The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Card publishers
Started by: realms_creator
Started on: 4/12/2004
Board: Publishing

On 4/12/2004 at 12:54pm, realms_creator wrote:
Card publishers

Where can I find a publishers of cards? We are trying something new with spells. Instead of having them in a book.We want to have them done on deck of cards.

If anyone can help please email me at


Message 10751#114018

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On 4/12/2004 at 3:11pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Card publishers

I'm going through Print Master's India for my tcg.
The problem with printing cards is it is normally VERY costly. Stateside, you're going to find some insane prices on decks.
Delano is generally considered the best stateside for full game printing and have a minimum order of 1,000 units, but the quote I got from them ran about $7,000 (it was like $7.XX per deck).
Theres a smaller one in Arizona, MJS Creations, who do prototyping or small runs but thats very expensive as well and after 500 units they use Delano for their printing.
Print Masters can do decks for decks for 1.45 (with shipping), for a total order of $2900.

The other alternative? If you're printing a book, see if the printer can do perforated sheets and have card sheets included, printed on a decent business card or thicker stock. Or, print them on normal paper with guidelines for cutting and have the card slipped into a sleeve or so.

Message 10751#114058

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On 4/12/2004 at 8:32pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Card publishers

Are you publishing a game, or do you just want to try something different for a homegrown campaign?

If it's the former, I can't give you any better advice than daMoose did. If it's the latter, or you just want to try out the idea in playtest, you might want to try

Message 10751#114140

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On 4/14/2004 at 3:23am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Card publishers

Or, I did find this: with a good laser printer you can do the cards up cheaply if you pick up your own materials

Some nice links there to raw materials. ^_^

Message 10751#114482

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