The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Index to Son of Iron Game Chef: Fantasy
Started by: Walt Freitag
Started on: 4/20/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 4/20/2004 at 7:57pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
Index to Son of Iron Game Chef: Fantasy

Index to Son of Iron Game Chef: Fantasy

Please let me know about any omissions, errors, broken links, etc.


The Battle of Frozen Waste
Eero Tuovinen
complete draft
background; style and goals
The Bag and stones
Play preparation; Conflict resolution
Waiting for Dawn

Seadog Tuxedo
Jonathan Walton
complete draft
cover copy
System, Part One
Materials & Setup
System, Part Two
additional Dawnwine rule
image: characters
System, Part Three

Piers Brown
game text

Terra Australis
Zak Arntson
complete draft
concept description
intro and overview
Setup and Example Script
mechanics (state machine)

Broken Vows (The Dawn of the Final Judgement)
concept description
game text

(originally Dawn on the Island of Ice)
cover copy
game text
revised game text

(originally Four)
Jack Aidley
character stats
setting (fiction)
Character Creation; Rolling the Bones
game text

Wizards of Ice and Twilight
Alan Barclay (Alan)
character creation; resolution
game text

Snow from Korea
Shreyas Sampat
complete draft
link to character sheet
cover copy
How to Play
Optional Rules
More Schools

Snow Day!
- or -
Fort Joey Must Fall!

Hans (hanschristianandersen)
complete draft
cover copy
Core Mechanic
small correction
Making Ice Monsters
Snowball Fights
Assaulting Fort Joey
Scene Structure
Thermoses and Cocoa
Neighborhood perils
[]Midnight Moonlight Magic!
[]Gold Stars

a dweomerpunk fantasy setting

John Laviolette (talysman)
[]part 2
[]part 3 (magic)
[]part 4 (setting)
[]part 5 (gameplay)
[]Curses clarification

Island at the Dawn of Time
Alexander Cherry (Lxndr)
[]cover copy
[]Basic Character/Game Mechanics
[]game text

Dawn of the Day of the Monsters (A Atomic Fantasy)
[]announcement of intent
[]teaser for the teaser
[]Preview, with character samples
[]Weapon, Vehicle, and Shelter rules
[]main game text

(originally Isolation Therapy)
Darcy Burgess (Eggo von Eggo)
[]intro (game text part 1)
[]game text part two
[]game text part three
[]game text part four

Walt Freitag
[]cover copy
[]Part 1: Preparations and Char Gen
[]Part 2: Game Mechanics
[]Conflict Cards

The Dance and the Dawn
[]cover copy
[]Laws of the Waltz
[]game text

The Mountain Witch
Tim (timfire)
[]cover copy
[]Mechanic Preview
[]game text

God Lore: The Chronicles of the Immortals
[]final, Part One
[]final, Part Two
[]final, Part Three
[]final, Part Four
[]cover copy

Ben Lehman
[]Web link to consolidated game text
[]cover copy
[]As it was Before
[]The Mistake in Time
[]As it is Now
[]Description of Attributes
[]Player Character Creation
[]How to Play
[]The Life of a Knight
[]On Traits
[]Conflict Resolution
[]Experience and Refreshes

Diamonds Are Forever
(originally Forever)
[]game text

Fantasy Ice Breaker #1: The Dragon’s Lair
Jonathan Nichol (quozl)
[]game text

Frigid Bitch
Alexander Cherry (Lxndr)
[]game text

The Dangerous Island of Much Treasure and Terror!
[]game text

Trouble in the Island Kingdoms
Rich Forest
[]concept description
[]PART 1
[]PART 2 (GM info)

The Fall of Atlantis and the Dawn of Human History
Eero Tuovinen
[]game text

At the Dawn
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan (greyorm)
[]cover copy
[]game text

Habakkuk – the Iceberg Ship
Dwayne (dalek_of_god)
[]game text

The Brotherhood
Eero Tuovinen
[]game text

Children of the North:
Assault of the Frozen Isle of the Lich-Lord

Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer (xiombarg)
[]game text

Terminator Line
Role-playing at 1700 kph

James Sterrett
[]game text

Dilmun, the Islands of Dawn: Assault of the Black Ice
[]game text
[]Technology; Assault; Magic
[]Spoilers (GM notes)

