The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG
Started by: andy
Started on: 3/26/2004
Board: Connections

On 3/26/2004 at 9:20pm, andy wrote:
Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG

I am putting the finishing touches on an RPG that I intend to market (electronically, at least at first). The design thread is found in the Indie Game Design section of the Forge index.

I am looking for an artist/layout person to contribute cover art, interior art and help with the PDF layout. I would prefer to cut the artist(s) in for a piece of the action, but if necessary I would pay for non-exclusive use of the art. I would also give a lot of visible credit in the product itself.

Anyone interested?


Message 10413#109770

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On 3/26/2004 at 9:34pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG

What sort of timeframe are you looking at?

Message 10413#109771

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On 3/26/2004 at 9:38pm, andy wrote:
time frame

30-60 days (maybe longer).

Message 10413#109772

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On 3/27/2004 at 1:06am, Chris Passeno wrote:
RE: Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG

PM sent.


Message 10413#109797

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On 3/27/2004 at 1:32am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG

Thanks for the reply, Andy! I would be interested in doing a few illustrations for you. Gallery's on the website below, so feel free to check it out and contact me if interested.

Message 10413#109799

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On 3/27/2004 at 5:13am, Arashi wrote:
RE: Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG

I'd be interested in the cover... Check out my stuff and see if it suits your needs.



Message 10413#109818

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On 3/27/2004 at 8:52pm, Andrew Navaro wrote:
RE: Artist(s) wanted for BONES the RPG

Hey, Andy.

I'm always interested in new projects. You can check out my online portfolio at and let me know if my style would work for you.


Message 10413#109892

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...started by Andrew Navaro which Andrew Navaro participated Connections
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...from around 3/27/2004