The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Ed's Art Blog, CC-Licensed
Started by: ejh
Started on: 4/5/2004
Board: Connections

On 4/5/2004 at 3:42pm, ejh wrote:
Ed's Art Blog, CC-Licensed

Hey, I finally got around to putting up a web site for my art. It's in blog format. I'm looking for a better name than "Ed's Artwork Blog" -- suggestions in private messages appreciated.

At the moment, I've got everything listed as under an "Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike" license, which means that anything I post there is fair game to be used in non-commercial work without even asking me, as long as you give me credit. You can create modified versions of the work as long as you license them similarly to the original. Some stuff which appears there may in the future be more loosely or more strictly licensed, but that will be the default.


(url edited as I tweak the site)

Message 10591#111697

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