The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Own fanzine?
Started by: Pilger
Started on: 4/25/2004
Board: Publishing

On 4/25/2004 at 3:16am, Pilger wrote:
Own fanzine?

Talking about indie rpgs isn't such a popular thing, but this forum seems to be a real treasure :)
Me, some other germans and some austrians try the same back here in the old world, if you like, take a look (but it's all german, so sry).

But back to topic - or just better start it ;)

For my own rpg I made a pdf-magazin called Ashherold and think its very good for some extra info and to motivate myself.

Ever tried such a fanzine? What are your experiences? Have you any link?

Message 10936#116300

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On 4/25/2004 at 12:07pm, Matt wrote:
RE: Own fanzine?

The best PDF 'zine I've seen was Daedelus, and I strongly recommend you check it out.

With any 'zine the problems are time (lack of it) and motivation (getting other people to contribute). This is something I've dicovered from running Realms.


Message 10936#116341

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