The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The next stages in RPG evolution? (longish)
Started by: Palaskar
Started on: 4/14/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 4/14/2004 at 9:45pm, Palaskar wrote:
The next stages in RPG evolution? (longish)

After reading the post on game evolution at rpg-create, I've tried to extrapolate the next stages in RPG evolution. I would appreciate it if people could critique and help me clear up my thoughts.

So the evolution goes like this:

1. Primtive stage. There are, of course, procedures (algorithmic rules
if you will), but there are also lots and lots of prohibitions.

2. Intermediate stage. No prohibitions, only procedures.

3. Advanced stage. Still procedures, but now also a lot of formal
permissiveness when it comes to character creation (and perhaps also
character development)

***4 Encourage creativity in general. Formal permissiveness in chargen, task res, setting, and story

Give bonuses to "creative" (i.e. very colorful) actions in chargen, task resolution, setting and story.

5. Encourage creativity in chargen, task res, setting, and story. Near-total, implied permissiveness.

Allow creation of new rules, a la interaction between powers of Cosmic Encounter.

6. Group design and creativity in chargen, task res, setting and story. The group determines the limits of permissiveness.

Rules for chargen, task resolution, setting and story are determined before the game at the Social Contract level. The group determines the limits of the rules in the Social Contract.

7.On-the-fly design and creativity in chargen, task res, setting and story. The group determines the limits of permissiveness dynamically and organically through play.

Limits of permissiveness: Dynamic, organic Social Contract. Start with basic rules before the game and add rules as the group needs them.
Meta-rules:Rules for making rules
Techniques: Sample rules

8.On-the-fly design and creativity in universal principles determining limits of play as applied to chargen, task res, setting and story.

Social Contract/Play Style: Suggestions for Principles
Applied Principles: Creating Techniques (rules) as needed out of Principles.

9. "Invisible Principles." Principles are used to create Techniques only when called for. Otherwise, play proceeds by narration.

Social Contract/Play Style: Suggestions for Principles
Assigning Roles
Game Wildness and Tone
Invisible Principles:When and How to apply Principles to create Techniques.
When: When you don't know what to start with, or what happens next.
How: Obeys Social Contract, Rewards Play Style (G/N/S), or Rewards Game Wildness and Tone.
Specific: Gives definite, concrete result.
Specific: Gives point bonus to chargen, task res, setting and/or story.
Specific: Should be broadly applicable.

Message 10796#114612

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