey, if I can throw a decent noble character together, so can you. (Also note, crippled nobles can be pretty awesome as character concepts in their own right, witness Tyrion Lannister of George R. R. Martin's series).

Also note that since we're talking about just the mechanics, we're leaving out all the great narrative bits that the game really encourages in your character development.

Noble - chargen priorities -> Race F (human), Social Class A (landed nobility), Attributes B (43), Skills D (8/8), Prof. C (6), Gifts and Flaws E (1 major flaw, 1 minor gift)

Ok, what have we got here? Race is pretty straight forward. If I wanted to min/max I prolly could have taken a B in Social Class and bumped something else up, but you know what? Being able to afford a complete set of "fine" arms and armor, as well as innumerable social benefits is pretty significant. Now that I think about it, if we're min/maxing sort of, why don't I use my influence and cash to get some vassals to help me go out and oppress those slaves! (just kidding). Anyhow, my attributes (not even considering nationality) are going to be all 4s with a couple of stats above 4. That is to say, by the system's defination mostly average stats with a few above average stats. With skills at 8/8, I took the knight and soldier skill packets, and then spread my MA bonus points around so that all my skills are pretty much 7 with one skill left at 8. With 6 proficiency points I'll put them all into Sword and Shield for a pretty classic weapon setup with decent defaults if I want to wield something different. Finally, I'll take Phobia: Cats (what the hell, its late) as my major flaw, and minor Beauty of Legend as my minor gift.

So, all in all, I'm human with slightly above average stats, a decent though hardly world shattering combat pool, averagish skills, and while I may not be a supermodel, I look pretty damn good, especially in my shiny, best-that-money-can-buy armor. And I hate cats.

Now, I'm no insane combat monster, but I'm hardly a cripple either. With the chargen process, I'm pretty much saying, "Hey, Attributes are the 2nd most important thing to me about this character" which is again reflected by my attributes being slightly above average which is a far cry from the malnorished nobles we've been lead to believe are running the show. All that, plus again, note my character is pretty damn good looking, thank you much.

I dare some starting character slave to penetrate my "fine-quality" armor with... his bare hands? His improvised chains and manacles? Ha! You know what? I'm thinking I should have taken the overconfidence flaw instead of phobia!

Seriously tho, if you're a slave, you're prolly branded for live. While I'm not saying a slave can't rise above his station, its most likely far easier for me to improve my skills and prof. Now, if you want your slave character to be the next Spartacus or Maximus, etc. That's cool too. I'm just saying that starting nobles aren't that shabby.

Hail to the King, baby!

Message 10351#109158

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On 3/24/2004 at 7:05am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: New review at

You hit that right on the nose man.
My noble is setup much like yours, except that I've used insight so as far as a 'starting character' goes.. using mine for a comparison is invalid.

Yes, there are several manifestations of the arrangement of priorities for nobles.. mostly being that you can switch a few around and come up with a totally different kind of noble.

Mine for instance is social priority B..
He's got attributes at A, etc etc.
You could make it attributes at A, social at B, prof's at C, skills D, gifts/flaws E, and race F..
or if you wanted a bit more knowledge in the combat aspect.. switch the above C and A... making you have 8 prof's in one weapon vs 6.. giving you 2 more CP.. unless due to the drop in attribute points to spend your reflex takes a drop. Or you could be very skilled and have skills as A... etc.

In either case the main idea of a starting character is that you can't have you cake and eat it too. I can however via the use of insight points..
If you want a higher priority in something, you must sacrifice something else for it.

Let's say you have an average character with skills at C, D, or E. Your skills can be lowered over time via practice.. so perhaps you can write those poor skill ratings off as the character being young, inexperienced..and slightly trained...etc. Perhaps he was more concerned as a kid learning swordsmanship than riding a horse.. or whatnot. Perhaps vice-versa.. in the case that skills are A or B.. and prof's are lower.

Just look at the big picture and it's easy to find an explanation for everything in the character generation process. At least it is for me.


Message 10351#109167

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On 3/24/2004 at 7:53am, NotOnYourLife wrote:
RE: New review at

First of all, let me extend heart-felt appologies to Wolfen and any others who felt insulted by my choice to remain anonymous. Before I go further, please let me explain the motivation a bit so as to (hopefully) reduce the feelings of insult. Please understand I chose to remain anonymous in this post as a result of MY inadequacies and personal baggage...not as a comment on the open mindedness on the TRoS community in this forum. I am a person of extreme low self esteam who is ALWAYS afraid to the tenth degree that others will degrade and belittle his every idea and then demean him and treat him as a child forevermore in every possible way (even though my general IQ is fairly well into the ridiculous range, making the above delusion even more absurd, the intellect still can't overcome this emotional disability that at least I do recognize that I do have). Even though I know at a base level that the participants in this forum would not do that to me, my psychosis is STILL so overpowering that I feel the need to unnecessarily protect myself. So again, my appologies for any insult taken as no insult was intended at any level.

Now on to issues, and replies to things I've read thus far.

First of all, Kenjib said:

I agree. Jake did a really fantastic job pulling this off as a one man show.

I couldn't agree more. In fact I think he did a really fantastic job pulling this off even compared to systems having whole teams of developers, let alone one man shows.

Malechi had several comments indicating confusion or disbelief of where these reviewers were getting their ideas from, and then turned around and basically summed it up (I think) by saying:
I find it interesting that people seem to have an almost identical set of problems with the game time and time again. Perhaps its an issue of expectations or preconceptions not being met. Perhaps it is simply a matter of taste/preference.

which I think pretty much hit the nail on the head as to explaining it. So as I run through my thoughts on this I'll try to put in a word or two about this where applicable.

Now on to the actual things I found myself nodding to in the article (the actual point of the initial post). I'll try to keep this as short as possible as this is already a ridiculously long post. Aw, who am I kidding? I'm wordy and there's a ton to say, so this is going to be ridiculously long, so appologies for that and I'll just get to it:

The reviewer commented on the possibility of contradictory SA's between players. Ok, no suprise there to anyone. I've seen discussions here already that address that issue and express that the Seneschal needs to step in to make sure that isn't allowed, and that the group needs to be aware they need to cooperate and choose SA's that are not incompatible between players. He also said his group did that and did not experience the problem. So he too recognized it, just like people here did, but didn't actually encounter the problem in playing because his group took the high road and did cooperate in SA design. So let's call it a non-issue because he resolved it exactly as discussions here in the forum indicated he should, but let's also agree that it is a valid observation.

