The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Artist Introduction
Started by: Storn
Started on: 4/7/2004
Board: Connections

On 4/7/2004 at 2:23pm, Storn wrote:
Artist Introduction

My name is Storn A. Cook. I've come by these boards intrigued by the GNS discussion. Someone e-mailed me and suggest that I put my hat in the ring here in Connections.

I'm a professional artist, I've worked for many of the game companies in the industry, a impartial list is on my website... impartial because I'm too busy doing artwork to update the silly thing.

Samples of my artwork can be seen on my website, located in my signature. I'm always interested in new projects and directions to take my illustration in.

Thank you for taking time to read this. Thank you, Forge, for giving me this opportunity.

Message 10654#112882

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