The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Tampa Bay, FL - Trying to form a gaming group
Started by: worldeater
Started on: 3/23/2004
Board: Connections

On 3/23/2004 at 5:37pm, worldeater wrote:
Tampa Bay, FL - Trying to form a gaming group


I'm trying to pull together a group of 4 to 6 people to meet every other Saturday night in Holiday, FL. Gaming would start at 6 PM sharp and wind down between 11 PM and Midnight (depending on how things are going).

The one caveat that leads me to post here on the Forge: I don't want to play D&D or D20. There are so many games out there, yet so many gamers just do the same thing over and over again. I want to try out new games, new systems, new concepts.

I have The Burning Wheel on order and have a mind to try running it after I've digested the rules. I also have Conspiracy X on hand and wouldn't mind running a short ConX game. If someone else would like to GM, I would also be happy as a player.

On the GNS spectrum, I would say that I'm 40% N, 40% S and 20% G. I try to keep the setting as consistent as possible while at the same time moving forward with a good story. I seek fellow players of similar incinations. Pure gamists will most likely not find that mix satisfying.

If and when this group if formed, we can hammer out a social contract. I'm tolerant of most gamers' oddness (my own included), but my big requirements are:

1. No drugs.
2. Repect others in the group.
3. Make an honest effort towards the game (this can take many forms).
4. Don't be a dick.

Please post replies here or email me at alanhaley01 @


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On 6/18/2004 at 6:35pm, worldeater wrote:
Update - Still Looking for Players

I'm still looking for players as described in the first post. There are three of us now (and possibly a fourth) trying out Burning Wheel. We all seem to like it, so for the foreseeable future we'll be scripting, beating those dreaded Obs and spending Artha by the bucketful.

Other games are certainly options in the future.

Interested? Email me at alanhaley01 at


Message 10358#124156

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