The reviewer also commented that there was insufficient explanation of SA's, how to use them, when to use them, etc,.... This also has been echoed here in multiple threads, including this one, so let's agree that this too is a valid observation.

The reviewer implied there should be some "generic" SA's that apply to all characters as they are inately common to all humans. It sounds like self-preservation, fear, desire to protect close friends, adrenaline surges in times of danger, and many other such concepts are probably what he is talking about. That's not really a issue with the system itself per-se (even though he presents it as such), but it is an interesting observation worth mentioning as there is some logic sense to it.

The reviewer commented that he actually loved the concept of SA's, implying they are a good thing. That hopefully shouldn't be too hard to agree with as well.

The reviewer liked the dice mechanism used. I think most people here agree whole-heartedly with that, so no further comment needed. His only beef on that issue seems to be the concept that "everything isn't done the same way". Let's call that a preference problem. Yes, it would reduce learning curve if the dicing system, skill system, combat system, etc,....was exactly the same for all aspects of the system, but that's really a preference thing in my mind, so that "problem" I kind of dismissed.

The reviewer commented on the lethality of the system in combat, and basically said that combat should be avoided unconditionally as the likelihood of death or permanent injury is too great to risk. That shouldn't come as a shock to anybody. The combat system models real life swordplay, and humans are incredibly fragile things. It takes all kinds of meds, doctors, hospitals, etc,...just to keep us healthy when NOT doing dangerous things. Getting into a situation where someone else dislikes you enough to start swinging long, hardened, sharpened steel at you with intent to maim or kill pretty much guarantees that SOMEONE (you, them, or both) is going to be spending the balance of the day in the morgue or receiving significant medical attention. To me, that observation by the reviewer seems reasonable.

The reviewer commented on being closer to a farmer than Aragorn of Lord Of The Rings. Ok, while I feel this is VERY true, it falls into Malechi's summary I think.
Perhaps its an issue of expectations or preconceptions not being met.

The reviewer was probably hoping for a "novel heroic" or a "movie heroic" or a "computer game heroic" character, and instead got a "real life heroic" character. Most real life heroes (not all, but most) are pushing up daisies as a direct result of their heroism. He probably wanted a character that would at least GROW to be fairly invincible as it became more experienced, much like most D&D or computer game characters. Anyone looking for that in this system is bound to be disappointed (barring house rules or a VERY kindly Seneschal), because this system is deadly. Period. While it is UNLIKELY a one on one between a novice character and an experienced character will end poorly for the experienced character, it CAN still happen if the novice character is being run by an expert player and the expert character is being run by a novice player...especially if the weak character "suicides out" by simultaneously attacking full out and "gets one in first". Throw melee to the side and just consider missile fire, and it gets worse. You can pretty much kiss that highly experienced character goodbye if anyone, even a novice character, fires a bow at him. So I would definitely chalk this one up to "expectations and preconceptions". The system is correct as designed, but is also not compatible with the concept of the "computer game heroic" style character that slowly becomes invincible through experience (such as would be possibly through many other games including D&D). As making it possible to develop such a character was not the intent of the designer, this is not a "fault" (such as the reviewer presented it) but rather is a "you're playing in the wrong system" expectation/preconception problem. It is worth noting anyhow, as MANY new players (including myself) are always looking for a way to achieve that kind of a character in every system they play. In my opinion, it would be worthwhile to stress (not just mention, but rather STRESS) up front in the core rule book (if it isn't already there) the point that this system is not compatible with that concept of character developement.

The reviewer disliked not having rules for non-human combat. OMAB corrected that. Too bad if he didn't choose to spend the cash on it and wanted it for free in the core rule book. I consider that just whining on his part. He commented on being like Rolemaster in having tons of charts for each different beast. Not having had time to go through OMAB yet, I can't comment on that, but having actually GM'd Rolemaster for years and years, NOTHING could be that painful and I think it is likely he is exagerating badly. Even if he isn't, I did GM Rolemaster in huge combats for countless adventures without having a massive coronary failure and dying a painful, violent, twitching death, so I think he's probably way off base here.

The reviewer commented that the player's skills are more important than the character's skills. I say "Duh. No shit?" to that. Someone who knows the system inside and out is always going to pound someone who doesn't regardless of character skills unless the novice manages to get to the other guy asap and overwhelm him with those higher skills. The expert player is going to try to avoid the novice being able to do that because he knows what the result will be. This system, being fairly lethal to begin with, gives the experienced player an edge. It is an edge, however, that rapidly diminishes. Most novice players in this system become experienced players (in terms of combat anyhow) pretty quickly (by dying miserably). It only takes a few combats or a half hour with Brian's combat simulator to realize what kind of things DON'T result in you being dead. The reviewer did make a valid observation here, but I think he also assigned a little more concern to it than it really warrented.

The reviewer commented that he found numerous examples of play proving the system is not realistic, then went on to give an example that EXACTLY models real life fencing, then tries to support his point by referring to the other games (like Warhammer) having handled it differently. So, not only is he wrong there, he has a problem differentiating between real life and games. When accusing something of not modeling real life, it's absolutely ridiculous to say it's wrong because some game(s) handle(s) it in a way you LIKE better. Sorry my friend, but your LIKES have nothing to do with determining realistics. This falls back into Malechi's preconception/expectation problem I think. The guy wanted "game like combat feel" and got "real life combat feel" and didn't like it. So while I understood what he probably would have preferred, he's off base here and I think the system is fine as stands on this point.

The reviewer commented on settings being too numerous and being under described. I think he's mistaken and totally off base. It's certainly far more verbose than many other settings I've seen, with far fewer holes to fill in. Filling in those holes is the Seneschal's job and is what gives each campaign it's own distinct flavor. If he wants a rigid, fully defined setting, he needs to purchase one and convert it or play a computer game instead (in my opinion).

The reviewer commented on artwork. Oh, get a life! I've read the book so many times I can't even estimate anymore how many times I've been through it, and for the life of me I can't remember a single picture (appologies to the art designer. I'm sure the art is excellent and appreciate the time and effort you put into it, but it wasn't the reason I was reading the book on any of those readings so I didn't pay attention to it).

