The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Preliminary Design - Gamist Cubes & Narrativist Fate
Started by: Zak Arntson
Started on: 12/27/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/27/2001 at 10:58pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
Preliminary Design - Gamist Cubes & Narrativist Fate

Two different game ideas:


Competitive roleplaying corporate drones, a la Office Space (the movie). I wanted a game that uses cards, is competitive, and a commentary on my workplace.

Eye of Fate

Narrativist game where being a hero is far riskier and unattractive to, say, being a shepherd.

Actual Game Design notes to follow later ...

Message 1082#10136

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...started by Zak Arntson which Zak Arntson participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/27/2001

On 12/27/2001 at 11:03pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Preliminary Design - Gamist Cubes & Narrativist Fate

I say:

1) I love Cubes. We play. Soon.
2) Why are you working on this instead of Donjon Krawl? Grr.


Message 1082#10137

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/27/2001

On 12/27/2001 at 11:10pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Preliminary Design - Gamist Cubes & Narrativist Fate

On 2001-12-27 18:03, Clinton R Nixon wrote:
I say:

1) I love Cubes. We play. Soon.
2) Why are you working on this instead of Donjon Krawl? Grr.


1) Yes. I was thinking this weekend. My mother-in-law is staying with us and so my wife is busy. I haven't really seen my wife in a few weeks, except maybe Christmas day. So either this weekend or the first weekend AFTER I spend time with my wife.

2) I won't get in trouble typing into the little LiveJournal window at work. I'm also feeling the rush to get a monthly rpg out for December. I'm thinking Cubes, Eyes of Fate, Fungeon or um, possibly another. Votes?

3) I got some money for Christmas, and since we budgeted so awesomely for our own Christmas shopping, it equals extra money that doesn't go to debt. So I'm getting a domain name soon ... Harlekin-Maus will be official and all that!!

Message 1082#10138

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Zak Arntson which Zak Arntson participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/27/2001