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Topic: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play
Started by: Doyce
Started on: 4/20/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 4/20/2004 at 5:39pm, Doyce wrote:
[Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

Okay, after putting this off far too long, I have to get it down or I'm going to forget what happened (it's been all of 5 days now), so forgive the disorganization.

Due to some players calling in sick, we didn't do the normal DnD game on Friday (which is fast approaching final wrap-up). I'd been talking with that group about trying out some other games when the DnD stuff finished up, so I jumped on this opportunity to run... something. Anything. Whatever. While discussing ideas for a pick-up game, two of the players were VERY into the idea of the future apocalyptic sword-n-sorcery style "Clicking Sands" set up, so we decided to make up some characters for that and give it a try.

The players:
- Player 1, Robert, is a hard-core gamist DnD player with probably 15 years of GMing and play experience under his belt. This is one of those guys who plays it tough -- for better or worse, he's got most of the critters in the Monster Manual memorized, and he general plays tough-as-nails fighter types who are more than willing to call down Fireballs on their position if it means winning the fight. Interestingly, he came up with a character, kicker, and demon faster than anyone else, but that might have been because he was the most 'into' the setting at the outset. Reynaldo the scout/explorer and his demon Drex. (Character stats below if you don't want to check out the site link.)

- Player 2 had not been at all interested in my 'regular' Sorcerer game for a number of reasons, so it surprised me when she decided to show up anyway and try out the system for this game -- perhaps it was the S & S idea rather than the modern setting, who knows. Her participation had mixed results -- more on that below. Yu, a.k.a. "Slant Wiki" and his demon Mono no Awari (Stats below if you don't want to check out the site link.)

- Player 3 plays many different genres but has probably not played outside of d20 for the last four years (and hadn't played for several years before that). He was still interested in what the game had to offer (and certainly was one of the group most interested in the 'alternate' games I've been talking about). Like player 2, character generation was a slow and painstaking selection process for him. Phillia, Princess of Avalon and her demon Camus (Stats below if you don't want to check out the site link.)

- Player 4 was my wife, who was already somewhat familiar with the Sorcerer rules from our 'normal' game and who I asked to participate simply to help with rules stuff. She started slow with chargen, commenting that 'everything I wanted to do I'm doing in the other game" but then really took off once she got a new concept firmly in her head -- in the end, she went from "I can't think of anything." to "I picked too many demon abilities again." Grace, the "Business woman" and her demon Desddin (Stats below if you don't want to check out the site link.)

We talked about the setting in really broad terms and basically decided that "our" version of Clicking Sands would be sort of a mix of Mad Max (without the vehicles), Steel Dawn, and Blood of Heroes (one of my favorite flicks). I had some anime influences in the back of my head as well (Nausicaa, for example), but I kept them somewhat to myself for now.

The session, such as it was, pretty much consisted of Sorcerer-style character generation, though I think that it was only semi-sorc-style since several of the players instinctively kept their concepts to themselves and I was too busy trying to help everyone with the nuts and bolts (with three core books between four players and only one &Sword book) that I didn't take the time to get them into a more group-mode style -- remembering to do that would have helped me later, I think.

Once character generation was done, it was already 9pm and I decided that, for better or worse, I wanted to play through each character's kicker and give people a taste of what the system played like, but stop there.

I'm going to break the following down by player:

Stamina: 6 Cybernetics (Unnatural means), Military Training
Will: 3 Survivor
Lore: 1 Wanderer (Brush with the Unknown)
Past: 6 Scout/Outrider/Explorer
Price: -1 Scarred (difficulty in social situations)
Humanity: 6
Telltale: Radiation burn scars.
Description: A sun-baked, turban-wrapped explorer of the wastelands.
Kicker: Reynaldo was hired to lead a CityLord's group of soldiers into one of the Lost Citadels and return with "powerful magicks". Well, they got what they were after. Reynaldo got 'infected' and, several weeks later, returned to the CityLord to inform his employer that he had... survived. The lord deduced that Reynaldo had in fact become just the thing he was looking for and ordered his men to capture him.

Demon -- Drex, a parasite demon defined as a sentient nanotechnology symbiote. See the leading link for details, but Drex basically repairs Reynaldo's body very quickly and lends him some neural speed, extra senses, and combat effectiveness. Its telltale is the luminescent text that 'scrolls' under Rin's skin when his powers are actively in use. It's need is Sunlight (often and regular) and its Desire is Knowledge (it's been dormant a long time).