The reviewer commented on character generation and priority assignment resulting in high quality slaves and low quality lords. Now balance issues asside, come on, you've got to agree with this one A LITTLE just based on basic logic. If you have to waste an A pick on status, you don't HAVE an A pick left to assign to proficiencies, skills, stats, etc,.... Your best pick left is a B pick. If someone "plays the numbers" and creates a human slave, there go picks E and F, leaving A through D for the rest. But if someone creates a human noble, there go picks A and F, leaving B through E for the rest. Heaven help you if you have to create it as a spell caster (A and B gone, leaving only C through F for everything else...and things start sucking badly with C picks and get worse fast). From a character balance and fairness perspective, the design is fine. However, from a realistics perspective the reviewer is not inaccurate in his observation here. In the real world most nobles would kick most slaves butts in most areas other than maybe wrestling and boxing due to education, training, etc,...that would not be available to the slaves due to their social status and finances. The reviewers only other real complaint seems to be character creation effort and time required. Well, yes, I do think it takes a good deal of time and effort, but I also think his time required was unrealistic. I also think the time would drop drastically as one becomes familiar with the system, so I think that while worth mentioning it really isn't a valid concern. Overall, since the existing character creation system is designed well for game balance and fairness between players, I don't think there is actually a problem here, but the reviewer's comments don't seem utterly unfounded here either.

Ok, I've tortured you all long enough, time to get to the last issue...sorcery. The reviewer basically said the system was too powerful but it didn't matter because the aging penalty is so severe no one will ever cast a spell of any real merit anyhow. Sorry, but I'm with him on this one wholeheartedly guys. Here's why: Malechi's summary.
Perhaps its an issue of expectations or preconceptions not being met.

In a nutshell, that's it. When I see a game system with a magic system, I expect to be able to USE that magic system. I DON'T expect to have it dangled in front of my face like a unflawed blue diamond goblet filled with ambrosia directly from mount Olympus, then have it cruelly snatched away amidst yells of "PSYCH!" and much giggling as the ramifications of actually trying to use it are WORSE THAN the situation you are in to begin with that requires the use of magic. If you're not going to let me use it, don't give it to me in the first place. That being said, I know and accept that this system was not designed to have that flavor of magic use and that my expectations/preconceptions are incorrect for this system. The system is designed just fine, and it is ME that has the problem...not the system. Anyhow, Malechi, that's where this guy is coming from most likely...the same incorrect expectations/preconceptions that I had trouble letting go of. The magic section of the book does fairly clearly express the design, and the flavor of magic in this system, and the consequences for using it. Still it's tough for some of us olde tyme wizard wannabees to let go of our perception of "what a wizard should be" and accept what this system says a wizard really is. Long story short, the reviewer is off base due to wanting to use the system in ways other than designed, but his observations are right on the money as regards the "penalties too great for the rewards" flavor of magic here. Still, it is his perception that needs to change, not the system.

Appologies to all. This long a message is TOTALLY uncalled for, and I'll never do it again. But someone asked directly what I was talking about, and I did want to appologize to Wolfen and anyone else I set off.

'nuf said. Won't post under this login again unless someone specifically asks me to (and I see it).

Message 10351#109172

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On 3/24/2004 at 8:12am, clehrich wrote:
RE: New review at

Ralph hit the nail on the head about deadliness. Many of us are just not used to the "surrender" option being a real one, because we're used to fighting "Bad Guys" (tm) who will kill you if you let down your guard. But most of what I think happens in TROS combat is two guys whacking at each other in an effort to win. Both are scared shitless, frankly, that the other guy is softening him up for the kill. If somebody has an advantage and presses it, he's really, really hoping that the other guy will throw down his sword and scream, "Uncle! Please don't kill me!" So when you find yourself in a really bad combat situation, what you do is surrender.

Sure, if the GM is a real jerk he can say, "Sorry, this guy's a psychopath, and you dropped your sword and shield, so he kills you, ha ha." But that's a problem with your GM and not the system.

The sort of combats I imagine being usual, in terms of the games I'd want to run with this (see this thread for details), come in the following forms:

1. A small squad (3 to 5) gets the drop on a single guy or a pair. If the latter has a brain, he surrenders.

2. A single guy duels with another single guy. The first to get an advantage, or draw any blood, wins, because the other guy surrenders.

3. A couple of squads face off warily. Probably somebody bites it if both sides are serious, and then those who can run away and the rest surrender.

4. A small squad makes a very, very bad mistake and jumps a single guy who's a kick-ass combat god. He uses things like bind, counter, and double attacks, and quickly has everyone in agony while he stays clean. He suggests that maybe they'd like to apologize and stop it please, and they hobble off to get some first aid.

5. Once in a long while, a serious little platoon (say, 25 guys) decides to take on The Crew From Hell (say, 3 guys who are all combat gods with uber-cranked skills and stats and SA's from hell). Tactics rule, and if The Crew work as a smooth team, the platoon doesn't have a chance because only so many of them can get in on it at once. Pretty soon they realize this, and those who can't flee surrender and beg not to be used for off-hand back-hand beheading practice.

6. Very, very rarely, some nutbar decides to fight to the death. If his opponent is clever and equally skilled, the nutbar probably dies, because the opponent is going to use SA's if possible, and besides won't constantly go for the death-shot. In my planned campaign, this is likely to happen when some very skilled nutcase takes on one of the Champions to Make A Point, and then his entire street cred (as it were) is on the line and he'd rather die than surrender. The Champion will eat him for breakfast as soon as he realizes that this guy won't stop; there are ways and means, after all (cut his hands off, then hamstring him; cut his hand off, then step past and drag the sword-blade across his throat; bind super-high and then chop his head open; etc.).

So I don't see the system as too deadly. It's just a question of having the basic clue required to surrender when you're not going to win. If this is a problem in your games, you might want not to have so many vicious critters attack: stick to hardened professionals who'd rather swing the sword one fewer times and have a nice prisoner to show at the end of the day (and maybe also somebody interesting to talk to, with some new jokes, god I'm getting tired of the rest of this squad's jokes).

Chris Lehrich

[edited to add]
P.S. NotOnYourLife: I don't think The Forge is a place you need to worry about being stomped, particularly. This post was a bit of a flame-bait, but I think you weathered it just fine. Here's hoping to see you posting here and there around the site!

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Topic 9999

Message 10351#109177

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On 3/24/2004 at 8:50am, Ian.Plumb wrote:
RE: New review at


The observation was made that spending less on social status allows you to spend more on other things. Conversely, spending more on social status requires you to spend less on other things. The net result of this must be that those who govern are less individually capable than those who are governed.

dysjunct wrote: The complaint here comes from, I think, people looking at the chargen system as a way of generating an infinite amount of characters to populate the world with. And if this view were true, then I'd agree with this criticism of TROS's chargen system. But it's not Demographics: The Bell-Curving, it's a ruleset for generating PC heroes.

So no, slaves (in general) don't have higher attributes than nobles (in general). But PC slaves have higher attributes than PC nobles. I don't have a problem with this.

