The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Scene Framing?
Started by: jeffd
Started on: 4/12/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 4/12/2004 at 5:57pm, jeffd wrote:
Scene Framing?

I'm sure this has been covered - but unfortunately I'm a piss poor search engine user. :(

Are there any good Forge threads on the concepts behind scene framing? I'm also looking for threads on "scene agendas" (not sure if that's the term) where players can propose what thye want to happen in a scene.


Message 10757#114102

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On 4/12/2004 at 8:17pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Scene Framing?

Hey Jeff,

Here are some threads that should help you out. Some oldies but goodies.

My First Sorcerer Session
Scene Framing
Scene Framing and octaNe


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Message 10757#114132

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On 4/13/2004 at 6:57am, John Kim wrote:
Re: Scene Framing?

I have a few more links on it on my Threads-Referenced-by-Topic page:

Message 10757#114233

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