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Topic: Help needed for unique RPG system
Started by: Survivor
Started on: 3/31/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/31/2004 at 5:36am, Survivor wrote:
Help needed for unique RPG system

Hey, I'm new here, and I need some help (as if the title didn't give it away).

I'm undertaking a very improbable, highly specialized task: Making an RPG based on the Starfox series of video games. Why? Because I love those games, I love RPGs, and I really want to.

What I cannot do, is come up with a system. I'm using the d20 system for most stuff, and I'd like to keep it that way. However, I don't like the class, XP, skill, and feat systems that are built-in. I want to give it something a little more realistic - as much as you can get while playing an anthropomorphic animal, anyway.

In reality, you never get so strong you could feasibly take on a Sherman tank and win. In D&D (a modern setting), I have done just that. I want something where you gradually improve, perhaps based on your achievements in-game, like you do in reality.

Can anybody help?

Message 10461#110393

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On 3/31/2004 at 7:01am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Help needed for unique RPG system

The question is: What would you do in this game?

That is, what part of the Starfox "experience" brings you to the table, and makes you want to do an RPG in it?

That will point you to the mechanics you need.

Message 10461#110413

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On 3/31/2004 at 7:16am, Survivor wrote:
RE: Help needed for unique RPG system

The players basically play an adventurer, like in D&D. This could be military, mercenary, or just plain hobo. They do whatever you do in D&D style RPGs - beat the bad guy, save somebody, uncover a conspiracy, etc...

I suppose what draws me to Starfox is some combination of sci-fi and furries. I'm not exactly obsessed with either, used to be a trekkie though, but the combination just appeals to me somehow. I hoped I could pull off an RPG based in the same star system, with the same races, while feeling similar enough to D&D to actually interest people.

Are there any other video game-inspired RPGs out there? Maybe I could see how they did it...

(I'm sadly uninformed in this realm - only played D&D, d20 Modern, and Dragonstar.)

Message 10461#110417

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On 3/31/2004 at 2:12pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Help needed for unique RPG system

They do whatever you do in D&D style RPGs - beat the bad guy, save somebody, uncover a conspiracy, etc...

So this is a basic "GM creates challenge, PCs overcome challenge" sort of affair?

What is it about the SF and "furry" elements that draw you? Why are furries cool? You say you used to be a trekkie... Well, Star Trek covers a lot of themes. Did you enjoy the "adventure of the week" element of it? The technology? The social themes regarding freedom and prejudice?

Also, if all you've played is D&D and more "modern/SF" spin-offs of that, like d20 Modern and Dragonstar (the latter of which I really enjoy, BTW), I really suggest reading Mike's Standard Rant #1 (and I will note several "substitutes" for the games Mike mentions are available for free on the Internet -- and it can't hurt to check out the Forge Resource Library), as well as reading Ron's Fantasy Heartbreaker essay (and its sequel) and Ron's D&D Essay to understand what led up to the current state of d20.

The reason I mention all of the above is there may be aspects of D&D play that you aren't questioning becaue you've never done anything else. Your whole "well, you know, you just adventure" idea seems to indicate this. Now, if you're 100% sure that you enjoy this mode of play, in all its aspects, especially the whole "overcome the obstacle" thing, your best bet is to just wait for d20 Future to come out and do your game as a background for that, i.e. define the background, make up the races, and go.

However, if there is some aspects of d20 play that's left you unsatisfied, instead of modifying d20, you're better off doing some of the reading suggested in the links above, and focusing on what you do like in a fresh set of mechanics. "Patching" a system is rarely as effective as just starting with a system that does exactly what you want, and some other game may be what you want, or you might be able to create your own system the focuses on what you want. Your comments about disliking the "class, XP, skill, and feat systems" seems to indicate you're in this category, and that you don't like standard D&D play at ALL, because if you dislike the "class, XP, skill and feat systems" there isn't much left. But I can't even begin to guess what you would prefer if you can't articulate what you want -- perhaps you want the same thing, only with different implementations, or maybe you want something different. (And no, this isn't an invitation to talk about why you hate certain bits on d20. Focus on what you do want, not what you don't.)

Now perhaps you have a very clear idea what you want. But if not, doing some of the reading pointed to above give you a chance to go: "Oh! Yeah! That's what I'm looking for."

I hope this has been helpful... Oh, and welcome to the Forge. :)

Edit: And while I'm plugging Mike's Rants, #2 may be useful to you, and maybe even Standard Rant #6.

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Message 10461#110446

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On 3/31/2004 at 11:37pm, erithromycin wrote:
RE: Help needed for unique RPG system

Welcome to The Forge.

I strongly recommend that you read the threads linked to by Xiombarg.

You might also want to go and investigate these other games.

Albedo Anthropomorphics [Out of Print, but I got mine from eBay] is set in a universe created for a comic of the same name that features all sorts of animals and space ships.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (or am I thinking of After the Bomb?) is a whole game line devoted to playing talking animals. Again, it's out of print, but you might get lucky.

GURPS, despite its flaws, readily allows you to cross furry creatures and pulp science fiction. It's currently in print, but is about to get a new edition.

Big Eyes Small Mouth [BESM] is made to emulate anime, and can easily be stretched to give you space ships and talking fox fighter pilots. It too is currently in print, and there's a number of versions - I'd pluck for 2nd Ed. Revised, but there's a new one on the way, so you might want to wait.

All of these are quite different to the games that you've played already in some ways, and quite similar in others. Explaining how and why they're different is why I'd recommend that you read the threads that xiombarg (are you a mike, or is that just me projecting?) posted.

[edit: damn that letter 'e'!]

Message 10461#110596

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On 4/1/2004 at 2:05am, Survivor wrote:
RE: Help needed for unique RPG system

Thanks, guys. I'll be sure to read those articles in just a moment, and take a look at the games you suggested.

Now that I know there's a d20 Future coming out, I think I'll just make it a campaign setting for that. Saves time, and I can always work on an innovative system while using the old one.

Again, thanks a lot for the help!

Message 10461#110623

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On 4/4/2004 at 9:40pm, Palaskar wrote:
More games...

You might also want to check out Ironclaw and Jadeclaw. There based on furries in Medieval Europe-setting, and Asian-setting. Though I've heard they're kinda Sim-heavy, you might get some interesting ideas.

Oh, and BTW: both TMNT and After the Bomb are furry games.

Message 10461#111368

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On 4/5/2004 at 12:47am, Survivor wrote:
RE: Help needed for unique RPG system

I've looked at those games' homepage, but couldn't find any rules on the Net, and I can't find them on eBay or at a local retailer. They do look good, though.

Message 10461#111432

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