As we're generating heroes here it naturally follows that PC slaves will not only have higher attributes than PC nobles but also NPC slaves -- in fact, virtually any character that wasn't created with an Insight bonus. The natural corollary of this argument is that PC nobles will always be less endowed than PC slaves and NPC nobility.

TRoS is all about choices. If you choose to play the PC Noble then your character will truly be without equal.


Message 10351#109180

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On 3/24/2004 at 10:24am, Ian.Plumb wrote:
RE: New review at


NotOnYourLife wrote: This is going to get my butt chewed, but here goes anyway. I'm a regular here, but fearing repercussions to my normal login I created this second account (that I never intend to use again) so everybody "hates" this login instead of my normal one.

Personally I haven't seen anyone on this forum express their opinion and been reviled to the point where they felt it necessary to leave.

NotOnYourLife wrote: (SNIP) ... I would have hoped that the fanatic devotees and designers of TRoS would have taken the time to read through it and shrug off the highly inappropriate and insulting tone in order to consider the issues being presented, and then decide on content rather than tone on whether or not to give some serious consideration to those issues before just blowing them off as non-sense.

The argument about SAs is reasonable. If the PCs have mutually exclusive SAs, and the referee is required to create a scenario that caters for all of the SAs, how does the game function? The answer is obvious to a TRoS player -- the PCs are built with at least some mutually supportive or common SAs.

The argument about the dice mechanism was a little strange -- perhaps a misunderstanding? Attributes are never Target Numbers. Skills are indeed Target Numbers and therefore they should decrease rather than increase.

The combat argument was interesting. Our gaming group has been running with the same core of people for about twenty years now. We have always had the same number or more female players than male players, and thus more female PCs than male PCs. On introducing TRoS to the group and giving them a chance to read the rules the tongue-in-cheek comment that was made was that you could smell the testosterone oozing from every page of the combat section. One glance at the Damage Tables brought home the notion that 5 successes on the combat roll was the difference between minimum and maximum damage. This lack of granularity in result was a point of concern.

The answer to these concerns is in familiarity with the system. I think that this is true of the reviewer's concerns as well. All of the reviewer's comments make perfect sense if you assume that none of the PCs had their SAs involved during combat. This would explain why all characters appear ordinary rather than heroic and why combat appears incredibly deadly. In addition the reviewer doesn't appear to be familiar with the combat mechanics. Hence the observations that there are no rules for multiple opponents, that if you parry you automatically gain initiative, that the game is impossible to modify.

The reviewer makes the observation that the character's SAs have to be involved before the character has the capacity to behave like a hero in combat. The way the statement is phrased indicates that the character's SAs were rarely involved during combat (as it is the odd situation rather than the normal situation). I would suggest that this has implications for the scenario that was playtested by the reviewer and their play group, and the way it would work under TRoS. I would even go so far as to suggest that they may have been trying to play an off-the-shelf scenario under TRoS. The difficulties in doing this have been described elsewhere.

The setting argument is a case of missed expectation. The reviewer wanted an off-the-shelf gaming environment that was ready to play. They got a skeleton framework that needs to be fleshed out. They weren't happy. Personally I agree that the material should be removed from the rulebook and placed in a separate tome (and the freed space dedicated to SA and combat examples).

The artwork critique is simply padding for the review. All RPG artwork is there for atmosphere and little else. Some like the artwork, some don't, and most don't notice it.

The character creation observations were a real surprise to me. Unless your players had never seen TRoS before and were completely unfamiliar with the gaming environment in which their characters would be placed, how could you spend more than an hour creating a TRoS character? Sure, TRoS is all about decisions but there just aren't that many decisions to be made when creating your character!

The magic system concerns revolve around play balance. I'm not sure but I think similar concerns may have been raised on this forum in the past. If play balance is your thing then TRoS magic won't appeal. Simple as that. The best part about TRoS magic is that it doesn't tie in to any other part of the gaming system. Therefore, it is easily removed and another RPGs magic system bolted on in its place. Problem solved.


Message 10351#109185

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On 3/24/2004 at 12:19pm, Alan wrote:
RE: New review at

I too suspect that most of the complaints about "too deadly" and "not heroic" come from under-utilization of SAs. My recent game has seen SAs firing in every combat, partly because of player choice, partly because I don't throw irrelivant fights at the characters.

However, unlike some, I _like_ the so-called sketchiness of setting material. It's just enough to trigger major ideas for setting and situation without restricting the creative options. I've always hated detailed settings because they take away a large part of my fun as GM.

Also, I think that this approach to setting material _supports_ the kind of play SAs encourage: it gives enough information to trigger player ideas, but leaves canvas space for them to paint the results. Anything more detailed would produce situations where players can only participate in the setting by constraining their SA choices.

Message 10351#109195

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On 3/24/2004 at 2:05pm, montag wrote:
RE: New review at

- concerning char-gen, and assuming Merritt Baggett and Ingenious sought to address my point: I think you missed what I was trying to say. The point is not, that nobles are cripples, that was joking (see the ;) above) aside to those who exaggerate the issue. The point is, that char-gen forces the player to make a choice, that (a) leads to "non-realistic" results and (b) has nothing to do with the Riddle.

And since I'm in the process of making "enemies" anyway ;) I'd like to add a complaint concerning the artwork. Which is a bit tricky, since I don't own TROS because (a) there is zero interest in a fantasy game in our group right now and (b) I am unfortunately not rich enough to buy the game simply to support an indie game designer who IMHO has done a tremendous job overall.
Going from the art in the quickstart rules, well, IMHO it sucks .. badly. Apparently a couple of other people are feeling the same way, so, with your leave, I'll leave general considerations of aesthetics out of the debate for now, and simply take it as given, that the artwork in TROS is disliked by a sizeable number of people, which is larger than your average "can't please everyone" crowd.
And this is important to me. I'm the guy who comes up with "strange new systems" in my group, and if we were about to play a fantasy campaign, I'd argue for using TROS. Unfortunately the default over here is DSA, sold in the US as "The Dark Eye" and I would to argue why TROS is better. Sadly, listing the benefits of TROS will have roughly the same overall impact on my group as showing them some stunning artwork would. It isn't rational, and shouldn't be that way, but it simply is.
So, because the artwork is not that great, I would have a harder time to persuade my group to try TROS, which makes it less likely that I'll get to play it and less likely that anyone else will buy it as well. Heck, I could understand it if someone said they're not getting TROS form themselves because they'll never be able to persuade their group anyway, since the [other system]-fanboy in the group will simply point at the art, ridicule it and be done with it.
So yes, art does matter.

