The Forge Reference Project


Topic: new Russian CCG
Started by: drembaer
Started on: 4/4/2004
Board: Connections

On 4/4/2004 at 4:38pm, drembaer wrote:
new Russian CCG

I represent a small group of Russian developers currently working on new card RPG.
We are planning to release the game in 2 versions (English and Russian) and are looking for people to help with the second.
We would like to have a native English speaker to correct our translation and to adopt the game for international release.
Besides, we are very interested in testers from all over the world to enhance the game.

We’ll be very glad to hear from you on the issues described above or if you have anything else to tell us. (please drop us a letter on

P.S. for more details on the upcoming game also drop us a letter

Message 10548#111270

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