We started off with the Kicker as advertised, with a few added details -- the CityLord wanted to lull the PC into complacency before acting to 'collect' him, so I put the character in a private room with some 'trained' girls. They were somewhat frightened of him (see his Telltale), but things were proceeding 'normally' (think of the scene with the prostitute in Last Man Standing).

As mentioned, the player in this case is a longtime DnD player who enjoys playing combat types, so I wanted to show him how combat worked in Sorcerer. That informed a lot of how this scene developed.

When the CityLord acted, I gave the player a perception test to notice the guys creeping up on the room. His Demon conveys motion sense, so between his Cover and the Demon's power, he was rolling something like 12 dice. Wow.

So, he (easily) noticed the approach of bad guys from both the hallway and an adjascent maze of rooms. Is stated action was to throw the girl off of him, slip next to the hallway door, brandish his demon-granted special damage claws, and nail the first guy that came through the door. He was rolling his Perception dice into his Cover (ambushing fell under outrider, I figured), into his Stamina, plus the bonus dice for a good Tactic and the fun description of throwing the shrieking whore off the bed.

And he STILL lost initiative to THREE of the five guys coming in. My dice were hot. Sue me.

At any rate, this gave me the chance to explain how aborting your action for a decent defense roll. The player thought that sounded like a really good idea and even came up with a good description of the 'dodge' without any prompting from me (which impressed me, since we haven't been doing anything like this in the d20 game he's in) -- the doors opened before he could get to them and left him standing naked in the middle of the room with crossbows leveled at him -- he leapt straight up and grabbed the pipes along the ceiling.

Ugh. I got a single success on three of the attacks anyway, but with his Armor ability (defined as 'fast regen') that worked out to 3 lasting and 3 temp penalties as three bolts grazed him or passed through non-critical meat.

The next round, the player was down to an effective 0 on both Stamina and Cover and didn't have his bit Perception pool to roll from, so he had to get creative.

The character described Rin swinging forward and kicking the guy right in front of him in the chest, then using that momentum to swing his legs up over his body as he hung from the pipes, throwing himself backwards as one of the attackers coming from across the room passed under him in a lunge and he landed on the bed and bounced to the opposite door.

Nice. I gave him three dice total, starting from 0.

Against five guys... all rolling five dice. Ack.

Amazingly, he wins initiative on his kicking target and opts for a 1-die 'dodge' check against the two guys that beat his initiative -- he gets a 10. His Kick hits his guy and the rest of it goes to plan, with the added bit of color of the two narrow-narrow miss/grazes from the two attackers he dodged with a 10.

Next round, he's standing in front of one guy blocking his path out of the room via the 'back door', four guys behind him between him and the 'front door' (one penalized –2 from the kick), and a maze of rooms that the back door leads to, giving him a good chance of getting some cover.

Long story short: he gets about 4 successes on the guy in the door with an edged weapon attack and runs like hell, crossbow bolts "pooking" through the sliding corrogated-plastic shogi screens that demark the rooms.

Best part I haven't yet mentioned from this scene: when I described the rooms as sort of vaguely oriental, with sliding wall panels like Japanese homes, but with the paper replaced with old, yellowing, corrugated plastic -- the player liked that. Later, during the fleeing scene, I started describing the crossbow bolts zinging after his fleeing form, and he jumped in and added the sound of them punching through the plastic screens. Definitely had a meeting of minds there.

Yu, a.k.a. "Slant Wiki"
Stamina: 4 Unnatural Means
Will: 2 Prophetic
Lore: 4 Mad
Cover: 4 Immortal
Price: -1 Uncivilized
Humanity: 3
Telltale: Swears aloud in the dead tongues of the ancients.
Description: A crazy old Japanese man dressed in rags and smelling of stale camel urine.
Kicker: One of his most unnerving phophetic dreams (the death of his entire clan -- the remnants of the Japanese race) comes true.

Demon: Mono no Awari (Tears of Things to Come) Possessor, -4 Binding, The spirit of a dark kami. Need is consumption of entrails. Desire is Worship.

