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Topic: Favorite Board Games?
Started by: Christopher Weeks
Started on: 4/5/2004
Board: Forge Birthday Forum

On 4/5/2004 at 8:57pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
Favorite Board Games?

I've noticed over the eight months that I've been here that a bunch of people play board games. Seth's Gipf query made me think of this more concretely.

What board games to Forgemaniacs like?

I think that Knizia's Euphrat & Tigris is the best board game ever made. I also like: Traders of Genoa, Cosmic Encounter, Puerto Rico, Illuminati, The Settlers of Catan games (except Sternenfahrer), Wyatt Earp, The Carcassonne games, Balloon Cup, History of the World, Um Reifenbreit, Ursuppe, Stephenson's Rocket, Robo Rally, Trias, Aladdin's Dragons, Modern Art, Medici, Roads and Boats, Vernissage...

OK, I'll stop now.


Message 10605#111924

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:00pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Too many to list here. But check this out:

Message 10605#111926

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:12pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Boardgame Geek is down right now. Otherwise I'd post a link to my game collection.

Personally, I'll play just about anything by Reiner Knizia. His games tend to fit my one of my criteria for a good game: any game where I wish that I had *just one more action*. I am familiar with the criticisms that his games are too abstract, but I'm willing to accept that. In general, I find his games to be excellent primers in good game design, which is something that can carry over into RPG design as well.

As I mentioned in another thread, I've also been enjoying the GIPF games a great deal. This is primarily because of the elegance of system and the subtle trade-offs that the games require. Again, excellent studies in game design, and quite clever to boot. I am particularly proud of the fact that I managed to get my hands on Tamsk, which is currently out of print. (For those of you who don't know, in this game your playing pieces are 3-minute hourglasses that are flipped each time that you move. Run out of time on an hourglass and you can't move it anymore....)

The current games that are getting a lot of play for me recently:

Puerto Rico
Tigris & Euphrates
Carcassonne: The Castle

BTW, I play Tigris online at and Zertz on Richard's PBeM Server. I am GreatWolf on both servers. Drop me a challenge!

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#111931

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:17pm, Umberhulk wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I think Formula De is one of the best built games ever and I love playing it. Who knew that race car driving was risk - resource management?

X-Bugs has me totally addicted, too.

Message 10605#111933

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:23pm, rafial wrote:
Board (and Card) games

Me, I've been enjoying the German Game renaissance, but I'm still fond of crunchy old American style strategy and tactics as well.

If I had to pick a few all time favorites:

SJGs Ogre/GEV (haven't check out the new Ogre minatures line though)
MBs Shogun (now Samurai Swords) -- one of the best mixes of tactics and diplomacy I've played
Junta -- el Presidente for life is a very short term of office
Starship Command -- beer and pretzels starship combat card game -- to bad it didn't do well
2038 -- Swap spaceships in for trains, and you've hooked me.
Star Fleet Battles -- although I doubt I'll ever have the time to play it again
GWs Warrior Knight -- tons of fiddly bits and fun politics
Twilight Imperium -- Like Warrior Knights in space -- looking forward to the new edition

recently I've become highly addicted to Diceland. The Diceland Space sets are the best.

Message 10605#111937

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:26pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I actually prefer GEV to Ogre. Maybe I'm missing something, but Ogre seemed to rely too much on dice rolling on tread attacks. I mean, you can blow off all the guns, but if it can still run over the command post, who cares? Playing with "conventional" units, though, is a lot of fun, and I even enjoy scenarios that include Ogre vs. Ogre combat.

And Ralph Mazza (Valamir) introduced our gaming group to Junta a few weeks back. I really enjoyed that game, although, admittedly, the fact that I tromped everyone else may have contributed.... ;-)

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#111939

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:27pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Lots of boardgames in my BGG profile:

Message 10605#111941

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:34pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Ah, the Geek is back up!

My collection

Not much, I know, but I try to buy games that I *know* that I'll like....

Plus I still add to this list when I remember stuff that I have. :-D

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#111946

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:36pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

GreatWolf wrote: My collection

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Nice list! But why haven't you rated Chess, Go, Othello, and Carcassonne?