Message 10351#109208

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On 3/25/2004 at 12:04am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: New review at

Hi all.

I haven't read the review yet. I'm trying to decide if I want to, since it sounds like more of the same criticism that we usually get (half on play preferences, half on real concerns that would be fixed, were a second edition in the making). I used to be a regular at, but frankly there's a lot of negative energy floating around there and I spend about 2 hours a day reading forums and answering emails as it is.

For the record: TROS wasn't a one-man show, although it was a one-man-guided project. I wore a ton of hats for the book, but not all of them. Rick McCann in particular was of great assistance in making TROS a reality, as was everyone else in the Credits page in their individual ways.

Some of the reviewer's concerns, apparently, are valid. I have no problem with valid concerns (and I only have a problem with invalid concerns when someone won't let them go or listen to reason...otherwise I just let them go). Much of the art in TROS isn't very good, but it was all more-or-less free, so whatyagonnado? People forget that TROS was produced from the same size company and budget as, oh, InSpectres, which for years had no art at all and was only 30 pages of text. The hard-cover format has been a mixed blessing for exactly this reason. I *do* take notes on all valid criticisms, however, and we're always trying to do it better. It will never be perfect, and I don't just mean "for some people." That's a fact, and I won't pretend otherwise. For the record:

TFOB will have typos. Some stuff won't be as clear as you want it to be. You won't like some of the art. Something you wanted the book to have will be missing, and lots of the book will be full of things you probably won't use, just like every other RPG supplement you've ever bought.

Do I think TFOB is going to rock? Yeah. Are we doing our best to make it better than OBAM, which I believe was a more professional product than TROS was? Hell yeah. Will we ever reach the top? No, so don't hold your breath. Driftwood is one guy (me) with a very dependable helper (Brian) and a bunch of contracted artists. And it probably will never get to be more. That's why we only get out one book a year, depsite our desires to do much, much more.

So, anyway, no further comment, really.


Message 10351#109335

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On 3/25/2004 at 3:43pm, luke wrote:
RE: New review at

Jake Norwood wrote: I haven't read the review yet. I'm trying to decide if I want to, since it sounds like more of the same criticism that we usually get (half on play preferences, half on real concerns that would be fixed, were a second edition in the making). I used to be a regular at, but frankly there's a lot of negative energy floating around there and I spend about 2 hours a day reading forums and answering emails as it is.

The review itself is probably worth reading - if only to get another bead on how some groups react when confronted with TROS, I agree that it goes over much the same ground as that other rather dodgy review back in January. Be warned - its quite long, the writing style isn't very good and it shades towards ranty-ness in places, so you'll probably need a couple of rereadings to get where the author is coming from.

Its spawned a bunch of flammage in the associated messageboard and you probably don't want to wade through a couple of hundred posts (many repeating points from the last couple of TROS-go-rounds) in order to get to the subset of concerns/criticisms that would be worth addressing.

BTW the 'Kid With A Stick' story from that GenCon game you ran with Ralph and various others cropped up again as an example of player skill over-rides character skill and how this was a terrible thing in an RPG. I feel that a couple of people are making a bigger deal of it than it warrants but when I tried looking for a detailed account of the incident to put some facts on the table I came up empty on this forum.

Has anyone at that game ever written up a more detailed story than 'Savraxen Huscarl got cocky, made some poor decisions and was clocked by young nomad'?


Message 10351#109472

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On 3/25/2004 at 4:19pm, bergh wrote:
RE: New review at

I actually only think that when making a character that you need to remove the social class columm, and handle the social class via gift and flaws. saying that all starts on low/high freeman and being a peasent or slave is either minor or major flow, and the other way around on nobles...this would be MUCH MUCH better!.

Message 10351#109484

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On 3/25/2004 at 5:21pm, Dain wrote:
RE: New review at

If bergh isn't "letter perfect" there in his idea, I don't think he's far off. The problem there is rollup fairness. For rollup fairness of character design it does make sense to put it into the priority picks...because having cash, land, and influence IS A MAJOR ongoing benefit to a character that other characters wouldn't have access to that can CONSTANTLY turn the tide of any given adventure. So it would probably have to be something more than just a major gift if altered, because cash and status can just have way too much impact on a game. Don't know what the answer is myself, but having it as a priority pick does tend to make slave characters somewhat superiour to noble characters in an overview kind of way as regards all aspects OTHER THAN social status...which is fair, but a little unrealistic when compared to the real world examples of real slaves versus real nobles.

Message 10351#109501

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On 3/25/2004 at 5:32pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: New review at

I'm pretty sympathetic to that point of view Dain. I've touched upon it myself in times past.

But you know...when you play TROS, you're not playing any old "slave character". You're playing Sparticus.

Folks can stand there all they want and proclaim how its not realistic because a "real slave" would be malnourished, and a "real slave" would be undereducated and all sorts of other stuff (although in Rome that's certainly not automatically the case). But I ask you...who would want to play that character?

Ok Player X, for this game you are going to be a slave. Your average attributes are going to be 2 points lower than everyone else, your skill target numbers will be 1 higher than everyone else, you'll have 0 proficiencies, twice as many flaws, 1/2 as many gifts, no money, and anyone who wants can whip and beat you if you don't do exactly what you're told.

Who's going to play that character? No one. So why in the hell would Jake want to waste his time writing rules for how to create that character? Its ridiculous. If someone REALLY wants to play that character, all they have to do is ask the GM to trade in their A and B priorities for D and E priorities.

So I don't understand really the logic that says that the rules don't produce "realistic" slaves, because no one wants to play a realistic slave any how. If you're going to play a slave character you're going want to play Sparticus not Gimpy McSores the Piss Boy. So, in TROS, you get a little advantage in having slightly higher average Priorities (post Social Class spending) than a nobleman.

I don't know how it could be any plainer than that.

Message 10351#109503

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On 3/25/2004 at 5:35pm, Dain wrote:
RE: New review at

Hey Valamir. Kindof got it backwards from my perspective. I wasn't saying unrealistic slaves....I was saying unrealistic nobels. Much like you wouldn't want to play a malnourished slave but rather play Sparticus, you wouldn't want to play a pasty wimp nobel. Basically the system allows Sparticus just fine, but nobles tend to be a bit on the pasty side.