Well, win some, lose some. As well as the scene for Reynaldo went; Slant's stuff went the other way. The problem's generally started during character generation and the issue can be summarized by the simple fact that (not to be unkind), this player's style does not jibe well with game concepts in which 'paying a price' is intrinsic to the setting/system. Sorcerer is not the system for her. I think a lot of it boils down to that core premise behind the game -- "what will you give up for power?" That is simply not a question that interests her, because the answer is “I don’t want to give anything up, and I still want the power.” This bit of system-resentment was compounded by the player REALLY blowing the binding roll and knowing it (4 dice Stamina against Demon’s 5, and she rolled 1, 2, 3, 4), and then blowing the Humanity check and dropping to a 3.

Atop this and the constant low-grade resistance to things like “price” and so forth, the player’s kicker as it stood kind of left me cold. It comes down to the definition of a Kicker being "Something happens that (a) changes 'the way the world is' for the character and (b) asks the PC make a choice, where there are many possible choices."

The player came up with a weak kicker, and I tried to spike it, and did so poorly:

Player sez: My clan is dead. Their death was long, gradual, almost gentle, and foreseen by me.
GM sez: Umm… that really kinda boring and doesn't really... hmm. How about, "The clan is dead because a nearby volcano just blew up?"

The Problem: (a) nothing about either option really changes anything for the character, because it's something that you've had a couple hundred years to get used to (it’s foreseen), so there's no real life-altering change. (b) There's no choices presented as a result of the Kicker -- no one lives at the clan home anymore, so it's pretty much just time to leave... that's really the only choice you've got.

Later (the next day) I thought of a better kicker:
By community vote, the clan (your own descendants / children / grandchildren, whom you've raised and taught and nurtured!) name you a heretic and unanimously vote to have you exiled from the place you built.

It's not a perfect Kicker either but there's a little more drama there maybe. It establishes a number of new things about the PC's life (those I love revile me -- I'm outcast from the one place I call home). It also presents a number of interesting possible choices. (What do I do? Leave Peacefully? Kill everyone on the council and declare a theocracy led by myself? Set up a puppet governor possessed by my Demon? Kill everyone and leave a burning village behind me?)

Hmm. That's probably the problem with rushing right from chargen into playing kickers -- some of this stuff really needs a few hours to think about. :(

Anyway, we went with the Volcano thing, and the player set out across the Salt Flats (formerly the Sea of Japan) toward the more populated lands to the west, (and I like this next bit) scratching “the Prophecies” into the ground as he walks… 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 . . .

I cut forward a couple days and we see him having almost reached the edge of the salt flats, with the pillar of ash rising from the distant verdant plateau far behind him. He’s sun burnt, dehydrated, scraped up, and arguing with himself (or his possessor, who knows?)

We did a little bit with him getting off the salt flats and running into a small group of wagons who are avoiding an area controlled by bandits – unsuccessfully as it turns out, because someone spots the bandits coming up in the distance.

Ugh. Uninspired and uninspiring, or so I thought – as much as the player definitely wasn’t satisfied with their play, they emailed me a short bit of fiction the very next day and even came up with a really good Bang/Kicker to start their scene with next time:

New Bang: In the process of fighting the bandits (just to work out his frustration with his tribe being wiped out), Slant Wiki discovers that the bandit leader that he’s about kill is one of his descendants – some exile from the plateau who has (somehow) thrived in the outer world. Perhaps, he doesn’t realize it until he’s already dealt her a mortal wound and he has to decide if he wants to save her by making his demon jump into her and possess her. (Sort of a Vampire dilemma.)

So I don’t know – bad play, but the player obviously found a great deal of inspiration there despite it. Credit that to the setting and the game’s chargen, cuz it had nothing to do with me.

Stamina: 3 Arcane Regimen
Will: 6 Supreme Confidence, Social Magnet
Lore: 1 Naive
Cover: 6 Princess of Avalon (where’s Avalon? Who knows!)
Price: -1 Idealistic
Humanity: 6
Telltale: Her eyes are faintly luminescent (notable in dim lighting).
Description: A beautiful olive-skinned girl not yet out of her teens.
Kicker: The entire Royal family massacred while traveling. Phillia was sold into slavery and found herself in the clutches of a CityLord. She woke up with a slaver's "head" in each hand and the cell door wide open.

Demon: Camus -- Parasite, Binding -4
A sentient AI chip imprinted with the personality of an ancient French surrealist and recently implanted in her head. Desire: Power. Need: Adrenaline/Endorphins.

This thing is getting long, so let me sum up a bit… the player ‘came to’ standing in the jail cell (think of the jail cells in the beginning of Ladyhawk), naked, with the slaver’s head in her left hand and his other head in her right… and the slaver isn’t a mutant.