Message 10605#111948

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:37pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Because I'm dumb. :-)

<Seth wanders off to rate some games>

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#111950

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:47pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Favorite Boardgames...hmmm, I have about a zillion.

I'm a big fan of Vinci. A near perfect stripped down merger of AH's Civilization and History of the World (both also near the top of my list).

I love Brittania. There should be a Brittania/Maharaja game for every geographical region in the world.

I wanted very badly to love the new Eagle Games games, but by and large they're only 60-80% playtested and thus full of holes.

Diplomacy is of course an all time classic.

I love the old Source of the Nile game, although its weakness is that it really is a bunch of people playing solo with little interaction

Columbia Games Waterloo is probably the single best (and most accessible) teaching tool on the operational challenges of that battle you're likely to find.

And of couse, Parker Brother's Bonkers with its funny twisted track that sends you backwards to go forward and forward to go back; is fun, nice, and never the same game twice.

Message 10605#111958

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:52pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Get Out from Cheapass Games.


Message 10605#111965

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:52pm, rafial wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

GreatWolf wrote: I actually prefer GEV to Ogre.

I totally concur. The basic Ogre vs. Swarm scenario never caught my fancy, but I still get a shiver when I think of a phalanx of GEVs snarling through the grasslands on their way to take out that train.

The Iron Mountain scenario from the Ogre Book did however deliver the nail biting terror an Ogre on a suicide mission should imply. A Mark III/B chases a convoy up a winding mountain pass.

And I have the Ogre set for Diceland, but we haven't tried it out yet. I've heard several people say that it actually makes the original Ogre scenario worth playing.

Message 10605#111966

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:53pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Ron Edwards wrote: Get Out from Cheapass Games.


Really? That's been about the only Cheapass game that I haven't liked. To be fair to the game, though, I don't like Monopoly, and Get Out is essentially Monopoly.

Great premise, though. :-)

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#111967

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:54pm, rafial wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?


As if I needed more things to distract me.

How about a Forge room on KGS?

[edit: in answer to my own madness, I just created "The Forge" in New Rooms on KGS]

Message 10605#111968

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On 4/5/2004 at 9:56pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

rafial wrote:
I totally concur. The basic Ogre vs. Swarm scenario never caught my fancy, but I still get a shiver when I think of a phalanx of GEVs snarling through the grasslands on their way to take out that train.

Ah, the train scenario. I used to sit in the basement, playing that against myself.... Yeah, I guess I did have too much time on my hands.

The Iron Mountain scenario from the Ogre Book did however deliver the nail biting terror an Ogre on a suicide mission should imply. A Mark III/B chases a convoy up a winding mountain pass.

Now that sounds like a challenge.

And I have the Ogre set for Diceland, but we haven't tried it out yet. I've heard several people say that it actually makes the original Ogre scenario worth playing.

I'd be curious to hear about it. If I bought any Diceland, the Ogre set would be on the list.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#111970

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:21pm, Umberhulk wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

GreatWolf wrote:
I actually prefer GEV to Ogre.

I totally concur. The basic Ogre vs. Swarm scenario never caught my fancy, but I still get a shiver when I think of a phalanx of GEVs snarling through the grasslands on their way to take out that train.

You should try getting a copy of MetaGaming's Ice War. Its like Ogre/GEV, set in the same setting, very well balanced, but the outcomes of the game vary more. My biggest criticism of GEV is that all the scenarios ended up being Pyhrric victories.

Message 10605#111985

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:28pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I like a number of games... heck, Shannon Appelcline over on could probably sell me a bridge with her writeups.

Favorites, particularly at this moment:
Puerto Rico
Through the Desert
Tigris and Euphrates
Carcassonne (Hunters and Gatherers is slightly better than the base)
Web of Power
La Citta
Empire Builder is good (but takes too much time)
Settlers of Catan is still good, but usually used just long enough to draw new people in.
I'd like to play more Victory, particularly fewer unit variations.
I want to like El Grande; I need to drag it out and expose this group to it.
Age of Renaissance, if only I had more time. History of the World, with the same wish.

