The Forge Reference Project


Topic: R-Maps, defined, explained
Started by: Demada
Started on: 4/5/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 4/5/2004 at 8:41pm, Demada wrote:
R-Maps, defined, explained

Where are R-maps defined and explained? I gleaned that they were part of Sorcerer (of the roleplaying advice sections, not the rules), but I cannot find mention of them in the book. I also have Sorcerer and Sword, which I havn't finished reading. I thought I'd save a bunch of trouble and just post it here (where I see most of the questions/comments about R-Maps). Where are they explained and defined? I get the basic idea (a graphical map of the relationships) but I would like to see them explained and defined further (such as the section in Sorcerer on Bangs covers, well, Bangs).

Thank you.

Message 10604#111921

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On 4/5/2004 at 8:59pm, montag wrote:
RE: R-Maps, defined, explained

that would be "The Sorcerer's Soul" then. pages 57 to 67.

Message 10604#111925

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:31pm, Demada wrote:
RE: R-Maps, defined, explained

Ah... darn. Don't have that. And I just ordered HeroQuest and Unknown Armies, so my RPG fund is tapped out for the moment. Thank you for your help.

Message 10604#111989

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