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Topic: Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)
Started by: MonkeyWrench
Started on: 4/7/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 4/7/2004 at 7:02pm, MonkeyWrench wrote:
Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)

I've been a fan of Warhammer 40k for years now and it has always bothered me that there wasn't an RPG out there that captured the dirty, gothic feel of the setting. I'm itching to get a good game going in the 40k universe and I'd like to use TRoS as a base framework for the game.

For those unfamilair with 40k here's a thumbnail sketch of the setting...

Imagine the Dark Ages but instead of Europe it takes place across a million worlds in the known universe. Technology is seen as magic and those who understand technology are seen as mystics and priests. Genetically engineered super soldiers hold back the menacing tide of aliens who wish to corrupt the subjects of the Holy Emperor.

To put it simply take the feudal dark ages and mix it with a "soft" sci-fi setting, throw in some Call of Cthulhu and a splash of Dune and you've got the right idea.

Here are some of my preliminary notes....

Priorities are handled a bit differently. I basically turned it into a point buy system were A=5 points, B=4 points and so on (F=0). Standard characters start out with 15 points, if they take one of each priority then it's no different from standard RoS pcgen but it does offer a bit more customization.

A - Space Marine Psychic, Alien Psychic, Navigator
B - Space Marine, Alien, Psychic
C - Human, Latent Psychic
D - Human
E - Human
F - Mutant

A= Imperial Guard/Navy Officer, Priest, Noble, Guildmaster
B - Imperial Guard/Navy NCO, Terran Beaurocrat, Guildsman, Merchant
C - High Freeman
D - Low Freeman
E - Serf
F - Prisoner or Slave

Gifts and Flaws will also operate on a point based system as well. Major Gifts = 2 points, Minor Gifts = 1, Minor Flaws = -1, Major Flaws = -2. Depending on which G/F priority you choose thats the sum that you need to equal after choosing all gifts and flaws.

I'll come up with some psychic 'vagaries' soon and post them but for now I do know that they will be toned down from the standard vagaries. In addition each component that counts towards the TN only raises the 'casting' time by 1/2, rounded down. This helps to make at least some psychic abilities viable in combat.

In the setting energy and deflection shields are used and so I've tried to come up with some ways to portray them in a unique fashion.

Deflection shields add dice to your CP whenever you dodge. Even if you do not declare a dodge then you still get to roll the Def. Shield dice anyway. They only work for physical ranged weapons.

Energy shields add to your armor score when used against energy weapons. They are one of the only reliable sources of energy protection outside of power armor.

What I'd like help with...

Automatic/Semi-automatic firearms
Rules for Madness/Corruption
Magic rules that are not tied into vagaries or character generation
help defining some futuristic skills
Stats for the various weapons of the setting
Stats for the various races in the 40k universe - orks, Space Marines, Eldar, etc.....


[EDIT] Forgot to include something

Message 10668#113056

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On 4/7/2004 at 7:24pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)

I have complete rules for firearms, and a long list of stats for conventional and energy weapons, though not for your setting. They could be easily modified though. Quite a few other things for modern/futuristic settings as well. PM me your email. I have some stuff for psychics as well but it may not work with your setting.

Message 10668#113077

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On 4/7/2004 at 11:54pm, Tash wrote:
RE: Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)

I'm a long time fan of 40k and once spent several months working on an unofficial 40k RPG that was based of the WW D10 system. I'd be happy to toss some ideas around with you if you PM me your email.

Message 10668#113202

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On 4/8/2004 at 5:14am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)

Some more info on Psychics (taken mostly from the Imperium website found here)

Psychic abilities are not magic, despite being supernatural in origin. They are the natural progression of human evolution, where the brain is capable of tapping warp energy and using it to shape effects in the real universe.

Many psykers display additional mutations beyond psychic abilities.

Few psykers are physically well built or powerful. This is due to the restricted lifestyles (either on the run or as sanctioned commodities) that most lead, rather than any ‘leeching effect’. Inquisitors and Space Marine Librarians are obvious exceptions.

Children and animals are particularly psychically sensitive and will occasionally be able to spot even a trained and shielded psyker. Animals may howl, hiss, flee or, in extreme cases, attack. Children generally just become distressed.

Despite popular belief, there is no link between intelligence and psychic ability. Affinity with the warp has nothing to do with cognitive ability, but everything to do with the way the mind (whether that of a genius or a moron) is used.

Sorcery is the use of psychic powers that are fueled by demonic possession and/or patronage

Psychic abilities and sub-catagories

Astrotelepathy - telepathy that is capable of reaching across the stars, a very focused and limited discipline.

Biomancy - the ability to psychically control one's body or the bodies of others. includes shapeshifting, healing, growth acceleration, sensory powers, and bio-electric manipulation

Demonology - a forbidden discipline that involves communing with demons in addition to summoning, binding, banishing, and controlling them. Necromancy also falls under demonology.

Telekinesis - pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, fine object manipulation, physical protections, forceful movements

Telekinesis - psychic protections, emotion control, mind reading, possession, hypnotism, mental illusions

As you can see there are alot of different 'vagaries' to choose from so it helps if the player has a good handle on what they'd like their psychic to do. Astrotelepathy will be forbidden to all but those who choose the A priority navigator. Astropaths/Navigators are the only ones capable of percieving the psychic beacons that allow space travel.

Hopefulyl by tomorrow I'll post up some of the modified rules for determing the TN for manifesting powers. For the most part these aspects will remain unchanged from standard TRoS.

Message 10668#113297

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On 4/8/2004 at 8:30am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)

Interesting...I'd toyed with TROS for this too. My group also likes 40K and specifically we tend to play Inquisitor as an RPG (I mean, honestly, the book is essentially a combat system for an RPG. they should have just written the rest of it.)

The last Inquisitor game we played we used Theatrix Core Rules for it, this time around I'm adapting it to Sorcerer. (mmmm conflicting humanity defs....empathy vs law....)

I'll be interested to see what you come up with for TROS.



Message 10668#113315

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On 4/8/2004 at 1:14pm, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Adapting TRoS for a more futuristic setting (long)

That Imperium website basically takes Inquisitor and melds it with WFRP to create the 40k RPG.

I'd considered using Sorcerer myself, but I'm currently using it to run a cyberpunk game so I wanted to use TRoS for this one. Besides I haven't ran a TRoS game in almost a year.

I feel that the comabt system will do do the game justice, but what sealed it for me were the SAs. The game I'm roughly planning has all the PCs being henchmen for an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus. The Inquisitor is knee deep in Sorcery and has gone Rogue, but the characters don't know this yet. How will they react when they find out their corrupt master has turned them all into heretics and outlaws?

Message 10668#113341

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