I hate to agree, but yeah, I'm not fond of the Eagle game I've got and the horror stories on most other games keep me away. It's too bad-- they're beautiful, though they blow it in the strangest places. (Like: elegant horse rider units, but only supplying horses enough for 1/4 of the riders... intentionally).

(Ergh: I keep adding to the list. I'll stop, but I love more games than these...)

Message 10605#111987

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:29pm, rafial wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Umberhulk wrote:
You should try getting a copy of MetaGaming's Ice War.

Ice War! Ah the memories! A friend and I in grade school pooled lunch money to buy microgames, and Ice War was the first one we ever bought. We played it to death.

I still have it in storage. I'll have to dig it out and have another go at sneaking the Command Sled down the map before the orbital lasers get it.

Oh, and Orbital Lasers reminds me of the beer and pretzels fun that is MBs Fortress America. The coolest Hovertank miniatures, and these days if you play it you can pretend to be the Shrub and shake your fist at all those "furrin' evildoers!" After all, it's got Saddam on the cover.

Message 10605#111988

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:37pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

ScottM wrote: I like a number of games... heck, Shannon Appelcline over on could probably sell me a bridge with her writeups.

Actually, they are his writeups.

Message 10605#111991

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:51pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

In my house, where the game snobs reign, we only play games that are masterpieces of design and efficiency: Diplomacy and Wei Qi (Go), mostly. Sometimes you can also catch me playing Settlers of Cataanor "Drunken Pirate" Risk (which I have to post the rules for sometime). If card games count, I mostly play Mao and Big Two ("Da Er" for my fellow Sinophiles), though I'm usually up for Spades as well, as long as we're counting points. And then there's my near obsession with Ma Jiang. What a game! Yes, most of the games I play come from China. What of it?

Message 10605#111996

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On 4/5/2004 at 10:59pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Jonathan Walton wrote: "Drunken Pirate" Risk

Sounds like Pirate's Cove to me.

Message 10605#111999

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:00pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Go rocks. I wish that I could get more people to play it with me. I'm still very much a beginner at it.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#112000

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:01pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

quozl wrote: Sounds like Pirate's Cove to me.

Does Pirate's Cove involve cheap rum?

Message 10605#112001

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:02pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?


I can't imagine really playing anything else anymore.

I know there are a lot of other great games out there right now... But at the thought of playing a boardgame, all other thoughts are shunted aside by sitting around that map o' intense conflict.


Message 10605#112002

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:03pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Jonathan Walton wrote:
quozl wrote: Sounds like Pirate's Cove to me.

Does Pirate's Cove involve cheap rum?

In order for it to be enjoyable, yes.

Message 10605#112003

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:04pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Christopher Kubasik wrote: Diplomacy.

Yes, my favorite game. Do you play PBEM or at ?

Message 10605#112004

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:08pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Cool thread. Here's my list:

Settlers of Catan
Spree! (best of the Cheapass line, a frickin' blast)
Can't Stop
Get Out

If traditional card games are allowed:
Poker (Stud and variations, Draw and variations, Hold 'em and variations)
Give Me the Brain
Hearts (Black Lady, shoot the moon)
Euchre (no ace-no-face, no farmer's hand, no partner's best, screw the dealer)

I would rather bite off my own penis than play Diplomacy.

Message 10605#112008

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:10pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

It's true.

Diplomacy is just the greatest board game ever invented, period.

If you can find a used/new copy of Colonial Diplomacy, it's also very nice and good when you want a break from the standard European conflicts. It's fun to be China, Japan, or French Indochina every now and again, but nothing beats the original for elegance and sheer coolness.

Someday I'll also have to write a thread that analyzes Diplomacy games using GNS. It would be really fun. Gamist players love the challenge, Simulationist players love watching the conflict unfold and experiencing the thrill of shifting alliances, and Narrativist players basically address the premise "What relationships are you willing to destroy for ultimate power and victory? Who can you trust?" I mean, it's basically a roleplaying game with a board.

Message 10605#112009

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:15pm, Asrogoth wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Wow... I feel outta my arena here.

