The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Hint and Contain questions
Started by: Manu
Started on: 12/25/2001
Board: Adept Press

On 12/25/2001 at 3:13am, Manu wrote:
Hint and Contain questions

Ron, this one is for you:

-Could you explain what you mean by "diminishing returns "in the Hint description? Does it mean you have to keep throwing away "used" demons if you want to keep predicting?

-Do you suggest sorcerers Contain demons prior to Summoning because they might flee once summoned? I thought they were only fully manifested once bound. And how can one Contain somehing which isn't there yet?

Thank you !


Message 1064#9993

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On 12/25/2001 at 6:36pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Hint and Contain questions

Here's my answers to your questions:
What is meant by "diminishing returns" is right there in the main book, page 53. To paraphrase, every time after the first that you attempt to use that demon's Hint power, there is a cumulative -1 die penalty to the roll. So on your third attempt, you have -3 dice.

So, yes, eventually you would have to stop using a demon for predictions because you just won't have the dice to succeed at the attempt, or feel you don't. Remember you can always get bonuses to your rolls for various things, which will help overcome the penalty (for a bit).

In regards to a Contain, again, check the main book, page 89. A Contain is prepared beforehand, and only rolled for once the/a demon actually tests it.

The exact nature of the Contain can be either specific (used only for a particular demon or type of demon) or general (useable with any demon); hence, careful reading of the passage in the book reveals that the Contain itself is not usually a ritual performed upon a specifically summoned demon (though it could be), but something the sorcerer sets up beforehand (and yes, this could easily be before a demon is even summoned).

Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan

[ This Message was edited by: greyorm on 2001-12-25 15:15 ]

Message 1064#10001

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On 12/26/2001 at 2:39pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Hint and Contain questions


Raven has stated everything correctly. (Thanks Raven! You rock)

I have one more clarification to add, though. Summoning a demon brings it into physical existence, and Binding is not necessary for that purpose (the "bringing into physical existence" part).

In other words, one could Summon a demon, but not Bind it, and it could still do whatever it was going to do - wander about the countryside, wreak havoc, read the newspaper, etc. It would be subject to the "wasting effect" due to being unBound, as well as not having a reliable source of its Need.

Think of Summoning as bringing the demon into physical existence, and of Binding as anchoring it.

One concept that might be confusing in this case is that, for certain concepts of "demon," the thing's physical appearance and manifestation (or even speech patterns, general take on life, etc) may be altered when it is Bound.


Message 1064#10031

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