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Topic: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest
Started by: gobi
Started on: 3/28/2004
Board: Connections

On 3/28/2004 at 7:05pm, gobi wrote:
[PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

After almost a year since first describing the concept and going through more than a few stages of development, I've finished a PDF version of PUNK and posted it online. I'd be very appreciative if anyone could find the time to playtest it and post their results in the Actual Play forums.

(Thanks to everyone who helped out in all the previous development threads, you rock!)

Message 10427#109996

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On 4/12/2004 at 7:08am, b_bankhead wrote:
soundtrack rule .sweeeeeet!

The rule where narrative control is expanded when your soundtrack is playing is the rpg rule that has brought the biggest smile to my face. I never used music as part of an rpg game, the problem of timing always seemed difficult, you can't have the lilting love theme playing during the gun opera can you?

I can see the concept being applied to the game master too, perhaps restrictions on the kind of scene he can frame based on what kind of music s playing? ie he has to frame a love scene when the romantic music is playing etc....

Message 10427#114001

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On 4/12/2004 at 1:31pm, Dev wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Incidentally, if you're by a net-enabled computer while playing, there are some good virtual mix-tapes here:

Without being too snobby, I'm pretty sure I care a lot more about music than most of my (potential) playtesters, and also I was going to count on a lack of prep-time (the mixing of CDs), so I was going to personally mix a single CD (in fact restricting the session-length to the length of the CD), and let players pick which tracks they liked for "ownership".

Message 10427#114025

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On 4/12/2004 at 4:53pm, gobi wrote:
Re: soundtrack rule .sweeeeeet!

b_bankhead wrote: The rule where narrative control is expanded when your soundtrack is playing is the rpg rule that has brought the biggest smile to my face. I never used music as part of an rpg game, the problem of timing always seemed difficult, you can't have the lilting love theme playing during the gun opera can you?

That's always been a problem for me too. The only solution I could think of was making sure that the songs in the soundtrack were chosen for a reason and that they would be at least somewhat consistent for for specific characters. Each character gets their own "theme music," as it were. Because of the close soundtrack/character effectiveness association, the music should pretty much always fit what the player imagines the character doing most of the time. That's the idea anyway, I haven't seen any actual play results to independently confirm that's how it really works. :P

EDIT: Thanks for the link, Dev!

Message 10427#114085

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On 4/15/2004 at 6:44am, Dev wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 10799

Message 10427#114648

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On 5/21/2004 at 4:32am, Dumirik wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Looks really cool. I had been wondering where PUNK went. I had been watching the PUNK threads when they showed up for a while. I'm holding a geek and nerd 24hrs, so this will definately get a trail. Or two. Or three. Being what we are (attention seekers with an obsession with RPGs), Tristan, Paul and I (Kirk) would like our names in the credits. Pretty please? <Looks pathetic>

Already got some ideas and a theme CD!


Message 10427#120686

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On 5/22/2004 at 7:55am, Dev wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Sweet! I'm eager to hear how it goes post-24-hours...

What genre's are you thinking of?

Message 10427#120806

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On 5/22/2004 at 3:35pm, gobi wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Oooh. I'm also interested in hearing how this new playtest goes. I still need to revise the system from Dev's playtest, but it will still be cool to hear how this version runs for a different group.

Message 10427#120825

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On 5/25/2004 at 3:26am, Dumirik wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Gobi, I am really sorry (and more than a little pissed off), but the nerdfest has been postponed. I am still planning on playtesting punk (I really really really want to), but at the moment we just don't have the time. Again, my apologies.

Oh, and in terms of what genre, I don't know how to express it with a punk ending, but it could be described as bigbrotherpunk. A sort of modern everyday lifestyle only controlled by some invisible agency (not unlike real life ;)). Think a combination of the Truman Show and 1984. Either that or cyberpunk.


Message 10427#121112

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On 5/25/2004 at 11:45am, gobi wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

No worries, life interrupts like that. Just keep us up to speed whenever you actually run the playtest.

Message 10427#121156

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On 7/22/2004 at 1:23am, Juicetyger wrote:
RE: [PUNK] Locked, Loaded, Ready for Playtest

Would you like to put it on 1KM1KT?

Message 10427#129091

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