I have heard of only about 90% of the games listed so far (Monopoly, etc).

I'm a big fan of Scrabble. It is my all-time favorite. Although, maybe you don't consider it a board game????

As for cards: Hearts and Spades are my favs.


Message 10605#112012

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:16pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

ethan_greer wrote: I would rather bite off my own penis than play Diplomacy.

It's a deal!

Message 10605#112013

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:25pm, rafial wrote:

On the subject of traditional card games, and games that are masterpieces of design economy, let me recommend Écarté, which was a popular salon game of the late nineteeth century. I learned about it from David Parlett's wonderful books, and did some popularizing of it in my local circle about a year ago. I printed up business cards with the rules on one side that I could hand out.

Here's the whole thing:

Écarté: 2 play, 32 cards KQJAT987. Cut for first deal, then alternate. Deal 5 cards each in batches of 3 and 2. Turn 11th card for trump. Non-dealer (ND) may propose exchange. Dealer (D) may accept or refuse. If accepted, first ND, then D discard up to 5 cards face down, and are dealt new ones from pack. Player may not discard more cards than remain in pack. Exchanges continue until ND plays or D refuses. Play is 5 tricks. ND leads 1st trick, winner of previous trick leads next. Players must follow suit, must try to win the trick, and must trump if unable to follow. Score 1 pt for 3 tricks won, 2 pts for 5 (vole). If no cards were exchanged and player who blocked the exchange loses, opponent always scores 2. 1 pt for K of trumps if declared before holding player plays 1st card or to D if turned card is trump K. 5 pts wins.

Typically play for best of 5 or 7 games.

Message 10605#112016

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:27pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I guess I'd rather play Dippy than bite the penis, but I'd rather not play a game than subject myself to another game of Diplomacy. I've spent way too many hours in the agony that is called Diplomacy to ever do it again.

Chris (who wonders if this will draw more ire than calling for the president's stoning :-)

Message 10605#112017

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:30pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

As for cards: Hearts and Spades are my favs.

I've recently become enamored of the game Kings, which I understand is a Portuguese/Brazilian game whose name has always been the English word Kings.

10 hands, 10 different objectives (all centering around standard trick taking card play). Some hands you want to take tricks, some you want to avoid tricks, some you want to avoid taking certain cards.

The first 6 hands are scored negatively and the last 4 are positive. Nobody wins if the high scorer hasn't gone positive at the end.

I like it because its like playing several different games all in the same game.

Message 10605#112019

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:31pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Chris (who wonders if this will draw more ire than calling for the president's stoning :-)

Probably. Seeing as Diplomacy is just about the perfect game, where as not even his biggest fans would ever thing Bush is a perfect president.

Message 10605#112021

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:32pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Christopher Weeks wrote: Chris (who wonders if this will draw more ire than calling for the president's stoning :-)

He is who is without sin gets to cast the first stone, you know.

Message 10605#112022

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:33pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Valamir wrote: Seeing as Diplomacy is just about the perfect game, where as not even his biggest fans would ever thing Bush is a perfect president.

If it wasn't for those stalemate lines, it would be perfect.

Message 10605#112023

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On 4/5/2004 at 11:41pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I've heard it argued that those stalemate lines are part of what makes it perfect. The arguement was that once you've gone as far as you can with your current allies, the stalemate situation will force the seeking of new partners.

Some diplomacy games go the entire game with largely ad hoc alliances. Tactical deals that rarely extend more than a couple of turns.

Some turn into camp vs camp early on. This arguement suggests that the various stalemate positions force a break up of the camps, which mirror say Italy switching sides or Russia bowing out in WWI.

Message 10605#112027

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On 4/6/2004 at 12:07am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Hi Jonathan,

I'm not playing any game right now -- and only had the fantastic pleasure of playing PBEM once. (Getting to look over the board for a week at a shot really taught me to appreciate the "chess" aspect of maneuvering. It was also, no surprise here, I'm sure, obsessive for me.)


You summed up what I find important about the stalement line -- its simply one more test of alliances, one more test for what kind of victory a player wants (draw? absolute victory? win with an ally or alone?) I think its vital to the game's construction.