Alexander Cherry (Lxndr)
[]game text

Christopher Weeks
[]game text

The Days and Nights of Onna Oa
[]game text

Whispers in the Door
a Snow From Korea variation

Shreyas Sampat
[]game text
[]link to character sheet

Four Walls and a Funeral: Roleplaying Behind Bars
Designer X
[]game text

2. GAMES WHOSE CHEFS FORMALLY BOWED OUT (All worth a look anyway.)

Ice Dawn
[]bowing out

(originally Assault Force ICE DAWN)
John Harper
[]cover copy
[]Pre-Game Prep: Making the Cards
[]bowing out

Dawn of the Damned
Mark Johnson
[]cover copy
[]bowing out

Daniel Solis (Gobi)
[]cover copy
[]bowing out

Tom (Bluegargantua)
[]concept description
[]more detailed concept description, and bowing out

[]cover copy
[]bowing out

BADASS the roleplaying game
Vincent (lumpley)
[]bowing out

Matt Snyder
[]teaser and link to logo image
[]overview, and bowing out

of Dragons and Men

Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan (greyorm)
[]cover copy


Forty-five different games were described (counting Shreyas’s Whispers in the Door as a separate game from Snow From Korea).

Of those 45 games, the designers bowed out on only nine of them, and that’s counting Raven’s DawnFire which was more a "here’s a game I won’t have time to submit" post at the last minute than a bowing out.

No one "abandoned" a game. Every designer of every game either formally bowed out, or submitted substantial content (whether any given game is "completed" is of course difficult to define).

That leaves thirty-six hefty main-course games for our Chairman to sample and judge. Holmes-sama has reaped the whirlwind.

The steady geometric progression of numbers of entries (9 – 17 – 36, IIRC) with each Iron Game Chef raises interesting questions about the future of the sport.

Who is "Designer X"? A bit of intrigue in Kitchen Stadium this time!


[url=]Last time I did an Iron Game Chef index, I listed the games in order of their first posting of "substantive content," but this time the line between teasers, cover copy, and short introduction text was just too hard to draw. So I listed them in order of their first mention in the thread (whether or not that first mention included the title, and whether or not the title was changed later).

Categorizing the short initial posts is a bit tricky. I hope no one feels too misrepresented. "Cover copy" means brief text consisting primarily of in-game-world description of setting, global situation, and/or the population from which the player-characters are drawn. "Intro" is a combination of cover copy (however brief) and comments about the game design (however brief). An "overview" is a longer (longer than about a page length) "intro." Preliminary comments about the game entirely on the design and concept level ("This game will use Cool Whip and cigarette lighters as the basis of its resolution system") I’ve linked as "concept description." A title or image alone, with no description, I’ve linked as "teaser."

Where posts are given their own titles besides the title of the game (such as "Part 1" or "Core Mechanic") I’ve used those titles for the link. Otherwise I’ve tried to characterize the main content of the post as accurately and briefly as I could.

In cases where later drafts were posted reiterating substantial amounts of material in previous posts, I put the "complete draft" (didn’t want to call it "final draft" for obvious reasons) links at the top of the list, then "history:" to set off the original sequence of posts. This was to minimize the chance of readers reading long passages without realizing that revised versions of the same passages were available.

For contributors’ names I used byline names or sig names where they’ve appeared on the posts, followed by the username in parens if different from the sig name. And of course, just the username for those who posted without bylines or sigs (even if I happen to know the real name).

My meticulousness doth blot out the sun, and yet a post with so many urls and so many fiddly little numbers in the urls must contain errors. Let me know and I’ll post corrections and updates.

- Walt

On 4/20/2004 at 8:19pm, Dav wrote:
RE: Index to Son of Iron Game Chef: Fantasy


I love you.


Message 10885#115647

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On 4/20/2004 at 8:39pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Index to Son of Iron Game Chef: Fantasy

Quick reply to say: I double-checked my links for you, and they're good. Thanks a hell of a lot for doing this. Just in grabbing my own post urls for my final draft was a pain in the ass. Sheesh. You get a medal. In the shape of a chef hat. Or maybe a hat shaped like a medal. Something.

Message 10885#115663

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On 4/20/2004 at 9:17pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Index to Son of Iron Game Chef: Fantasy

I too checked the links to my works, and they're flawless. Thanks for the work, it must have been grueling. We value you immensely for it.

For anyone else: I suggest that everybody need not start telling how great the index is. We do have so standards here in the Forge about filler posts, IGC or not. We have a couple of comment threads for people feeling like gabbing about the competition:

The After Action Report, a general feedback thread.

The Lesson thread, for what you learned from this.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 10883
Topic 10867

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