The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Published Your CCG?
Started by: apeiron
Started on: 5/2/2004
Board: Publishing

On 5/2/2004 at 10:08pm, apeiron wrote:
Published Your CCG?

@ Have any of you published your Collectible Card Game? If you have please share your war stories here. i've been working on one for ages and i'd really like to have it see the light of day.

@ While not exactly RPG, the question does concern independent games and their publication.

Message 11035#117390

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...started by apeiron which apeiron participated Publishing
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...from around 5/2/2004

On 5/3/2004 at 1:43am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Published Your CCG?

Near as I can tell, at the moment I'm the only CG publisher present. I have some RP design concepts I'm working through here however, and I've *tried* to keep most of my discussion on the product related to publishing and marketing concepts.

A) For the most part, unless it relates to "Publishing" in general (marketing avenues, printers, etc) I've found the Forge to generally frown on CG DEVELOPMENT on the forum. This is understandable, its a place to design RPG's- better to do one thing well than everything poorly. Focus is a good thing ^_^
Publishing it is a common bond though as both fields are about the same for someone trying to break in. In that department, I've found this place wonderfully receptive and capable of answering my questions on that.

B) I'll talk with you (or anyone) over PM's on CG publishing. Actually, at the suggestion of another member I think I'm going to be writing something up on how to publish a CG on a budget (but it IS expensive budget or no!)

Just get a hold of me, let me know what you need/want to know ^_^

Message 11035#117417

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On 5/3/2004 at 1:34pm, apeiron wrote:

@ i'm checking out Final Twilight.

@ We should be safe having a thread about ccg publishing , as you said, it all relates to publication. i would love to read the story of how you brought your game into being, and making a guide of some sort would be lots of help to me and othey ppl on this forum. i look forward to it!

Message 11035#117452

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by apeiron which apeiron participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 5/3/2004