The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Playtesters still needed for Signature RPG (long)
Started by: Palaskar
Started on: 4/14/2004
Board: Connections

On 4/14/2004 at 9:49pm, Palaskar wrote:
Playtesters still needed for Signature RPG (long)

Signature is a generic RPG. It uses neither point-based nor random character generation. Instead, you simply describe your character and assign appropriate Traits. Traits can be attrbutes, skills, perks, disadvantage, advantages, superhuman powers....pretty much anything. Note that there are no 'negative' Traits, since it is my opinion that 'negative' Traits can sometimes be advantage. For example, try persuing a character who is deaf!

Signature uses a single mechanic to control character generation, action resolution, the setting, and the story. It's a very grainy mechanic that works best for cinematic games. However, by limiting the amount of Wild Points (think Hero Points, Karma, etc. -- Wild point allow characters to boost their Traits, as well as do some other stuff) and assigning a Tone Bonus (a bonus that boosts actions appropriate to the setting's tone -- for example, a gritty game would get a Tactic Tone Bonus, making combat potentially much more deadly) gritty games can be modeled.

Signature uses the latest theory from the Forge for its mechanical layout. First people agree on a Social Contact. Then the game's mechanical system is addressed. Next players decide what kind of game they want to play. Finally, they use specific Techniques (applications of the mechanics) to create the game they want.

If you want to join the playtesters, join the group "44productions" at

Hope that's enough. Below my name is the blurb.

Michael Mendoza

Strengths of Signature:

Fast chargen: Come up with your Signature Trait and a brief paragraph describing it; or, if that's too hard, use one of the setting's suggested Signature Traits. That's it. You're done.

One mechanic: Signature relies on one basic mechanic for action resolution, character growth, -and- character recovery. The mechanic can handle any level of detail and any level of power.

Fast to learn: Because there is only one basic mechanic, Signature is fast to learn.

Simplicity: While other games may have several types of statistics, such as Attributes, Skills, Disadvantages, Advantages, etc. Signature has only one kind -- Traits, which all obey the same basic mechanic.

Breadth: Signature's Traits can be practically anything. They can be personality traits like Pendragon's Virtues, societies like Aria, even separate personalities like Wraith's Shadow. Just name the Trait and rate it.

Depth: There is no hard limit to how many Traits a character can have, so long as it is plausible that the character have that Trait at a given rating.

Fast setting generation: I usually spend only an hour creating "pocket settings" from my notes.

Easily set and change the level of heroism in a setting: Signature relies upon a system of Wild Points to determine how cinematic a setting is. Rules are given that allow a setting's cinematic feel to be changed from realistic to wild without having to change anything else in the setting.

Easily set and change the feel of a game: Signature has Behavior Rules that cover meta-game and in-game play, such as the "Tone Bonus" that gives bonuses to play that is in-tone with the setting. Want to change the tone? Change the Tone Bonus.

Easily change game continuity: Signature has "Carry-Over Traits" that
allow the GM to run games with continuity from episodic to soap opera. It's even possible to change continuity "on the fly" by re-introducing old Carry-Over Traits or ommiting recent ones.
Just the right amount of detail: Signature's mechanic can gloss over simple situations and provide in-depth play for important ones, at any time desired.

Just the right kind of detail: Ever had a player protest the "realism"
of a game's mechanic? Signature allows the Guide to designate one of the players as a "Simulator." Simulators adjudicate the "realism" of their
speciality and advise players on how their expert PCs should act to maintain thedesired level of "realism."

Automatic game balance: Signature's NPCs and other challenges are relative to theability of the PCs, making sure that the game is always balanced.

Living Setting: Signature is designed to support living, breathing settings and campaigns. Through Turning Points, it is easy in Signature to make a campaign thatprogresses on its own, but one which can still be influenced greatly by the PCs.

Supports Multiple Settings in a Single Campaign: All Signature settings use the same basic rules.

Message 10797#114614

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On 7/22/2004 at 1:28am, Juicetyger wrote:
RE: Playtesters still needed for Signature RPG (long)

You can post this to 1km1kt if you want. You might get some feedback there...

Message 10797#129093

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