Yeah. Oww. Don’t blame me… player’s idea. Anyway, an unidentified voice in her head got her moving and gave her directions on how to get out of the jail; “Run! Turn here! No, Left! Into those shadows now, girl. Now!” She doesn’t know where the voice is coming from, but she’s too freaked out to think about it. Most of the guards she’s able to dodge (by using her Perception: Hearing), but one comes around the corner too fast and she ends up in a brawl against a truncheon-armed guard.

This combat was interesting simply because the character wasn’t really that combat-savvy and had to improvise a lot – the group learned how full defense gave +2 dice, aside from tactics and role playing. She got a little clipped by the club at one point and the demon started shouting orders – at one point it told her to ‘just relax and let me handle it’, which led to a Will contect (+4 in the demons favor) that the player, incredibly, won. After a few exchanges (in which Psychic Force made an appearance), she managed to get Total Victory on a full dodge and trip him within arms reach of the prisoners along the hallway – she ran while they tore at his clothing and hair.

When faced with a spiral staircase, the player decided to try going down in hopes that they wouldn’t look for her there. She found ancient catacombs beneath the prison (which themselves lie beneath the city that Reynaldo and Player 4 are currently in) that reminded me very strongly of… I want to say the Scarlet Citadel? The Conan stories with the big snake in the wizard’s dungeon. Anyway.

The PC gets in an introductory argument with her demon, still trying to figure out what’s going on. She bioluminesces in response to the darkness around her, and tentatively continues into the catacombs, looking for a way out.

Stamina: 3 Just healthy
Will: 5 Zest for life, Lover
Lore: 2 Apprentice (to the sorcerer Markov)
Cover: 5 'Business' Owner
Price: -1 Unlucky in Love
Humanity: 5
Telltale: ‘Arcane’ tattoo on her behind.
Description: Blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin.
Kicker: A man shows up at her "business", asks to speak to owner -- enters the office with Grace and immediately greets Desdin by name.

Demon: Desdin. Inconspicous. -2 Binding. A ‘shapeshifting’ metallic bracelet on her wrist.
GM Note: Desdin is the most ‘traditional’ demon of the bunch… as such, he’s the hardest to figure out in terms of the ‘rules’ of demons for the Clicking Sands setting – the player’s thinking of a shadowy inconspicuous demon that lives in the bracelet (and which he uses to project armor over his master when necessary by “growing” it out over her) and who can come out when he wants to – it’s that ‘coming out’ thing that we’re having problems reconciling with the ‘technology sufficiently advanced’ view of sorcery in this setting.

So the guy shows up. He’s bearing an odd metallic staff, engraved in a way not unlike Desdin-bracelet. He says something directly to Desdin and then tells Grace that Desdin belongs to him, that the thing… left him (here I suddenly tucked my left hand inside my sleeve to make it look like a stump and the players all grin) and he wants it back. Grace demurs, and the guy freaks out – cue sorcerer battle inside a flammable room.

And let me tell you, when two sorcerers face off, each with Special Damage Lethal attacks (she has a radiation/microwave beam and his staff projects fire), it’s a DAMN SHORT FIGHT.

Grace tried to keep it ‘polite’ for a bit – knocking the staff aside, kneeing him in the groin and going for submission holds, but he kept going for the ‘big guns’ to take her down. Desdin was curiously (player: you mean “suspiciously”) reluctant to fight the guy, but after a little negotiation Grace got him to join in with his own Special damage, lethal (disease/rot) microwave beam that dropped the guy to exactly double stamina (AFTER getting half back at the end of the fight). I rule that the office is on fire and the guy is unconscious and probably dead in the middle of the room (and I’m already making his Will check to come out of it and make his escape when Grace flees the fire).

I never got the chance. Grace wasn’t willing to let her “business” go up in flames, so she used Warp to seal up the windows and shutters as best she could, grabbed the staff, ran outside the room, sealed the entrance, and basically kept people dousing all the interior walls and the building’s roof until the fire smothered itself out – the room was gutted, but the building was intact – and no one could have escaped that room.


A few thoughts:
- Players went for more extreme stats in this setting than they did in the modern setting.
- Wow, the demons have a whole lot of dice on their side from the Bindings. No sorcerer has an advantage.
- The 'setting mods' were interesting -- people didn't quite want to go to the extremes of 'thousands of years in the future' idea and kept it within, probably, a couple hundred years of the "Great Fire" (which Slant Wiki, being Immortal, actually remembers -- or he thinks he remembers it -- or he's crazy, who knows?)

