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Topic: Umm..A little help here...
Started by: FruitSmack!
Started on: 12/19/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/19/2001 at 3:58am, FruitSmack! wrote:
Umm..A little help here...

Hey y'all,

Im working on a game idea and I cant, for the life of me come up with a name for the beings in it. Maybe someone has an idea or knows of some good places to reasearch one.

The game is set in modern day America. The idea is that the universe is falling appart due to excess of everything; greed, gluttony, jelousy; etc. These beings are, and have been, around sense the begining of time, but are now trying to put things set.

They exist in a "spirit" form and "take over" the bodies of people. The hitch is that their is only room for one soul in a body so one of them has to go, thus the poor person's soul is squashed forever. The "spirit" (or what ever they end up being called) consumes the soul and gets the memories of the person. One aspect of the game is the strugle of the memories overcoming the "spirit", while they try to set the world right again.


While Ive found MANY names to use for these beings in many Asian cultures, Id like to use something thats not from eastern myth due to the setting being mostly America and Europe.
Any ideas?


Message 1038#9714

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On 12/19/2001 at 4:01am, FruitSmack! wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Sorry about the double post.

Im just going to check the rotary specs...Im retarted...

Message 1038#9715

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On 12/19/2001 at 11:55am, Ferry Bazelmans wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...


Just braining the storm here. :smile:


Message 1038#9724

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On 12/19/2001 at 2:20pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Um, obvious, but Demons? They fit the bill it would seem. Consider it from the viewpoint of those humans aware of the phenomenon. The religious will call them Demons to fit them into their world view. The scientific might call them Possessive Entities. Some hicks might have a name like woodkin or somesuch.

If the creatures have a name for themselves it will either be alien if they are really far out, or something that makes sense from their POV. If they're really alien, call 'em the Faraqua, or whatever turns you on. But if they are fallen spirits, then Demon might do well.

Their origin might be very important. If they were around before humans, they might call themselves The First or something. If they are invaders, they might call themselves newcomers.

Any help?


Message 1038#9731

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On 12/19/2001 at 4:05pm, FruitSmack! wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Demons came to mind and no doubt thats what religious types will call them. They (the beings) have their own name for themselves thats alien and fantastic.

Thanks guys!


Message 1038#9737

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On 12/19/2001 at 4:58pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia."

Daniel 10:12-13

I apologize for the overlong Bible quote. I did have verses 1-14, but decided upon reflection that this is enough info.

The prince of Persia mentioned in the bold portion is not a human being, but a demon. Michael, the archangel, is also refered to as a Prince. The chief of all princes in fact.

This suggests somthing like In Nominee, but it doesn't have to be.

In case you don't see where I'm going, I suggest "Princes." I've wanted to do something called Princes ever since I've heard this scripture but could never work it out. (was working on a musical at one point {!})

I don't know if that'll work for you, but if it does, go ferit.

[ This Message was edited by: pblock on 2001-12-19 12:19 ]

Message 1038#9744

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On 12/19/2001 at 5:02pm, gentrification wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

In case you don't see where I'm going, I suggest "Princes"

And in case that doesn't grab you, I thought "Chrysolites" made for an awesome name, although it doesn't mean the same thing at all.

Message 1038#9745

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On 12/19/2001 at 6:53pm, Matt wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Some suggestions for alternate names for demons can be found at

Thought it might be of interest/use.


Message 1038#9759

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On 12/20/2001 at 3:46am, Skippy wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Perhaps something as simple as a descritive term for what they do, such as "Taker."

I think it might be more interesting to use the english equivalent for what these being think of themselves. It is unlikely that they consider their acts to be evil, and may even regard humans as merely hosts or mounts. Perhaps they call themselves Riders, or Horsemen. If they provide some benefit to the host (longevity, endurance, etc.) they may consider themselves Guardians or even Angels. Wouldn't that be an interesting twist? Angel or Demon depends on your perspective, and which side of the saddle you are on.


Message 1038#9785

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On 12/20/2001 at 11:13am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Avatar comes to mind, seeing as the human becomes a physical vessel for a powerful, formless entity.

Which entails that some wacko cults would worship these beings as gods. A bunch of crazies who follow the PCs around after seeing their 'divine' powers would be kinda funny.

When some of these innocent people get killed in the crossfire between the PCs and whatever they're fighting, however, things get tricky.

How about Muses? Since the target retains their memories, they would essentially behave with the same personality, correct? But now they're motivated and improved. Inspired. Struck by a Muse?

True-speakers? They obviously know much more than your average human.

Message 1038#9795

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On 12/20/2001 at 4:23pm, FruitSmack! wrote:
RE: Umm..A little help here...

Hey thanks for all the help! Not only has it given me insperation for the names, but also some paths to explore with other aspects of the game.

And Trav, if you read this, whats your post name? Sure I *could* just walk down stairs to talk to you, but what fun is that?


Message 1038#9805

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