The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Promoting a place to play
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 4/9/2004
Board: Publishing

On 4/9/2004 at 7:24am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Promoting a place to play

It just so happens that the ownership of the Seraphim Fan Network has been formally tranferred from Seraphim Guard to my personal use. So I'm opening upo the server to all systems and games -- anything that will atract people to come to my site and play.

What I'd like to know from the Forge membership is what the best way to let people know about the site and to get people to come to the site, stay, play, and possibly buy things from the online stores I'm going to be setting up. (I won;t get any actualy money from the stores, just store credit, so i will need to find another way to solicit donations to help with the expenses).

I'm open to any advice anyone might have, and I would like to invite all the publishers here to come to my site and host games. Any financial reward is entirtely voluntary -- there is no required charge for anything. (who'd pay a memberhsip fee anyway?)

Message 10706#113569

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