I’ve got more to write about this, but for now I’m just going to get it posted and perhaps put some thoughts in a follow-up post.

Message 10881#115599

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On 4/20/2004 at 6:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

Hi Doyce,

That's probably the problem with rushing right from chargen into playing kickers

You said a mouthful. That phrase might be repeated about six times throughout your post. Basically, what it really means is that you had no back-story, no relationship map (even a simple one), and no NPC-passions a-blazin' beyond those merely implied in the Kickers. It's like seeing several firecrackers pop off (corresponding to each character) without being next to one another or among flammable material. It also means (as you recognized) that you, and here I speak collectively, with an insufficient Kicker for a character. In fact, that was probably the best example ever of a counter-productive pseudo-Kicker ... you see how conveniently it removed the Premise-potential of family and clan ties from the character? "She's wandering about for no reason, free of all relationships ..."

Now, all told, is this a "bad Doyce! bad, bad!" post? Nah, not at all. Some of it was quite brilliant and it sounds like everyone is ready to play again. But remember, the pressure is now on you, the GM, in a way that it typically isn't for Sorcerer after play gets going. You need to prep. Check out my Necromancy threads in the Adept Press forum for extensive examples.

Consider, too, your advantages.

1. A hard-line habitual Gamist is actually only one li'l reward-system shift away from being a hard-line Narrativist. The common perception that Gamism is the "way way over there, far from us, we hope" mode of play is actually a baseline-Sim phenomenon. Embrace your Gamists; they've already got the stuff it takes to invest appropriately in Sorcerer play. It's just a matter of what it's "about" socially.

2. A player who is quite willing to rip open the Veil in the first scene of play. I couldn't tell, or maybe just missed it - is a man or woman playing Phillia? If the player is female, and if you are observing a nude penis (severed or not) in the player-authored Kicker, then you are off to the races.

3. Your wife is playing a character with Lover, Zest for Life, and Unlucky in Love embedded in her descriptors. You must capitalize on all of those ASAP using all the dirty inside knowledge that you have. Just twist it into new shapes. Note that her Kicker didn't have anything to do with them, though, which is why your prep for session #2 is going to require major input and effort on your part. And I strongly recommend that you do not consult with her prior to that session - a common failing in married GMs, by the way, and to be highly discouraged in Sorcerer.

So you're cooking with gas. I'm looking forward to the next one.


Message 10881#115619

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On 4/20/2004 at 8:11pm, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

Ron Edwards wrote: Hi Doyce,

That's probably the problem with rushing right from chargen into playing kickers

You said a mouthful. That phrase might be repeated about six times throughout your post.

Absolutely. I said as much to the players before we started to play through the kickers and acknowledged that, while we'd be disjointed as a result, I wanted to give the players some 'pay off' by letting them get to 'do something' with their characters, if that's what they wanted. They did.

Basically, what it really means is that you had no back-story, no relationship map (even a simple one), and no NPC-passions a-blazin' beyond those merely implied in the Kickers.

Yes, absolutely... and no, not quite. I did actually have a rudimentary 'Map laid out based loosely on Yojimbo. That's a pretty basic plot, but the NPC desires are there in spades. That said, what I want to do (as a result of the kickers) is lay in a second framework in which the principle NPCs want the PCs... or the PCs help... or the PCs demons, because it is through this 'magic' that the NPC in question thinks they will gain control.

The players did a GREAT job (with one exception, again) of framing their characters in what can easily be the same City (we decided it looked a bit like a mercantile Pig-Town, but up on a mesa that was riddled with abandoned tunnels... old mines? Who knows?

So, with the exception of Slant Wiki (and I'm not convinced he is an exception, actually; that might be giving in too easily), the PC kickers all point at the Powers What Is of the city making plays to gather up Sorcerous power under their banners.

It's that opportunity to play each faction against the others that I need to lay out clearly in the R-Map to bring that Yojimbo theme out :) I suppose the Premise is something like "Can Power give you real Control?"

you see how conveniently it removed the Premise-potential of family and clan ties from the character? "She's wandering about for no reason, free of all relationships ..."

Exactly. That's almost exactly how I put it in an email to the player while we talked about it the next day.

Check out my Necromancy threads in the Adept Press forum for extensive examples.

