The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Status update
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 4/24/2004
Board: Chimera Creative

On 4/24/2004 at 1:54am, Matt Snyder wrote:
Status update

Here's a quick update on where things stand for Chimera Creative in general and Nine Worlds in particular.

I've been incredibly busy with real life stuff for about the last month and a half. As in: Never busier in my life. Just freakin' nutso! And, my wife's about ready to have our 2nd baby! Any day now! It's crazy here.

So, work on writing Nine Worlds (specifically, the setting chapter and "how to play" chapter) hasn't progressed as much as I'd like. But, it HAS progressed, and continues to do so. The setting chapter is shaping up nicely so far.

My greatest concern, however, was that I did not have funds to get Nine Worlds printed in a more professional level format (as opposed to my "garage band" production I do for Dust Devils). However, a fortunate windfall has almost entirely eliminated any problems with funding!

So, to sum it up ...

Bad news: Slow going and insane life schedule is delaying the Nine Worlds's release some. Hopefully, a GenCon release is still on target.

Good news: Fortunate windfall means a substantial print run (substantial, that is, for a one-man indie operation) with good quality.

Message 10925#116211

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...from around 4/24/2004

On 4/24/2004 at 6:20am, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Status update

Cool, Matt. Thanks for the update! Good luck with the new human, and keep chugging on 9W - I'm looking forward to it.

Message 10925#116226

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...started by ethan_greer which ethan_greer participated Chimera Creative
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On 4/29/2004 at 1:30pm, Neil wrote:
Good luck with imminent arrival...

...and save me a copy.

Best of.

Message 10925#116988

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...started by Neil which Neil participated Chimera Creative
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...from around 4/29/2004

On 4/29/2004 at 2:30pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Status update

Ethan: I'll keep chuggin'. No new human yet....any time now!

Neil: Will do! Good to hear from you.

Message 10925#116991

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Chimera Creative
...including keyword:

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...from around 4/29/2004