Message 10351#109506

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On 3/25/2004 at 5:42pm, bergh wrote:
RE: New review at

yes, you are right, only having it like a major gift is not enough, but then again how evolved is the gift/flaw system in TRoS,....not much!
ALL too few gift/flaws in the book, and only having two classes, like major & minor is also to undetailed.

in my campaign we have borrowed all kinda flaws/and gift from other rpg games and even invented some we liked.
Flaws are from -1 to -5 points and gifts are from 1-5. 0 is a rather geneic number.

lets say that the Social status is not into the flaw/merit catogory, all characters start from being a low freeman (or something like that) type, and this means that he have the gift/flaw: Social 0, which all start with.
If the player decides that he wanna use his merit/flaw points to change his "social" status.

Social -5 would be like being an slave maybe and the +1 is something like you are a high freeman, and 3 you maybe is a noble, but poor in noble terms, and being noble 5 would be like a duke.

the term major/minor is converted into points; flaw are negative and gift positive.

Generaly we have not writtean any rules for for this, but all understand it in our group. hope you also do. but ofcourse much work should be done to make out details of this system if they should be in somekind of rulebook, for now its just something we invented.

Message 10351#109509

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On 3/25/2004 at 5:53pm, bergh wrote:
RE: New review at

that you can make super slaves are no problem for players who understand the idea of ROLEplaying and like to make make his character a real person with background history and such.
most persons don't want to have a slave background.

BUT when it comes to these Munchkin type players, who the GM tryes to tell em how great it is to ROLEplay instead of just killing. most of these people cannot understand the concept of having a nobleman who can't fight, is something who you can get ALOT of fun out off. so most of them choose slave social background and HIGH stats, so he can kill somestuff.

this is fine if is an all hack-and-slash-munchkin game, but when the GM want some more ROLEplay, then it sucks.

Im my gaming group one of the characters choose slave as an background option, and when the game started he was the best fighter, but with no gear, then he borrowed some money from the landless noble and vupti now he got nice gear and is the best fighter in the group, and all the others has been angry since.

I don't know how to make him down to his "slave & prisoner" level again, he got good clothes and fine weapons, he canceled his F priority in around an hour of game time......what to do now as a GM?

Message 10351#109511

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On 3/25/2004 at 7:18pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: New review at

you wouldn't want to play a pasty wimp nobel

most of these people cannot understand the concept of having a nobleman who can't fight

Guys...seriously. Exaggeration city here.

Pasty wimp? Can't Fight?

People...its ONE PROFICIENCY. It doesn't create super slaves or wimpy nobles.

Message 10351#109524

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On 3/25/2004 at 8:09pm, Dain wrote:
RE: New review at

Ok, fair enough. I think this is starting to sound like a personal bias thing. Basically I'm getting the "get over it" response to what seems to me (and judging from countless other threads, many other people as well) to be a reasonable stance, but also seem to be getting the other side from just as many people and just as often. Since Jake respects Valamir's opinions so highly (some recent thread, forget which one), I'm going to go wishy washy here and conceed the point even though I still personally don't agree. Gotta respect the guy who Jake says is the man who "gets TROS in a scary way".

Message 10351#109534

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On 3/25/2004 at 8:29pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: New review at

Dain wrote: I'm going to go wishy washy here and conceed the point even though I still personally don't agree. Gotta respect the guy who Jake says is the man who "gets TROS in a scary way".

Don't ever do'll create a monster ;-)

As I said, I'm sympathetic to the view point, it was my first reaction as well; and there are alot of folks who've made the same point. But honesty, I think those folks primarily

a) noticed the effect by crunching through the priority table and saying "hey, that means..."

b) then getting their "that's not realistic" dander up

c) without actually thinking through what the point of the system is.

So my point is firstly, that there are some very good reasons why it was done that way that actually make alot of sense; and secondly, even if you don't agree with those reasons, the effect is a pretty minor minor one.

I'll add a third one I haven't made before...To date, I've heard zero reports from any actual play experience (not speculation...actual play) where the players made a bee line for the Slave social class in order to get a priority bump, or wanted to but refused to play a noble because of the priority hit.

Anyone out there run a game where players actually did this...not made a remark in passing like "well, in that case I'll just be a slave"...but actually followed through with a real character in a real campaign where they picked slave specifically because of the priority benefit? If so, start a new thread for us to talk about it.

Message 10351#109540

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On 3/25/2004 at 8:38pm, Dain wrote:
RE: New review at

<chuckle>...I did...but I actually wanted to play a slave on top of that to try out some good roleplaying ideas I had thought I wasn't just crunching the numbers. At work right now so don't have access to the details to start a new thread right now...maybe later tonight.

Message 10351#109543

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On 3/26/2004 at 8:00am, Dain wrote:
RE: New review at

You know what...can't do it. Other players not up to speed on the character yet might browse out here and lose all the surprise of finding out entertaining details during the game. Have to pass on starting that thread until after the campaign has been running long enough all the secrets are out. Best I could do is a PM or something.

Message 10351#109675

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On 3/26/2004 at 9:07am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: New review at

I've never had anyone even consider slave, except for me.. And I'll guarantee it was story reasons. (See the thread which is probably now on the second page about Tuin)

As for nobody wanting to play a pasty nobleman.. Hey, Lx.. Did you enjoy playing Dominick?

Message 10351#109681

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On 3/26/2004 at 1:57pm, [MKF]Kapten wrote:
RE: New review at

No system is munchkinproof. If someone is hell bent on creating a war machine he will create a war machine no matter what system it is. The counter to this is often to change the circumstances of the game; make one adventure heavy on political intrigue and the combat slave will all of a sudden be very unimportant; noone cares what the slave wants. If the PC is a run away criminal it becomes even worse. Mix that with adventures where there is a lot of combat where the slave can excel and you have a mix where noone feels unimportant. Then people will make diverse PCs.

If you on the other hand only make adventures where the PCs fights all the time and noone cares whatever you are a slave or belong to a 500 years old noble family of course the players will make combat slaves. Noone wants to feel cheated and everyone wants to feel useful. This process is of course easier if the players arent trying to beat the system all the time.

All in all, I dont think this problem has so much to do with the system as it has to do with players and GMs.

Message 10351#109696

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On 3/26/2004 at 2:34pm, pete_darby wrote:
RE: New review at

Well, as goes the "munchkin" problem, I always find it's a bad idea to deal with these things in game (from hard experience).

All you tend to end up with is the player getting frustrated and leaving the game... because, in making the combat god character, they're writing a wish list for the game to come, and it says "Please give me lots of combat, I've been a good boy and made a really, really good combat character."

So you give them politics... and they think you hate them.

