The Forge Reference Project


Topic: INDIE RPG AWARDS 2003 (Year 2004): HELP NEEDED
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 4/8/2004
Board: Connections

On 4/8/2004 at 7:13pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:

Hey all, this is one of two threads I'm creating on the subject of my awards. The other thread (on suggestions/feedback) is in the Publishing forum.

After a long hiatus (the 2002 awards were actually given last April), and a loose plan to start this year's Awards registration in the Spring and declare winners in the Fall, I've come again to my little Indie RPG Awards. ( )

As many of you know, I made them at some point last year just to give a little recognition and support for the Indie community. I wanted to set up an awards process that was voted on by Peers, I didn't want to vote for them myself, nor did I want to open it up to public vote. I wanted to spread a little cheer in the Indie community, and I think people had a good time with it. I did.

But it was a fucking lot of work for one guy. So much work that I've been thinking of closing shop on the awards.

Then I thought, "The Fuck? These awards aren't voted on by me alone, so why do I feel like the awards have to be completely managed from the ground up by me?" So that's where I am now. Here, on the Forge, asking for some volunteers to sign up to, over the next few months, help out a little bit on the awards.

If I get help, especially with registration and the like, it will free up my time to create and streamline the tools used in voting and the like. Help would be a godsend. But in the end, no help means no awards.

If you're interested in helping out, here's an idea of what I'd be having you do. I'll keep enlisting as many people as who want to help, although I may not use some folk (but will have them on standby if things get rough).

Here are the areas I need help on, and that I need volunteers to help with:

Registration of Voters
Registration of Games and Supplements
Registration of Games and Supplements Part 2: Coordinating with the Registrant to get all the needed data from them (cover thumbnail, blurb, etc)
Tallying Votes and Coordinating that Data
Marketing and Publicity: Posting to major RPG News sites
Marketing and Publicity Part 2: Actively hunting down known designers to submit stuff for the award
Help with Prizes

The amount of work I need comes to about, in it's busiest moments, somewhere between 2-3 hours of work a week. This "business" will only be for 2 weeks or so: One week in Spring, one in the Fall.

Now, if you volunteer, there may be something that you're familiar with from the above that you'd particularly be willing to do (Marketing, for example). But just note that I have far more need for Registration Help than anything else, so if you volunteer I'll probably ask you to help with that most.

The good news is that, from an initial inspection, there were far less Indie RPGs released in 2003 than there were in 2002, so the workload may be light. Bad news is, last year was kind of a haze, so I'm probably forgetting tons of folks.

Anyway, if you're interested in helping, let me know- Either PM me, or post here.

Here are some volunteers I gathered from the Birthday forum, but I could always use more:

Ron Edwards
coxcomb (for new award prizes)

Need more help! Apply within or by PM!

Message 10699#113436

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