Message 10605#112038

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On 4/6/2004 at 12:23am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I love how this has become the "Diplomacy" thread ;)

To all the guys who hate Dippy with a passion, I think it largely has to do with the type of people you play it with and the attitude they have. It can definitely make emotions flare high and people without strong social skills, tact, and the ability to make you feel alright about being backstabbed are probably not worth playing with. It'll just be an excercise in frustration.

Then again, part of it's a personal thing. If you're not comfortable with certain levels of player-player antagonism, it probably won't work for you. Personally, I find that these two thing go side-by-side. The more social skills people have, the more comfortable I feel with them, the more likely I'll feel comfortable being antagonistic, because I know they won't take it personally or start acting like an ass when they're winning.

And quozl, face-to-face is the ONLY way to play. Anything else is kid's stuff. Sneaking around, making speeches, conspiring to lock people in bathrooms... I mean, that's half the fun right there! ;)

I've never had issues with stalemate lines, because they haven't been a big part of any of the 15+ games I've played. None of the players I game with are obsessed enough to learn the stalemate lines. If it's not in the instruction book, we don't really care about it. Makes things more interesting, I think, since nobody's pushing towards a line that they're sure they can hold. Instead, we just give it the old college try, disorganized as it is, and watch what happens.

Message 10605#112047

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On 4/6/2004 at 12:29am, coxcomb wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

My favs have already been mentioned. They are:

Traders of Genoa
Princes of Florence
Puerto Rico

I have owned Blood Royale for years, and the one time I played it the rules were obviously broken as written. It remains the single game that I most want to be cool. I may try to patch the rules someday...

Message 10605#112049

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On 4/6/2004 at 12:35am, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

coxcomb wrote: I have owned Blood Royale for years, and the one time I played it the rules were obviously broken as written. It remains the single game that I most want to be cool. I may try to patch the rules someday...

Hey, that's cool. I played it once, the week it hit our local shelves...what, was that 1986? I remember really, really wanting to like it and deciding that somethign was broken. but I don't recall what it was.


Message 10605#112052

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On 4/6/2004 at 12:48am, rafial wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I've played Blood Royale about a dozen times (sadly never to conclusion, it's just TOO DAMN LONG for a FF game), and I've never run across any fundemental brokenness (other than the sheer length). Poorly written rules, yes.

Best game of it I ever saw featured a player who managed to write several marriage contracts that paid him a stipend in perpetuity. He eventually lost his crown and country, but his dynasty lived on in luxury in Lichtenstein, while the rest of us labored to support him.

I've often fantasized about writing an online server for it.

Message 10605#112056

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On 4/6/2004 at 1:27am, Paganini wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

That would be cool, rafial. What's your KGS handle?

And, to keep the thread going, I've been playing the Game of Thrones Boardgame recently. I like it a lot.

Message 10605#112066

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On 4/6/2004 at 1:30am, rafial wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Paganini wrote: That would be cool, rafial. What's your KGS handle?

"rafial", oddly enough :)

The Forge room I made this afternoon went away when I logged out, but I'll keep checking into KGS over the next couple days.

Message 10605#112067

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On 4/6/2004 at 1:45am, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Jonathan Walton wrote: And quozl, face-to-face is the ONLY way to play. Anything else is kid's stuff. Sneaking around, making speeches, conspiring to lock people in bathrooms... I mean, that's half the fun right there! ;)

Don't get me wrong, I love face-to-face games. However, I hardly ever have the time (or the players) for them anymore. But with PBEM and web-based Diplomacy, I can play 8 games simultaneously. Also, I just started a game on and as GM, you get to see all the press. It's very interesting.

Message 10605#112072

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On 4/6/2004 at 3:49am, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

My biggest problem with Diplomacy is that I don't think that I could get six other people to play it with me at the same time.

And, Jon, I hear you completely about PBeM games. But I want to learn how to play the game face-to-face. That tends to be my general rule; I learn better when I can touch the pieces.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#112111

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On 4/6/2004 at 7:09am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Dip's major design flaw is the same thing as Catan's -- your chance of winning diminishes or accelerates too quickly very early in the game. Too many kingmaker situations.