You could always talk to them, striaghten out expectations before it gets personal. Or, tRoS, you could point out that the "combat advantage" isn't gained during character creation, it's gained by a) learning to use the combat system to best advantage, and b) Getting and spending SA's like they're going out of fashion.

Once they grok that, they're grooving on SA's... and your plotting starts to write itself.

Message 10351#109698

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On 3/26/2004 at 5:12pm, Salamander wrote:
RE: New review at

bergh wrote:
Im my gaming group one of the characters choose slave as an background option, and when the game started he was the best fighter, but with no gear, then he borrowed some money from the landless noble and vupti now he got nice gear and is the best fighter in the group, and all the others has been angry since.

I don't know how to make him down to his "slave & prisoner" level again, he got good clothes and fine weapons, he canceled his F priority in around an hour of game time......what to do now as a GM?

Well, first of all, who would trust a slave with their money? For all he knows the slave will just turn around and stab him in the back to avoid having to pay off the loan. A landless noble would certainly not loan money to a slave without any gaurantees. And why is the slave being allowed to purchase this equipment? The noble should have gone and purchased the slave a plain weapon and some simple armour and then made him do most of the dangerous work! Secondly, who's going to sell a slave anything, especially weapons and armour of fine quality?

In my campaign world I had one player who made a slave, he has not played it yet and he's seriously thinking about not playing him now. Why? Becasue it would be too damn difficult for him to be anything besides a slave. So he is thinking about making a new replacement character.

In regards to briging the slave back down to his level, maybe have a discussion with the player of the munchkin slave and let him know there are definite problems and see if you can't work something out in the story line. Maybe suggest the watch will bust him and arrest him. Then the noble whom he owes money to will be forced to bail him out or lose his investment. Then the slave owes him even more money for bailing him out, but it would make for a heckuva story. Of course the weapons and armour would have been sold to pay his fines. It's either that or a neck stretching...

All in all, this isn't about making a game munchkin proof, its about making a better roleplaying game. Why would a slave have a truckload of proficiencies? I would more than likely see a slave with more points in attributes, skills and gifts/flaws. We have one player who made a common peasant for her character. She had a 4 in her dagger skill to start, that was it. Her points went into the above. Why? Because, "It just doesn't seem right that a peasant girl would be such a good fighter". Her words not mine. Sarah knows how to play this game. Even when she didn't know HOW to play the game, she was playing it better than many people I know!

Message 10351#109727

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On 3/26/2004 at 7:59pm, bergh wrote:
RE: New review at

problem is that my group has traveled to another part of the country, and how do people reconise him as a slave?

Message 10351#109754

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On 3/26/2004 at 8:12pm, ZenDog wrote:
RE: New review at

By the Large 'S' branded into his forehead?

Message 10351#109758

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On 3/26/2004 at 8:16pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: New review at

bergh wrote: problem is that my group has traveled to another part of the country, and how do people reconise him as a slave?

His old master shows up?

Consider...he's starting to make his way in the world. Earn the respect of important people and what not...all of the sudden, at a banquet for high ranking visitors who've come for a market week, or a tournament, the character is called out, by his old master...even better if he escaped...

Then have his social house of cards collapse. Money doesn't guarentee you status. Even the great wealth of Monte Cristo didn't amount to much when the truth was revealed.

The embarassment, the public humiliation, the fact that now whereever he goes in the region people know he's an imposter.

And don't look for solace among the lower classes. Historically speaking the commoners resented other commoners who tried to rise above their station..."tried to get all uppity didja? Thought you waz better'n us dja? Well look atchu now..." as the stones begin to fly.

Message 10351#109759

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On 3/26/2004 at 8:19pm, Caz wrote:
RE: New review at

In the game just like in real life, social status can change. Especially if no one knows his origins. Hope noone finds out though hehe

Message 10351#109761

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On 3/26/2004 at 8:55pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: New review at

NotOnYourLife wrote: I'm a regular here, but fearing repercussions to my normal login I created this second account (that I never intend to use again) so everybody "hates" this login instead of my normal one.

Heh, you probably didn't know then that admins have the ability to see the IP address an account has connected from, and all the other accounts that have ever connected from the same IP address. Don't worry, I wont blow your secret. ;-)

Although it was amusing to see you point-counterpoint yourself (to an extent).

For the record, yeah, I think some of the reviewers comments were spot on. I don't think his motivations were, but that's another issue. There are a few aspects of the book which could use improving, Jake's never denied that. It is, after all, a first edition. And it's a lot better than many/most first editions of other RPG's are/were. Comparing it to a game like D&D that has been around for more than 20 years and has been through many revisions and had literally hundreds of designers working on it over the years is, well, silly.

*shrug*. They can't all be good reviews.


Message 10351#109766

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On 3/26/2004 at 8:58pm, [MKF]Kapten wrote:
RE: New review at

Valamir wrote:
bergh wrote: problem is that my group has traveled to another part of the country, and how do people reconise him as a slave?

His old master shows up?

Consider...he's starting to make his way in the world. Earn the respect of important people and what not...all of the sudden, at a banquet for high ranking visitors who've come for a market week, or a tournament, the character is called out, by his old master...even better if he escaped...

Then have his social house of cards collapse. Money doesn't guarentee you status. Even the great wealth of Monte Cristo didn't amount to much when the truth was revealed.

The embarassment, the public humiliation, the fact that now whereever he goes in the region people know he's an imposter.

And don't look for solace among the lower classes. Historically speaking the commoners resented other commoners who tried to rise above their station..."tried to get all uppity didja? Thought you waz better'n us dja? Well look atchu now..." as the stones begin to fly.

Also consider that a slave hasnt got any training in how high class people behave and that a slave will most likely have done some heavy labour. This will show and tell the nobles in the new place that everything is not alright.

I purposely left out scholar slaves and mamluks and the like. I consider their practical standing far higher than an F-priority.

Message 10351#109768

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On 3/27/2004 at 12:51am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: New review at

Another thing to consider is the slaves status before slavery, it's possible he was born a slave, but it's also possible that he had come from a rulling class before becoming a slave.

For example in the greek world when city states warred with each other the losers became slaves. So one minute you could be a wealthy citizen with the right (and money and training) to carry arms, and then find yourself wearing a slave collar and working in a field living of gruel. Same for the Celts and their European ilk, the slaves they took were the warriors (and their famillies) who they had taken in war, people who in their own society would have had the same status as the people who now owned them.

I suspect (and I may be wrong) that some of the players in the reviewers group may have made slave characters took the benefits and then conviently forgot the downside.

