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Topic: Merits/gift and flaws collection project.
Started by: bergh
Started on: 4/14/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 4/14/2004 at 12:22am, bergh wrote:
Merits/gift and flaws collection project.

Sorry yet another idea of mine just came up!

I wanna be inspired to make a complete merit/gift and flaws list.

What i need you to do, is to make a name for your gift/flaws, and then maybe a ver short description of it. no rules is nessasary, i will make them. also no need to make it minor or major, i think that most gift and flaws have different levels and not fixed ones.

i will start:

Gift - Huge Size: You are really big for your race.
Gift - Good senses: you have really good senses
Gift - Elf Senses: (elf racial merit). You got superb senses.
Flaw- Bad senses: you got bad senses, maybe you have night-blindness.
Flaw- Ugly: you are very ugly by your races standard.
Flaw- Female: Womans are not regared as much in the dark ages..........
Gift- Animal friend: Animals seems to understand your bodylanguage.
Gift- Natural forester: Natural low diff on skills used in the wild.
Gift- Aua of majesty: Your presence is extremly awe inspiring.

Please continue, i will collect the sugjestions in a new post, when i think there enough, then we can continue adding.

Message 10786#114450

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On 4/14/2004 at 2:53am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Merits/gift and flaws collection project.


Huge size: Done. See 'Obese' in the corebook...
Flaw- Ugly Done. See the book.
Flaw- Female... no comment.
Gift- Animal Friend: Done, see 'Animal Kin'..

Otherwise, some of your ideas seem like a gift or flaw that either adds or subtracts to skills, attributes.. etc. and is very gamist in appearance. Not like that is necessarily a bad thing, but other people's views might differ.

Keep thinkin' though.

Message 10786#114474

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On 4/14/2004 at 9:40am, [MKF]Kapten wrote:
RE: Merits/gift and flaws collection project.

In a historically correct campaign, "female" really is a flaw. In a standard PC fantasy campaign it isnt. I can see where bergh is coming from with this flaw.

My own gifts/flaws:

Flaw - Fatal disease: You have a slow but fatal disease that will kill you in about half a year.
Gift - High pain threshold: You can take pain extremely well.
Gift and flaw - Touched by the gods: You behave a bit strange, giving you social penalties. OTOH you get visions that let you see into the future or some place where you arent.
Gift and flaw - Intelligent item: You get bonus SA but three SAs are keyed to the item. If you lose the item you lose those SAs until you recover the item.

Message 10786#114511

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On 4/14/2004 at 1:42pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: Merits/gift and flaws collection project.

Suggest the Flaw of "Female" be changed to "Flaw: Social Stigma", as follows:

You're a second-class citizen within your own culture, not due to formal class status (that's covered in Priority selection) but due to custom, tradition or prevalent local prejudice. The minor version of this Flaw inflicts a -1d penalty on any SOC rolls that involve getting someone of your own class or higher without this Flaw to take you seriously; the major version inflicts a -3d penalty.

As an example, noblewomen in the Middle Ages suffered the minor version of this Flaw; peasant women suffered the Major version (noble husbands tended to treat their wives at least marginally better due to the need to keep family alliances stable). Historically, Jews suffered the Major version in almost all Christian nations, though both they and Christians only suffered the Minor version in Muslim nations.

Message 10786#114527

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