I have a great love of Quiddler, for precisely this reason, although it is a sillier game.

And Set. Why did no one mention Set? A great, great game.

My Favorite games:
Puerto Rico

Message 10605#112166

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On 4/6/2004 at 2:02pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Carcassone, Puerto Rico, Settlers of Catan
Tikal, Java, Mexico
J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (Reiner Knizia, to distinquish it from all the other LoTR games out there)
Mississippi Queen
HeroQuest board game (house rule: players must actually say, "Oh great Zargon, open the door!" when opening doors)
Monopoly, Risk
Fast Food Franchise
Pictionary (just barely qualifies a board game, though)
Kill Dr. Lucky
Shogun (Milton Bradley)
Chess, Go, Abalone
Icehouse (qualifies as a board game on a technicality)
Gold (Ravensberger), The aMazeing Labyrinth
Kings & Things
TV-Time Touchdown (homebrewed game)
Fireball Island

Of this entire list one game that is most certain to be enjoyed by everyone no matter who I'm playing with, from 5-year-old nephews to the adults whose last board game was Trivial Pursuit in 1986 to the most hardcore hobbyists, is Fireball Island.

And Set. Why did no one mention Set? A great, great game.

Perhaps because it's a card game. Along with Fluxx, Chrononauts, Lord of the Fries, Hand Me The Brain, Bohnanza, Poker, Hearts, Bridge, Illuminati, Apples to Apples, Nuclear War, Munchkin...

- Walt

Message 10605#112243

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On 4/6/2004 at 2:24pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Too many to name. . . Some front runners are Diplomacy, Robo-Rally, Maul of America, and . . . Clue.

Message 10605#112257

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On 4/6/2004 at 2:34pm, Jack Aidley wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

What no Chess players?

Chess and Japanese Chess (Shogi) - not so fond of Chinese Chess.
Risk, and Middle Earth Risk (but why only 4 players?!)
Kingmaker (not so much a board game, more a simulator, but wierdly engrossing)
Monopoly (but only if you play it with lots of crazy deals - shares in houses anyone?)
Go, although I never played it enough to really understand it.
Civilisation (oh how abusable your rules are!)

Message 10605#112263

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On 4/6/2004 at 2:38pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I had forgotten Fireball Island. After my brother and I waxed eloquent about this game, my wife tracked down two copies of it for Christmas: one for me and one for him.

My wife loves me. :-)

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#112269

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On 4/6/2004 at 2:48pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Risk, and Middle Earth Risk (but why only 4 players?!)

Because the bastiches designed the game in two parts and then never released the second part except in Europe in a format where the cards were a different size/color and thus incompatable with the US version.

Message 10605#112277

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On 4/6/2004 at 2:49pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I'm a chess player, Jack, or at least a recovering one. I used to write a column for the Michigan Chess Bulletin. I did not lose to any non-masters in my last couple of years of tournament play, and have won two local tournaments here in the US outright and a rating-category prize on first board, going undefeated, at the US amateur teams. But I quit playing several years ago and haven't really looked back.

It's amazing what you can accomplish, procrastinating on your PhD thesis. I knew nothing about chess until I had to sit down and write my dissertation.

Chess is the only non-role-playing game that's ever obsessed me. I completely stopped all computer games about two decades ago, except a brief flirtation with Civilization, and I only play boardgames at parties as a social thing.

Message 10605#112279

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On 4/6/2004 at 3:12pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I've played chess since I was six or so. However, my personality is such that I like a broad variety of activities. So, for example, I really want to learn how to play shogi. I mean, I know the rules, but I'd love to see some actual strategy discussion.

Xianqi (Chinese chess) is interesting, too, but crazy. The cannon pieces change the game radically.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 10605#112293

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On 4/6/2004 at 3:16pm, Jack Aidley wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I find the fact that you can't build pawn structures in either of the oriental chesses (or any of the others I know of that matter) the biggest difference.