As to balance, realism, etc who cares if you pick Prof A for class yes it means you cant have both mega attributes or mega weaps proffiencies, or be the most skilled. If you don't have prof A for class you still only get to really excell in one of those, you can't have everything topped out.

Unless of course that's the way you want to play becasue after all, It's not like Jake's gonna kick down your door and come burstin in with a dopplehander cos you might have strayed from his rules as written.

From everything I read in the posts attached to this review and especially the other one (things like TRoS has had this coming-?WTF?) it just seems like some of the advertisng blurb upset some people so much that that they felt the need to attack TRoS which is I think just ever so slightly strange.

Message 10351#109795

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On 3/27/2004 at 3:33am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: New review at

ZenDog wrote: Unless of course that's the way you want to play becasue after all, It's not like Jake's gonna kick down your door and come burstin in with a dopplehander cos you might have strayed from his rules as written.

Actually, he did do that to a couple of guys early on. These days we all pretty much stick to the rules...



Message 10351#109810

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On 3/27/2004 at 3:43am, ZenDog wrote:
RE: New review at

So er what is the best defense against someone in the aggressive stance weilding a Dopplehander?

Message 10351#109811

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On 3/27/2004 at 3:45am, kenjib wrote:
RE: New review at

ZenDog wrote: So er what is the best defense against someone in the aggressive stance weilding a Dopplehander?

Tail between the legs and headed out the door.


Message 10351#109812

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On 3/27/2004 at 7:00pm, Richard_Strey wrote:
RE: New review at

Quarterstaff thrust or bash to the head, running him over with a haycart, using either a bow or crossbow, hiring a few mercs... noone is invincible. Ever.

Message 10351#109879

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On 3/28/2004 at 4:03pm, luke wrote:
RE: New review at

ZenDog wrote: So er what is the best defense against someone in the aggressive stance weilding a Dopplehander?

Well according to 'Polaris' in the... ahem.... voluble discussion engendered by that review on, the best defense is to drop red and throw all your dice into a preemptive bash with an attack-tuned fine quarterstaff.

This is because this is the best thing to do in *any* situation where you are using TROS combat mechanics as the resolution system for the encounter.


Message 10351#109972

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On 3/28/2004 at 4:06pm, luke wrote:
RE: New review at

Brian Leybourne wrote: Heh, you probably didn't know then that admins have the ability to see the IP address an account has connected from, and all the other accounts that have ever connected from the same IP address.

Hey Brian, sorry to threadjack - but does that mean you can consolidate two user accounts on the Forge as well? I signed up under this handle a while ago, then forgot my details and signed up again as 'silburnl' a few weeks back.

Its not a biggie but I'd prefer it if all my words could return to haunt just the one account.


Message 10351#109973

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On 3/29/2004 at 6:21am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: New review at

I don't think that's possible, but try PMing Clinton Nixon, he's the Forge Admin guy, if anyone can do it, it would be him.


Message 10351#110050

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On 3/29/2004 at 6:42am, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: New review at

Just a note on the whole idea that nobles in TROS are wimps...

Do you have any idea how deadly being able to afford a good warhorse and a good suit of plate mail makes a character? It's frightening... and only nobles can start out this way... and only a bad GM will ever give any other social class enough money to afford such things until way late in the game... by which time your noble will have caught up in stats anyway.

One of the single deadliest combat characters I've ever seen was a noble tin can with a NICE warhorse and a riding skill of 3. He slaughtered people with combat pools twice his size... en masse in a couple occasions.

Message 10351#110055

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On 3/29/2004 at 8:51pm, bergh wrote:
RE: New review at

how did he do that?

Message 10351#110078

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:35am, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: New review at

Put together that character? Or slaughter ppl en-mass?

The character was Landed noble (A), with attributes at B (43 pts), Profeincies at C, Skills at D, Gifts and Flaws at E, and race at F

He was from Stahl, giving him a free horse, which the Gm allowed him to use as a discount on a better horse. So he got his really nice warhorse for relatively cheap.

Reflex of 6, all six points of his Prof went into sword and sheild, and he bought a couple points in lance after the first session.

He spent all his MA points to bring his riding down to three... which gave him a scary TN for fighting from that really nice warhorse.

Finally, he made a deal with my master blacksmith character, who in exchange for him setting me up with a shop on his land and preferential treatment, made him masterwork plate for the cost of normal. Combined with the cost of the forge, it cost him as much as fine plate normally would have.

His CP with the plate and helm on was 9... and he could all but ignore defence against most opponents. The sheild only made it that much worse. That made him formidable on his feet. A match for all but the smartest combat monster PC's.

He got really dangerous once you put him on horseback. He at one point plowed into an infantry formation... and all the way through it, and was killing three or four men per round simply becasue they didn't have any room to get out of the way and our plans had disrupted any chance they had at setting up a effective anti-cavalry formation.

Any combat-moster slave or peasent would have been all but helpless against the man if he got on his horse, and he would have held his own agaisnt most all on foot if he played even remotely smart.

Message 10351#110122

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On 3/30/2004 at 4:55am, Caz wrote:
RE: New review at

Very cool!

Message 10351#110129

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On 3/30/2004 at 6:16am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: New review at

Same basic character as mine then, except I used insight.. bought the plate(as compared to your approach).. social B and attributes A. Oh, and mine has a riding of 6 or 7 I think.. he hasn't had to use his horse yet. Slightly larger CP than yours, due to an understanding seneschal and better CP modifiers for the fine full plate.(Only 2 dice differential..) But I don't primarily use a shield, though I do have one.. and a longsword with which to one-hand whilst mounted.

Gained 13 SA points last session via very stackable SA's.. conscience, a drive to protect innocent villagers from an undead horde.. and the passion of hating aforementioned undead horde..
10 dice throwing in other words... chopped one in half I did. Barely..

Anyways, yes.. nobles are certainly not pushovers. That fine plate saved my ass on 3 occasions.. I got hit that number of times.. but never felt a scratch.

Also, I elected to buy off my dependancy on dialogue.. rather than try and improve my CP by one die. (Allowing me to finally be able to lower a CTN by using dialogue rather than gestures.. and also allows me to cast without using either gestures of words.. which is alot more covert.. is such a thing possible though??)

Two last points.. are you using OBAM? If so, don't forget the optional rule that states a destrier quality horse(such as those warhorses from Stahl) give +3 dice instead of the old +2. Also, our tin-can nobles on horseback are still vulnerable. Someone can choose to be dastardly and hack at the horse's legs...or set a spear, etc. And of course the whole archery concept.. that's a bitch. Luckily I have not had to deal with either yet.


Message 10351#110139

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