The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Umm..A little help here...
Started by: FruitSmack!
Started on: 12/19/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/19/2001 at 3:57am, FruitSmack! wrote:
Umm..A little help here...

Hey y'all,

Im working on a game idea and I cant, for the life of me come up with a name for the beings in it. Maybe someone has an idea or knows of some good places to reasearch one.

The game is set in modern day America. The idea is that the universe is falling appart due to excess of everything; greed, gluttony, jelousy; etc. These beings are, and have been, around sense the begining of time, but are now trying to put things set.

They exist in a "spirit" form and "take over" the bodies of people. The hitch is that their is only room for one soul in a body so one of them has to go, thus the poor person's soul is squashed forever. The "spirit" (or what ever they end up being called) consumes the soul and gets the memories of the person. One aspect of the game is the strugle of the memories overcoming the "spirit", while they try to set the world right again.


While Ive found MANY names for these beings in many Asian cultures, Id like to use something thats not from eastern myth due to the setting being mostly America and Europe.
Any ideas?


Message 1037#9713

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