Message 10605#112298

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On 4/6/2004 at 3:19pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Actually, I think my greatest chess accomplishment is that I once drank an entire bottle of tequila while playing blindfolded against two people (no tequila or blindfold for either one) at once. I managed to keep both boards in my head and win both games. Neither was that good a player of course, but it was still a fine moment.

Message 10605#112300

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On 4/6/2004 at 3:25pm, orbsmatt wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Chess. Definitely.

Either that or Junior Monopoly. *looks around ashamed...*

Message 10605#112303

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On 4/6/2004 at 3:41pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

orbsmatt wrote: Junior Monopoly. *looks around ashamed...*

At least tell us why you like Junior Monopoly. Educate those of us who've never tried it because of the "Junior" in the title.

Message 10605#112321

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On 4/6/2004 at 5:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Civilisation (oh how abusable your rules are!)

How so? I find Civ to be a very tight game. I have friends involved in the map expansion projects, and we recently played an 11 player game (the map will accept up to 14, in theory) at a little con we ran. I'd put it in my top five games.

There are some games that I admire, and enjoy but don't play a lot. Starfleet Battles I play about once a year. I don't play Advanced Squad Leader anymore, but it's sheer complexity is a wonderful thing.

I've also played in several attempts to get through the boardgame version of Europa Universalis. I think the latest game has stalled out on turn 40. We get in about three turns each month we play.

Starfire isn't a boardgame, precisely (mostly we play it by emailed spreadsheets), but the battles are fought that way. I'm very fond of this sort of game. Basically, the more strategy and planning that are involved, the more interesting a game is to me.


Message 10605#112428

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On 4/6/2004 at 6:19pm, orbsmatt wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

quozl wrote:
orbsmatt wrote: Junior Monopoly. *looks around ashamed...*

At least tell us why you like Junior Monopoly. Educate those of us who've never tried it because of the "Junior" in the title.

Well.. I don't actually enjoy Junior Monopoly *cough* that much *cough*. It's basically a dumbed down version of real monopoly.

Message 10605#112445

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On 4/6/2004 at 6:51pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
Spank the Monkey!

Let me take the opportunity to push a wonderful little card game called "Spank the Monkey" which not at all about ... well, you know ... Instead it is about a monkey in a junkyard. The first player to successfully spank the monkey wins. It is easy to learn, and a lot of fun!

Check out the rules at


/Peter N

Message 10605#112457

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On 4/6/2004 at 7:10pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
Re: Spank the Monkey!

Peter Nordstrand wrote: game called "Spank the Monkey" which not at all about ... well, you know ... Instead it is about a monkey in a junkyard.

I'm not sure I buy it. If I'm not mistaken, that monkey is reaching between his legs and holding at least one of his nuts. And what's up with that illustration of his belly? Distinctly unsavory :-)

Message 10605#112472

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On 4/6/2004 at 10:15pm, JamesSterrett wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

I'm struck by the near-total absence of wargames from this list; so I suppose I should pipe up as the designated outcast....

I'm deeply involved in helping make Attack Vector: Tactical, a 3D Newtonian-physics space combat boardgame;

and am a big fan of, among others,

The Gamers' Operational Combat Series [WW2 operations]


Air & Armor by West End.

Message 10605#112603

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On 4/7/2004 at 10:00am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Risk 2210
A Game of Thrones boardgame
and of course "Zombies!!!" which is a great beer 'n chips kind of game.

Civilisation is OK, except who has 8 hours to play the thing every time.

Cosmic Encounter is an old classic (but only when you play it with at least 3 alien powers each, with random power swapping and shuffling, heh)

The Lord of the Rings cooperative boardgame is pretty neat too.


Message 10605#112800

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On 4/7/2004 at 11:35am, Jack Aidley wrote:
RE: Favorite Board Games?

Mike Holmes wrote: How so? I find Civ to be a very tight game. I have friends involved in the map expansion projects, and we recently played an 11 player game (the map will accept up to 14, in theory) at a little con we ran. I'd put it in my top five games.

Last time we played I adopted a strategy I dubbed "The Bouncy City Strategy" by building masses of cities I could not support to get lots of extra resources. I thought that was rather an abuse of the rules, but it seemed to work.

Message 10605#112826

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