Funny you should mention those (glances at other open window).

[code]1. A hard-line habitual Gamist is actually only one li'l reward-system shift away from being a hard-line Narrativist.[/code]

Something that I was glad to see illustrated so well in the recent Gamism and Narrativism thread that compares the two styles -- that thread focused all kinds similarities in challenge/reward for me that will really help me pull that player in further. He already really rose to the challenge in descriptive and tactical combat -- he sees himself as a sound gaming-tactician and (I think) sees the 'open' story-input format as a real chance to prove it. (Probably kind of Step On Up in action, but if he's engaged.... :)

A player who is quite willing to rip open the Veil in the first scene of play. I couldn't tell, or maybe just missed it - is a man or woman playing Phillia?

It's a guy -- I should have mentioned that -- so no, it's not quite as mind-blowing as possible.

You remember that example of character creation in Donjon where one of the players says to another: "Dude, you always play chicks."? Well, it's not that bad, but it's pretty predictable. :)

Your wife is playing a character with Lover, Zest for Life, and Unlucky in Love embedded in her descriptors. You must capitalize on all of those ASAP using all the dirty inside knowledge that you have.

Pure evil. I love it. I want to point out that it was your description of the fun dynamics possible in those various Price and Descriptors that gave her the idea for her "Honest Businesswoman" character to begin with -- she's the full-blown hooker-turned-madam who can't seem to get close to anyone without it getting "complicated" -- definitely not her typical character type.

I strongly recommend that you do not consult with her prior to that session - a common failing in married GMs, by the way, and to be highly discouraged in Sorcerer.

No worries. It was many years ago that she first told me "Shut up, I don't want to hear it, I want to play it."

Like you (and, thankfully, the players) I'm looking forward to our next chance to play as well -- I only hope we can arrange for it to be soon.

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Message 10881#115643

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On 4/20/2004 at 10:20pm, DannyK wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

Very cool. Thanks for posting this -- I love the Clicking Sands setting, and it's cool to see what someone else has done with it.

Reading through the characters, Yu really seems like the odd man out, in terms of Kicker, backstory, and Demon. Was that obvious to you from the start, and if so did you anticipate a problem coming up?

Message 10881#115694

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On 4/20/2004 at 10:55pm, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

DannyK wrote: Reading through the characters, Yu really seems like the odd man out, in terms of Kicker, backstory, and Demon. Was that obvious to you from the start, and if so did you anticipate a problem coming up?

Did I expect possible problems? Maybe, mostly because I knew that sorcerer was not that player's cuppa. The kicker problem refleced that.

I think the player went with a possessor demon simply because she knew no one had picked that in any game yet, and selected it because of that.

Finally, backstory, which developed during the play of Kickers. The other players picked up on the setting bits from previous player's turns and ran it up a bit further, plus I was drawing pieces together. Conversely, with Yu I had the player rejecting the desert wasteland thing in lieu of another environment and making some assumptions with the timeline and setting that just left him hanging out in left field -- that's fine with me -- I don't need everyone together to enjoy myself, but I had to make the player aware that putting him out there like that would leave him cut off from the other PCs for the entire story arc.

I should have mentioned cross-gender stuff: Phillia is being played by a guy, and Yu is being played by a woman -- everyone else matches gender. Seems like I forget to mention that fairly often.

Message 10881#115700

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On 4/20/2004 at 11:19pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

Perhaps you spent many a day lurking on the Sorcerer forum before posting, but assuming not...I've not seen anyone immediately grasp and run with the core concepts of Sorcerer so quickly.

These threads are gold.

Message 10881#115705

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On 4/21/2004 at 12:08am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Sorcerer] Clicking Sands Actual Play

Valamir wrote: Perhaps you spent many a day lurking on the Sorcerer forum before posting, but assuming not...I've not seen anyone immediately grasp and run with the core concepts of Sorcerer so quickly.

Heh, well, I suppose that depends on who you ask :) (Looks at Ron's "Motorboat" award dubiously.)

Let me turn that (great) compliment around, though, because I'm just standing your shoulders: I'd say I've been digging into the Sorcerer threads seriously since about late February... maybe March, but I have to point this out -- there are so many great threads now that a person can use to help out with the possible pitfalls of starting a new Sorcerer game for the first time. Everyone's early questions (yours, Jesse's, Clinton's, and dozens of others) over the last couple years grew that base of knowledge.

Message 10881#115716

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